If you’re reading this, you’ve probably been introduced to network marketing through a friend or family member. They’ve talked to you about the great benefits of network marketing, but you’ve decided to do a bit of research for yourself.
So today we are going to be covering the 40 best benefits of network marketing.
But I wanna be honest…
Network marketing is not perfect.
Nothing is.
So you may also be interested in reading about the disadvantages to the MLM business. You can read about the disadvantages of network marketing here.
So let’s get into it.
1. No Business Accounting
One of the great things about network marketing is that you don’t need to take care of the technical corporate accounting stuff.
Your network marketing company does all that for you.
No billing customers, no accounts receivables, and basically no business accounting whatsoever.
You just get to focus on your skills and learn how to move your business forward.
2. Many Tax Benefits
Tax benefits will vary depending on your location, but most countries have excellent tax breaks for small business owners like network marketers.
Such as:
- Gas and vehicle expenses
- Home office equipment
- Meals and entertainment with customers
- Rent for office space
- Phone
- Internet
- Travel expenses
Talk to a tax professional in order to get an idea as to which benefits you are entitled to in your country.
3. Minimal Financial Risk
Unlike any other small business, you can get started in network marketing for as little as $100.
Any other small business would require you to invest tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars in order to start getting customers through the door.
If for whatever reason you decide that network marketing isn’t for you, It won’t be the end of the world because you didn’t need to risk any significant life savings to get started.
4. Low Startup Costs
As mentioned above, the barrier to entry in network marketing is very low.
Some companies allow you to get started for free. Most will require an investment of between $100-500.
There is no other business model that gives you the potential to earn life-changing income with such a small investment.
5. Low Overhead
Not only are the startup costs super low for network marketing, but so are your ongoing expenses.
Many companies will require you to place ongoing product orders every month in order to qualify to earn commissions.
Usually you will need to purchase between $100-200 per month worth of product.
Truth be told, it shouldn’t even be considered a business expense in many cases.
If you are with any of the well-known network marketing companies, you will likely be replacing low quality products that you used to buy from your local grocery store with higher quality products that you sell through your network marketing business.
If you have your own business selling products that you believe in, why would you buy a competitor’s product from your grocery store?
You should be buying from your own business.
6. Unlimited Income Potential
As a network marketing professional, you will earn a commission for every product you sell.
But you will also have the opportunity to grow your own network of folks who will earn commissions for you… and each person in the network can build their own networks. Of which you can earn commissions as well.
If done correctly, your sales network can keep growing without limit, meaning that you income has no cap.
7. Leverage
Profits are infinitely better than wages.
That’s a quote from the late, great Jim Rohn.
Think about it…
You go to your job every single day, put in your 8 hours, and then you get paid for those 8 hours. You are trading your time for money.
If you truly love what you do at your job, it may be a fine trade.
But the problem is, time is finite. You only have so much time and once you’ve spent it, you can never get it back.
Network marketing allows you to create an income using leverage. You can build a network of motivated, incentivized people who will be working on your behalf.
It allows you to finally jump off the hamster wheel.
8. Passive Income
It takes a lot of hard work to get to this point, but network marketing truly does allow you to earn passive income while you sleep.
Once you’ve built a team that’s performing, duplicating, and growing on it’s own, you will earn income whether or not you decide to put in any more work.
Imagine taking a month off, spending it on the beaches of Mexico, and coming home only to find that your income kept growing while you were gone…
This is the potential that the network marketing business model offers.
9. Become Profitable Quickly
Network marketing companies typically have very complicated compensation plans.
The plans are designed intentionally to efficiently distribute commissions properly and fairly throughout the sales networks.
Most reputable companies do a very good job at striking a balance between distributing commissions in a way that top earners will make enough so as to stick around and more importantly, so that new people can come in and earn good profits quickly.
Your team leader or sponsor will teach you exactly what you need to do to become profitable as quickly as possible.
10. Give Yourself A Raise
Network marketing gives you power.
Power over your life and your income.
If you decide that you need a bump in pay, you do not need to play office politics, suck up to a pretentious boss, or beg for a bigger salary.
You just need to go out and make it happen.
If you decide that you need or want a pay raise, simply grow your organization and move more product for a period of time.
Remember, the majority of your network marketing income will always come long term. So if you make a big push in your business for 90 days, you won’t just earn more money for 90 days… you’ll make it for years to come.
11. Get Paid What You’re Worth
One of the best benefits of network marketing is you get paid what you’re worth, not what you can convince your boss to pay you.
Network marketing is brutally fair.
