In today’s article we are going to be talking about the Coway MLM.
You may have been approached by a representative of this company about starting your own home business selling Coway products.
After the global lockdowns of 2020, there are more people than ever entertaining the idea of starting a small business that they can operate from their home.
So that nobody can ever shut down your income again.
So you might be intrigued by this opportunity to start your own home business, but you figured you should probably do some research into this company before just blindly jumping in.
Good for you.
You might have been told by the Coway representative that this was going to be a very easy way to make a living…
But you should know that there are 2 sides to this coin.
And in this Coway review, we are going to be talking about the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Before we get into it, let’s briefly talk about how this company got started.
Who Owns Coway? | A Coway History
The Coway MLM was founded in 1989 by Woongjin Coway.
The company was started and is based in South Korea, but they have seen explosive growth and now operate in 6 continents worldwide.
The Coway business and their products have certainly achieved global brand recognition and in 2021, they generated over $700 million (USD) in revenue.
The company puts a heavy focus on health, sustainability, and green development…
Even before it was the “cool” thing to do.
So before we talk about how Coway has achieved all this growth and how you could tap into this…
Let’s talk about what you would be selling if you decided to take action on this.
Coway Products
Coway is a global leader in the production and distribution of water and air purifiers.
The Coway products have a modern, simplistic design and are quite intuitive in its use and functionality.
You can see in the video above that intense research has gone into the development of Coway products.
Let’s talk about the 3 main items that you would be selling as a Coway representative.
Coway Air Purifier
The Coway air purifier can effectively capture 99.9% of particles from the air you breathe.
According to the company, it can capture particles as small as 0.01 microns — smaller than most viruses.
They even claim that it can capture 99.9% SARS-Cov-2 (COVID-19) particles from the air… although in North America you would probably get in some trouble for making claims like this!
According to the Environmental Protection Agency:
To be effective in removing viruses from the air, [an air cleaner] must be able to remove small airborne particles (in the size range of 0.1–1㎛
Coway also has an app for your cell phone that integrates with the device so that you can monitor air quality, set a timer, and even turn the device on or off remotely.
Coway Water Filter
Did you know that only 1% of the earth’s water can be used for drinking?
Not only that, but over 63 million Americans are exposed to unsafe drinking water.
And one million plastic water bottles are purchased every minute across the globe.
For these reasons, water filtration systems are an absolute necessity for millions of people worldwide.
The Coway water filtration system connects directly to your plumbing so that you never have to wait for your purified water.
According to Forbes Magazine:
The Aquamega 100 doesn’t use apps or electricity; the eco-friendly system uses a three-step filtration system that works entirely through the pressure of water.
Coway Bidets
Oh ya, you read that right.
Coway sells bidets, too.
These bidets are designed to work with almost every major brand of toilet, and are designed for either elongated or round toilet seats.
These bidets are adjustable at every level.
At the touch of a button, you can adjust water pressure and temperature. You can even adjust the seat temperature and air drying pressure.
Here’s what Ecowatch had to say:
Coway includes a lot of accessibility features in their bidet seats, as well as an eco-mode to reduce the energy consumption of the unit.
Is Coway Worth It?
Coway products are competitively priced, especially when you consider all the features that their products include.
For example, the Bio Bidet Bliss is priced at nearly $600 on Amazon, while the Coway bidet is just over $400.
Is Coway Good?
To be completely honest with you, I have never personally used Coway products. I live in Canada and we have some of the cleanest fresh water on earth.
But I have to be honest…
After doing the research for this article, I may just have to invest in one of these bidets!!
Plus, Coway product reviews on Amazon are overwhelmingly positive. I would feel very confident in buying any Coway product.
The Coway MLM Business Model
When you sign up to build a business with the Coway MLM, you would become an independent distributor of the Coway products.
Coway calls these distributors Life Care Specialists.
As a Life Care specialist, you can choose to become a Preferred Customer or an Independent Business Owner.
As a Preferred Customer, you would receive discounts on Coway products.
But as an Independent Business Owner, you have the ability to sell the products and earn a commission for each sale you make.
It’s important to understand that becoming a distributor for Coway is not a JOB…
This means that you do not get paid for your time…
You get paid for results.
So if you do not make any sales, then you do not make any money.
Is Coway An MLM?
