Today we are going to talk about some of my favourite network marketing books that I recommend every MLMer should read.
We’re all looking for ways to improve. Ways to get better, wiser, happier, and healthier. This doesn’t just apply to business.. it applies to life as well.
And books are an incredible way to increase your knowledge.
Think about it…
You get to learn from experts who have spent a lifetime making mistakes, learning from them, and then recording the lessons learned into a document that you can learn from.
And the truth is, network marketing books are now more accessible than ever before.
You might be thinking that you don’t like reading. Or maybe you simply don’t have the time.
After all, many of us are juggling our business, a full time job, family, and managing a household.
I get it.
Life’s busy.
But we’re living in the 21st century. So those “excuses” don’t work any more.
You and I now have access to every single book ever written from our smartphones. Something that we carry around in our pockets everywhere we go.
Better yet, you can listen to the books in audio form rather than reading. This means that you can maximise all of your time learning when you’re doing “busywork” like doing the dishes or driving to work.
Audible is an excellent way to get access to all of these network marketing books. So let’s dig in!
Best Network Marketing Books
Books can provide an endless amount of knowledge, so if you want to learn how to succeed in network marketing, I’d recommend you learn to love reading.
As the old saying goes, leaders are readers.
This list of books is basically split into 2 parts. The first part contains books that are specifically about network marketing.
The second part lists books that are not specifically about network marketing, but are still relevant and valuable for any entrepreneur.
1. Mark Yarnell – Your First Year In Network Marketing

Your first year in network marketing will likely be the most challenging. In fact, most people quit before their first year is up because they don’t make the kind of money they thought they would.
REALITY CHECK: You should not expect to become rich during your first year.
You’re on a learning journey and this book will help you successfully navigate the early challenges and prepare for your new future. A necessary addition to your collection of network marketing books.
2. Jordan Adler – Beach Money

Of all the network marketing books listed in this article, Beach Money is the one you need to read if you need a heavy dose of inspiration and motivation.
Adler has a way of helping you see that you really can achieve this dream lifestyle, regardless of your past and where you came from.
His story is relatable, believable, and most importantly, achievable. In addition to the motivation, you’ll get practical advice on how you can achieve this dream through incremental progress.
3. Jim Rohn – Building Your Network Marketing Business

Jim Rohn is one of the best known motivational speakers in modern history. He was a personal mentor to the founder of Herbalife as well as the well known Tony Robbins.
He’s written several network marketing books, but Building Your Network Marketing Business is probably the best known one. Throughout this book, Rohn has a way of presenting simple ideas in a way that can completely alter your mindset and high level thinking about network marketing.
4. Randy Gage – How To Build a Multi-level Money Machine

Out of all the network marketing books I’ve read throughout my career, this was the very first one. Randy is one of the best teachers in the profession and has personally built organisations of hundreds of thousands of people. He’s a guy to pay attention to.
In this book, he talks about making a “mental movie” out of your life so you can better visualise it and deal with obstacles that will show up.
If you apply what Randy teaches, it will change your life and business.
5. Randy Gage – Direct Selling Success: From Amway To Zombies

Direct Selling Success is basically an updated version of Randy’s previous book, How To Build A Multi Level Money Machine. Direct Selling Success takes into account the current state of the network marketing profession, common scams and unethical practices, as well as technological innovations.
But it also lays out a full game plan, covering every aspect of succeeding in network marketing. Whether you’re brand new or have been at this for a while, you are going to get something out of this book.
If you hand out network marketing books to your team members, this needs to be one of them.
6. Eric Worre – Go Pro: 7 Steps To Becoming A Network Marketing Professional

Go Pro is one of those network marketing books that you should be handing out to every one of your team members.
It’s an A to Z, nuts and bolts guide for how to succeed as a network marketing professional.
Worre has a passion for lifting up the reputation of network marketing, and that definitely comes across in this book.
It’s an easy read and the plan he lays out for MLM success is very structured and well thought through.
7. Brian Carruthers – Building An Empire

Brian Carruthers is a network marketing savant and has earned tens of millions of dollars in the profession. Another dude you gotta pay attention to.
This book outlines, in great detail, various concepts and strategies that he’s used to build his business. It’s another one of those network marketing books you might consider distributing to your team members.
8. Dr. Tom Barrett – Dare to Dream and Work to Win and Success Happens

Not only does this book lay out a detailed plan for how to succeed in MLM and effectively manage a downline, but it also attempts to undo all of the flawed thinking many of us were taught in grade school.
Throughout this book, you will learn to think and live like an entrepreneur. And that’s what it’s going to take for you to “take charge of your own life and financial future”.
Dr Barrett has spent years on Capitol Hill, holds 2 PhD’s, and runs a successful counselling practice. Despite all that success, he’s still a participant and an advocate of network marketing.
9. Allen Pease – Questions Are The Answers

If talking to prospects is holding you back, then this is one of those network marketing books that could help.
The author talks about the psychology of selling. It’s all about reading your prospects body language and other social ques to get a sense of how you should approach them.
To get the right answer out of someone, you first need to ask the right questions. And in order to do that, you need to have an understanding of what motivates your prospect.
That’s what this book will show you.
10. Tom Schreiter – Ice Breakers!