If you perform well, build an effective team, and produce sales volume, you will do very well in the business.
If you don’t get results, you won’t do well.
It is inherently fair.
12. Long Term Security
If you can build a large team that duplicates and starts growing itself, you will have created long term financial security.
Every single person in your team is incentivized to perform well because if they do well, they will make more money.
And so will you.
All the incentives in network marketing are perfectly aligned.
So if, God forbid, we get another pandemic and governments decide to foolishly lock down economies again, your income will keep coming in… for years to come.
You’re not relying on a boss, a government, or any other organization to put food on your table.
13. Turn-key Business
Network marketing is basically a business in a box.
You get signed up, plug into your team, and follow the training that’s provided to you.
You don’t need to buy real estate, stock inventory, or adhere to cumbersome government regulations in order to start earning real money.
Network marketing is truly a business in a box.
14. No Employees
One of the most stressful things about entrepreneurship is hiring employees.
If your business slows down for some reason that’s completely out of your control and your employees’ paychecks are on the line…
You’re gonna lose sleep over that.
Or if you have an employee that’s not performing to the standards that you expect, you may be forced to fire him…
And that can be a very emotional experience.
Because it means that possibly a whole family may struggle with food or shelter insecurity.
With network marketing, each individual business builder is in control of their own destiny and nobody else’s.
The most stress free business environment you could imagine.
15. No Boss
In MLM, you are the boss. There’s nobody to dictate when you need to get up in the morning or how much work you need to get done on any given day.
You are completely in control of how you spend your time and how much money you make.
It is, after all, a business.
Your business.
16. Training and Support Readily Available
With any traditional brick and mortar business, you will be left alone to fail or succeed. Nobody is incentivized to help you.
In fact, the opposite is true.
Why would a competitor teach you how to be successful in your business?
But in network marketing, everybody is incentivized to help you succeed. If you make more money, so will the folks who are higher up in the organization.
If you need any kind of help or support, you will find that everybody is ready and enthusiastic to help.
Just don’t get too needy… just because people are willing to help shouldn’t give you license to not take initiative and learn to be resourceful.
17. High Levels Of Encouragement
You will find that most network marketers understand the difficulties you may face in your business because it was likely not that long ago that they dealt with the same struggles.
Many MLM organizations are highly positive and encouraging. They tend to push personal growth and teach you to focus on where you’re going, not where you came from.
This can be taken too far as some have described network marketing organizations to be somewhat “cult-like”.
That might be something to look out for.
But overall, most people in network marketing simply want you to succeed… because it means they’ll do better as well.
18. Low Stress Environment
In network marketing, there are no quotas or deadlines for you to hit. There is no boss to yell at you if your performance isn’t quite what was expected of you.
There are goals and milestones that you will be aiming for in order to earn certain bonuses…
But it’s in your control. And again, there’s no boss for you to fear.
It truly does take the pressure off.
Once you’ve gained some momentum in your business and you understand exactly how to build and move your business forward, it can be a lot of fun and very stress free.
19. Choose Who You Work With
If you’ve ever worked with a boss or coworker that just rubs you the wrong way, you know what I’m talking about.
You don’t enjoy the company of your coworkers but you have no choice but to continue spending time with them.
You are, after all, just another employee with no power to transfer yourself or anyone else to another department.
In network marketing, you get to choose who you work with.
If you are speaking to someone about your business and you get the feeling that you wouldn’t enjoy spending more time with this person, you can simply say that this business wouldn’t be a good fit.
You are in control.
20. Work From Home
If the pandemic of 2020 taught us anything, it’s that most people would rather work from home than commute to work everyday.
Not only can you be more comfortable, but the government will never again be able to shut down your income.
You can set up the kind of work space that makes you feel most comfortable and productive with no limits except your own budget and creativity.
The rules of your workplace are the rules you set for yourself.
You could even work in your underwear if you wanted to…
Though I personally prefer wearing pants even when I’m working from home.
21. Set Your Own Schedule
If you’ve ever had diificulty getting time off work to take care of some random errand, then you might consider this an important benefit of the network marketing business model.
Nothing is more annoying than receiving a guilt trip from your boss when you need to take some time off to take care of personal business.
In network marketing, you don’t need to ask anybody for permission to do anything.
You can start working when you want, stop working when you want, and take time off whenever you need.
You are in complete control.
22. No Higher Education Needed
There is no other profession where you can come in with no education at all and build a 6 or 7 figure income.
But with network marketing, you can.
You don’t need specialized knowledge or skills coming in… everything you need to know will be taught to you by people who are highly motivated to do so.