We’ve already alluded to this…
But yes, the Coway business model is based on MLM (multi level marketing), also commonly referred to as network marketing or direct sales.
This means that there are 2 main ways in which you can earn income:
- By personally selling products
- By building a sales team to sell for you
In order for you to take full advantage of the Coway compensation plan, you will want to focus on both of these 2 earning paths.
When you recruit somebody into your sales team, you will earn a commission for every single sale that person makes.
Not only that…
But the people you recruit can also build their own sales team.
And you can earn commissions from those sales as well.
In fact, you can earn commissions from members several levels deep into your organisation.
Over time, this can add up to a very big team.
Meaning you will earn a lot of small commissions which will add up to one really big income.
The Coway business opportunity also allows you to rent out equipment to customers.
This is another powerful way to earn income because it means that one customer would pay a monthly fee.
And by extension, you would earn a monthly commission from a single customer, again and again.
To gain a deeper understanding of how network marketing works, you can read this full MLM analysis here.
There are a lot of misunderstandings about the Coway network marketing business… which is probably why you’re reading this review.
So let’s talk about these Coway pyramid scheme allegations.
Is Coway A Pyramid Scheme?
Let’s cut right to the chase…
The answer is no.
The Coway pyramid scheme allegations are completely unfounded.
So why the confusion?
Why are so many folks sceptical about the Coway business model and network marketing in general?
It’s because over the last few decades, there have been several illegal Ponzi and pyramid schemes that operated under the disguise of legitimate network marketing.
And when these pyramids inevitably collapsed, they received a lot of negative and very noisy media coverage.
And for good reason…
Many unsuspecting and innocent people really got screwed.
So what is the difference between MLM and pyramid schemes?
In a pyramid scheme, you would simply be paying for a spot in a pyramid shaped organisation.
That’s it.
That’s all you get for your money.
When you join a pyramid, you would be incentivised to recruit more people into the pyramid so that you could get paid.
The people at the top get rich, and the people at the bottom lose their money when the pyramid comes crumbling down.
The problem is, there are no desirable products or services sold into the marketplace.
And that’s really what sustains any business…
It’s the demand for the products that a business sells that can keep the business functioning.
So it stands to reason that if there is a “business” that doesn’t sell any desirable products, then the market can not sustain it.
That’s really what it comes down to.
All sustainable businesses are simply a value for value exchange.
Consumers trade their money (value) for a product or service that they want (value).
In the Coway business, the only way that money exchanges hands is when a product is sold.
It’s really not that different from any other type of traditional business model.
The difference is the way by which the products are marketed and distributed into the real economy.
What About The “Pyramid” Shape?
You might still be sceptical though…
Many folks will point to the “pyramid” shape that an MLM sales organisation starts to take as it grows.
But let’s have a look at a typical corporate business structure.
Looks suspiciously like a pyramid scheme, doesn’t it?
Look, any hierarchy in the world will invariably take the shape of some type of pyramid.
It’s completely unavoidable.
Humans have evolved to organise themselves into hierarchies. It’s essential for human cooperation, which is what has allowed us to climb our way to the top of the food chain.
You will see this pyramid shape in all human organisations.
- Governments
- Friend circles
- Families
- Charities
- Small and large businesses
So let’s say you were working in the mail room at a large corporation.
You will never earn more money than the CEO of that business.
Unless you manage to climb your way up the corporate ladder and take away the CEO’s job, displacing people all the way up.
With network marketing on the other hand, you can certainly earn more than anybody that is higher up in the organisation.
If you make more sales and recruit more reps, you will earn more money.
Multi level marketing is inherently more fair than any other form of human hierarchy that I am aware of.
All the incentives are perfectly aligned.
The Negative Of Coway
One of the major challenges you will face as you’re building your Coway business is overcoming the poor reputation of network marketing.
There is a real stigma that many people have attached to the word “MLM”.
As you’re talking to your loved ones about your business, some of them might ridicule you.
But more likely, they will be concerned.
They might think that you’ve been roped into some type of cult or scam.
The Coway scam suspicions that you will encounter could be very difficult to overcome.
You will need a thick skin if you want to succeed in this business, and it will require you to make a commitment that you will keep going no matter what.
At the end of the day, you will not convince everyone.
And that’s OK.
You just need to do what’s best for you and your family.