Unlike most other network marketing books, this one talks explicitly about the sales and closing process.
The author talks about the most common struggles of network marketers and how to sell without selling.
A big part of this book’s discussion revolves around effective communication, the importance of relationships, and how to avoid damaging friendships over business.
11. Wes Lindon – The Prospecting Game

New network marketers often tend to be overzealous and somewhat obnoxious, pushing their business every single chance they get. They’re excited about their new business (rightfully so) and all they can think about is making that life changing money that they were promised.
But honestly, the best, most sustainable way to succeed in any business is to genuinely put your customers first.
This network marketing book will teach you how to build your business on trust, kindness, and helping others succeed.
12. Ray & Jessica Higdon – Freakishly Effective Social Media For Network Marketing

If you are building your MLM business using social media or other online strategies, then this is one of those network marketing books that belongs on your desk, to be read again and again.
It’s a short read, only a few hours long, but is densely packed with actionable and relevant information to make your online recruiting more effective and classy.
Both Ray and Jessica have earned millions of dollars using the strategies discussed in the book. And you can, too… if you consistently follow what the book teaches.
13. Richard Fenton, Andrea Waltz, Ray Higdon – Go For No! For Network Marketing

The “Go For No” concept is how Ray Higdon became a multi-million dollar earner in network marketing after losing everything in the real estate crash of 2008. After reading Go For No by Fenton and Waltz, he became so successful with the concept that he teamed up with the authors and wrote a special edition specifically for network marketing.
Here’s the premise: Instead of setting a goal of recruiting X number of people in a given period of time, set a goal to get X number of rejections in a given period of time.
This quickly increases the thickness of your skin and allows you to prospect a lot more without fearing rejection. Any sales or recruits are just a bonus.
14. Hal Elrond & Pat Petrini – The Miracle Morning For Network Marketers

Millions of network marketers struggle with time management, specifically work-life balance. You’re trying to balance your day job with your network marketing business without neglecting all the other obligations of life.
One of the keys to achieving this is to have a structured routine that promotes productivity.
Especially your morning routine. How you start your day will usually define how the rest of it goes, so it’s important to get this right. And this book lays it all out.
15. Richard Bliss Brooke – Mach 2 With Your Hair On Fire

One of the biggest challenges that we all face, in business and life, is destructive self-talk.
This network marketing book will help you to become more aware of the way in which you’re speaking to yourself. And when you become consciously aware of it, you will have the power to change it.
That’s what this book will do for you. Your success is entirely dependant on your actions… but if you’re sabotaging yourself with your own thoughts, it will be impossible for you to take the right actions. Read this book, apply the principles, and go get what’s yours!
16. Dave O’Connor & Natalie Heeley – How To Create The Mindset Of A Network Marketing Champion

If you struggle with confidence, either in your business model or your own abilities, then this is one of the most important network marketing books you’ll read.
You’ll learn the necessary habits and routines that you should fit into your lifestyle in order to achieve and maintain the mindset of a winner… in life and business.
17. Romi Neustadt – Get Over Your Damn Self

As is evident by the title, this network marketing book is a very fun read. It’s filled with wit and humour, while delivering powerful mindset principles and practical sales strategies to increase your sales and recruiting.
If you find yourself having a hard time getting through books filled with dry facts and statistics, then this is the book for you.
The author’s passion comes through as she delivers confidence to her readers using compelling real life examples.
18. Robert Kiyosaki – The Business of the 21st Century

Robert Kyosaki is best known for his first book, Rich Dad Poor Dad. In The Business Of The 21st Century, he talks about the concept of using networking to build a big business and how you, as an individual, can use this concept to succeed during today’s economic turmoil.
The concepts discussed translate perfectly to MLM. So this is one of those network marketing books that needs to go on your bookshelf.
Other Useful Books For MLMers
The rest of the network marketing books we’re going to talk about are not strictly about network marketing. In fact, most of them having nothing to do with network marketing at all.
But I included them here because I found them incredibly useful to my business.
In my opinion, they will help you understand the way that the world works and how to successfully navigate it.. Which, in turn, will help you to see the power of the MLM business model and why you need it.
19. Darren Hardy – The Compound Effect

This book talks about the profound long term affects of seemingly small and insignificant change. It’s all about incremental but measurable improvement. Because all the small changes compound over time.
If you’re new to entrepreneurship or even personal development, this is a must-read to add to your network marketing books.
20. Napolean Hill – Think And Grow Rich