And the skills that you will need to learn are very simple.
Not necessarily easy, but certainly simple.
It will require dedication and discipline, for sure… but anyone can do it… and that includes me and you.
23. Be Recognized For Accomplishments
It can be quite disheartening to accomplish something challenging at work and receive no recognition or even acknowledgement of the effort you put in.
In network marketing, you will be rewarded financially and be recognized publicly (if you choose to be).
Many top earners in network marketing are consistently brought up on stage at events and presented with those huge checks you’ve seen on TV.
Wanting to be recognized for your efforts is not vanity.
It’s just human nature.
We need to know that when we put effort into something, it goes noticed and that you’ve helped other people out.
It can be much more rewarding than the money you earn.
24. Everybody Is Incentivized To Help
One of the most beautiful things about the network marketing business model is that all the incentives are perfectly aligned.
Any and all of the leaders within your organization will be more than willing to help you succeed and guide you through any challenges you face.
Because they will be financially rewarded if you’re financially rewarded.
When you make more money, your team leaders will make more money, too.
So you can rest assured that nobody within your team will steer you wrong. At least not intentionally.
25. Work With Like-minded People
If you’re anything like me, you may have had a hard time fitting in at any blue collar workplace.
Nobody understood my passions and desires, such as business, free markets, Bitcoin, and finance.
It was quite lonely and isolating at times.
But in network marketing, you can be assured that 99% of the people involved will think in a very similar way to you.
If not, they will be open minded and almost certainly have a hunger for knowledge, a curiosity about other people, and an insatiable desire for personal growth.
26. No Office Politics
In network marketing, there is no boss that you will need to kiss up to in order to get that next promotion or pay raise.
No coworkers that may throw you under the bus for personal gain.
No office politics whatsoever.
It is a business model based completely on merit.
If you perform well, build a team, and produce sales volume, you will advance through the ranks and earn a very good income.
If you don’t, no amount of office politics will advance your career.
27. Can Build Online
Because of the internet and communication technology that we have today, you can build your network marketing business using nothing but your computer and maybe a cell phone.
With communication technology like WhatApp, Facebook, and Zoom, you can now build a global team and personally interact with each individual from the comfort of your own home.
The truth is, you will not be able to simply hide behind your laptop and be successful in network marketing…
Network marketing is, after all, a people business.
There is a right and a wrong way to build an MLM business online. You may be interested in reading our full guide to digital network marketing here.
28. Large Demand For Quality Products
People are becoming increasingly distrustful of public institutions and large corporations alike.
Most would rather buy products from somebody that they know and trust rather than some corporate giant who may have lobbied the government to push through special regulatory exceptions.
Especially when it comes to health and fitness.
If you are taking your health and wellness seriously, you will be willing to spend a bit more money to get a product that’s been tested by somebody you know and trust.
That is what network marketing can offer.
As a customer, you no longer need to figure out if you should trust the fancy, polished advertising campaigns…
The advertising campaign in network marketing is your sister, mother-in-law, or brother sharing a personal experience they had with the product.
29. No Inventory Necessary
One of the best things about network marketing is that you never need to carry any inventory if you don’t want to.
If you make a sale, your customer would simply create an account on your company’s website and place the order online…
And you get the commission.
This is just another benefit of living in the current technology age.
And since you never have to stock any inventory, it means that your ongoing business expenses are nearly zero.
30. Gets You Out Of The Rut
Routine is great. It gives us structure and certainty, and that’s absolutely necessary for psychological health.
But sometimes, life becomes too structured and often, rigid and boring.
You get up, go to work for 8 hours, come home too tired to do anything… so you have a quick supper and plop down in front of the TV.
This describes the life of so many people in the Western world.
Network marketing can break that mundane pattern of life and pull you out of a rut.
It can give you something to work for, something that you can get excited and passionate about.
And when 8 hours or more per day isn’t locked up by an employer, you can create the routine and lifestyle that YOU want…
Instead of what your employer needs.
31. Ability To Achieve Balance In Life
One of the biggest struggles that the working class faces today is achieving a balance between their work and social life.
Most of your waking hours are spent at work.
And as I’m writing this in late 2022, the world is facing an inflationary crisis. The price of food and energy has been rising at the fastest rate since the 1970s and many folks are forced to get second jobs in order to feed their kids.
How can you be expected to give your kids the time they desperately need from you and also put healthy food on the table?
Network marketing can offer a potential solution to this. You can choose your own hours and earn as much money as you choose to.
You may need to spend a disproportionate amount of time on your business for the first few years…
But long term, you can drastically cut the amount of time you spend working while your income could simultaneously increase.