Coway Marketing Strategy
So let’s talk about how to succeed in the Coway business.
As I was researching this company, I was not able to find any Coway reviews that outlined any type of plan for success.
Here’s why:
Every single network marketing company will have a different plan for you to follow that is specifically designed to fit your products and business model.
The way that you will succeed is simply by doing what you are taught, without falter.
Here is the most important word you need to understand if you want to succeed long term in network marketing:
If you are able to recruit new members and teach them to recruit and teach their own members, your team will eventually hit a critical mass.
At this point, your team will start growing itself without you putting in any more effort.
That’s the real promise of network marketing.
As Randy Gage says in his latest book:
You don’t just grow you team. You grow your people. And your people will grow your team.
Without duplication, you will never build a self sustaining team that will grow itself without you putting in any more effort.
Let’s say you went out and learned how to do high pressure sales.
You might recruit a ton of people using these high pressure tactics, but your people will not be able to duplicate you.
And trust me, they will try.
You recruited them, so they will look to you for leadership.
When they realise that they are unable to duplicate your success, they will drop out.
And you will be forced to constantly replenish your team.
Listen, the system that you will be taught after you join the Coway MLM has been specifically designed to achieve duplication.
So when your people see that all you do is follow the proven system, they will do the same thing.
And they will teach their own teams to do the same.
Remember, if you make more money, then your team leaders will make more money too.
They will not steer you wrong.
At least not intentionally.
For a detailed guide on what it will take to succeed in this business, read my gull guide to MLM success here.
Online Coway Business Plan
Like in most network marketing companies, your Coway business leaders will likely teach you to speak to your friends and family about your products and business opportunity.
This is a fine place to start and you should certainly follow the training that you’re given by your team leaders.
But eventually, you will run out of people to talk to.
At this point, you may want to turn to the internet to continue expanding your business.
We live in the digital age after all, so why not take full advantage of the technology available to us?
Building a business online basically comes down to three steps.
I. Create Content
This content can be in the form of articles, blog posts, YouTube videos, Twitter threads, Facebook posts etc.
The main objective is to provide a ton of value to your readers.
When your reader asks herself a question about network marketing, you want to be the first person who comes to her mind because of all the valuable content you’ve provided her online.
You’ve become a thought leader.
Oh and by the way, NEVER mention your company name online!
II. Build An Email List
You could offer some type of freebie to your content readers, like a free ebook, free weekly newsletter, free course etc.
If you’ve successfully built trust and become an authority figure in your readers’ mind, they will want your free gift.
The only way they can access it is to sign up to your email list.
III. Email Your List Regularly
After your reader joins your email list, you should continue providing value.
If the first thing you do after they join your list is to spam them with a business opportunity or product, they will immediately unsubscribe and you’ll never hear from them again.
But you have to make money, right?
So it’s OK to send out offers here and there, but do it sparingly.
I would say about 80% value and 20% offers is a healthy ratio.
Now, this is a gross oversimplification of internet marketing.
If you want to learn the process in detail so that you can put together an effective Coway marketing plan, read my full guide to digital network marketing here.
Coway MLM Review | Summary
My guess is that you came to this article to get three main questions answered:
- Can you make money with the Coway MLM?
- What products would you be selling?
- Is Coway a pyramid scheme?
Hopefully you now have enough clarity to move forward, whether you decide to take action on this opportunity or not.
I can’t decide for you.
But I’ll tell you about my first experience with network marketing.
The very first MLM company I ever joined was a health and wellness company.
It was a good company, with quality products, a powerful business model, and wonderful people.
Though I still use the products every day, over a decade later…
I was never able to make the business work for me.
It’s because I simply did not have a passion for health and wellness.
I was unable to present the products or business in a convincing way because I didn’t have the passion.
And that’s what your decision should come down to.
If you are passionate about these products…
If you truly believe in them…
And you truly think everyone would benefit from using them…
Then this could very well be the opportunity you’ve been looking for.
If this is the case, then I would encourage you to reach out to the person who introduced you to the Coway MLM to get more information.
I wish you all the best!
And if there are any questions that I left unanswered, feel free to leave them in the comments section below and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

Written By:
Johnny Friesen
Just a blue collar guy passionate about finance, network marketing, and writing. When I'm not working on a car, you'll find me working on various side hustles and sharing my musings with the world.
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