Of all the benefits of network marketing, this might be the most relevant one in these times of economic chaos.
32. Equality Of Opportunity
Network marketing is brutally fair.
Anyone can join.
And your success is based purely on your results. Nobody has the power within any company to distribute promotions or pay raises based on arbitrary classifications.
No matter your race, sex, or social class, you will determine your outcome.
I recently read a story about somebody in Florida who is blind and deaf. Despite those incredible obstacles, she still went on to become a top earner in network marketing.
No other career choice gives you more agency personal power than network marketing.
33. Immune From Government Lockdowns
One of the most devastating and disastrous outcomes of the 2020 pandemic was lockdowns implemented by government bureaucrats based on opinion polls rather than science.
Hundreds of thousands of small businesses were shuttered, never to reopen.
Their businesses failed not based on product quality or level of service…
These businesses failed because governments would not allow them to operate for a period of time.
In network marketing, your business has no geographical location.
You can operate from anywhere in the world through an internet connection and access to telephone services.
It makes your business resilient and immune to the whims of the political class.
34. Geographical Freedom
If you decide to spend a year traveling the world but still want to continue operating your business, network marketing allows you to do so.
If you choose to move from North America to a tropical location in the southern hemisphere, you do not need to worry about selling your business or unloading any inventory.
Network marketing allows you to fully operate your business from anywhere in the world.
Total freedom.
35. Time Freedom
In keeping with the theme of freedom, let’s touch on time.
If you’ve had a late night and need to spend a few extra hours in bed in order to fully recover your beauty rest, you can do so.
If you need to take a day off to take your kid to a hockey tournament or ballet recital, you can do so without facing retribution from an employer.
You are in complete control of how you spend your time. You will never be forced to sacrifice relationships in order to qualify for that next promotion.
36. No Commuting
As we’ve touched on already, network marketing allows you to work from anywhere.
Even the comfort of your home.
The average American spends over 200 hours per year commuting to and from work.
That’s 5 full workweeks of sitting in your car, being unproductive and essentially being programmed by mainstream radio waves.
It’s not healthy and network marketing can allow you to escape that hamster wheel.
37. Personal Growth
Everyone wants to grow as a person and make a positive impact on their loved ones and the world.
But few ever take concrete action to achieve it.
When you build a successful network marketing business, you will experience personal growth as a by-product of your success.
There’s no way around it.
You will become more comfortable and skilled at dealing with people.
Not to mention the sense of purpose, responsibility, and self worth you will get from building something huge…
One personal interaction at a time.
38. Improve Social Skills
Improved social skills is another thing that will come as a by-product of succeeding in network marketing.
You will inevitably become more confident.
And you will become skilled at listening to other people’s concerns.
And let’s face it…
Everybody just wants to be heard. If you can be a person who offers that to other people, you will be rewarded in countless ways.
Those principles are outlined in the book How To Win Friends And Influence People.
39. Opportunity To Help Others
Few things are more gratifying than seeing somebody succeed using an opportunity that you gave them.
As we said earlier, network marketing incentives are perfectly aligned…
When you help others, you will do better, too. Both financial, socially, and personally.
You will not need to make financial sacrifices in your business in order to share success and opportunities.
You can pursue profit and altruism at the same time.
You can reserve your charitable giving, both time and financial, for your Church and local community.
In your business, you can make money and feel great about doing so.
40. Involve Family and Kids
At your typical job, you may have one day per year where you can take one of your children to work and teach them what you do.
But in network marketing, your family can be as involved as they want to be.
There are countless power couples in the industry who have built massive organizations, either together or separately.
Whatever works best for their own situations.
The point is, you are not restrained from getting your spouse or children involved in your career.
You have complete autonomy and freedom to operate your business as you wish.
Access The Benefits Of Network Marketing
Alright, let’s wrap this thing up.
As you can see, there are countless benefits of network marketing.
But you may still be skeptical.
Perhaps you don’t yet have a thorough understanding of how the business works or why it could be a good fit for the current economic times.
I encourage you to read our full analysis of network marketing here.
I also want to try to be fair and objective…
Not everything about network marketing is perfect. And there are certainly benefits to working a job vs network marketing… at least in the short term.
So you may also be interested in the following articles:
Did I miss any benefits of network marketing in this list that you think should be included?
Leave them in the comments section below.

Written By:
Johnny Friesen
Just a blue collar guy passionate about finance, network marketing, and writing. When I'm not working on a car, you'll find me working on various side hustles and sharing my musings with the world.
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