Think And Grow Rich was written in the early 1900s. The concepts discussed are compiled from hundreds of interviews conducted over a 20 year period of time.
People that were interviewed include some of the most powerful people in recent history, including presidents Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt.
As the title suggests, the book is heavily focused on mindset principles. The fact is, if you’re thinking about the world in a certain way, you’re going to achieve very specific results. This book will show you how to think in a way that can lead to wealth and prosperity.
21. Dale Carnagie – How To Win Friends And Influence People

If you choose to follow what this book teaches, it WILL change your life. It teaches you how to communicate more effectively in such a way that people will develop a real desire to talk to you.
The book talks about focusing on the person you’re talking to rather than yourself. Communication is more about understanding what the other person is saying rather than trying to convince everything to see things your way.
Whether you’re in network marketing or not, the concepts taught in this book will change your career, business, and personal life if applied.
22. Tim Ferris – The Four Hour Workweek

While not at all about network marketing, this is one of those network marketing books that every MLMer needs to read.
You’ll learn how to think outside the box in terms of your time management and processes that you employ in life and business.
As a network marketing professional, you realise that you tend to see the world differently than many of your peers… this book will help you take that to the next level.
23. Stephen Covey – The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

This book is ultimately about taking control. It doesn’t do you much good to complain about the state of things. The government’s mismanagement of the economy, the breakdown of society, etc…
These things may be true and they certainly suck… but you need to accept reality and work with what you’ve got.
This is an import book to read of for any entrepreneur. You are a sovereign being with free will and a mind capable of independent thought. The book discusses 7 habits and mindsets that the most successful people on the planet have.
24. John C Maxwell – The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership

This book talks about leadership based on Biblical principles. If you succeed in network marketing, you’re going to learn about leadership whether you want to or not. This book can help you to accelerate the learning curve by teaching you what you should and should not do as a leader.
It’s a bit dense, with a ton of information. But a valuable addition to your collection of network marketing books nonetheless.
25. Jeffrey Fox – How to Become a Rainmaker

This book, while not specifically about MLM, is another valuable addition to your collection of network marketing books.
It discusses the relationship that a seller should have with a client or customer. In short, you need to understand and speak your customer’s language. If your customer has no need or desire for what you’re offering, then don’t waste your time on them.
While the whole world may have a use for what you’re selling, that doesn’t make everyone a good candidate. You’re looking for people who are interested rather than trying to manipulate people into buying what you’re selling.
26. Gary Vaynerchuk – Jab Jab Jab Right Hook

Gary Vaynerchuk is a marketing savant and in this book, he shares some of the most important aspects of marketing in the modern world of social media.
It’s all about providing value. Giving your audience what they want…
You have to ask for the sale too, but not until you’ve “softened” up your prospects with immense value and entertainment.
Gary is not a fan of network marketing, but the concepts he teaches are extremely useful to us nonetheless.
27. John Kotter & Holger Rathgeber – Our Iceberg is Melting

This book contains a story about a colony of penguins facing a dilemma… their home iceberg is melting.
While on the surface it may appear to be a simple and somewhat silly story, it contains a lot of profound wisdom.
Expect to learn about how we as humans fear change and how we can move forward in spite of the fear. You can embrace the change, face the future, and take action, no matter the challenges that you may face.
28. Brian Klemmer – If How To’s Were Enough We Would All Be Skinny Rich & Happy

While this book doesn’t talk specifically about MLM, it should definitely go on your list of network marketing books to read.
In this book, Klemmer gives insightful, actionable advice to get you mentally unstuck. The reality is, if you’re not getting what you want in life and business, it’s likely a problem that’s internal to you.
This book will assist in your getting to the bottom of it. It’s easy to read and well thought out.
29. Jordan B Peterson – 12 Rules For Life

12 Rules For Life is also not at all about network marketing. But if you’re looking to make lasting positive change in your life, then Jordan Peterson is someone that you should be listening to.
You’ll learn profound psychological truths from a world renowned clinical psychologist. You’ll learn how small incremental changes can drastically improve your life over time.
Perhaps most importantly,. Peterson stresses that you are a sovereign individual with agency and that if you take personal responsibility for whatever hand life has dealt you, you can prevail.
30. Robert Kyosaki – Rich Dad Poor Dad

Rich Dad Poor Dad was the very first business/finance book that I ever read… and I’ve never been the same. The author tells the story of his 2 dads… one was the rich dad and the other was the poor dad.
The poor dad follows the status quo: Get a good job, work hard, and wait for your pension. He didn’t do well.
The rich dad focused on accumulating assets and providing the jobs. He did very well.
This book will radically alter the way you think about money forever.
31. Dave Ramsey – The Total Money Makeover

This book is a must read for anyone that wants to get their personal finances in order. It’s premised on “telling your money where to go instead of wondering where it went”.
When you’re new to network marketing, the last thing you need is the stress of your household finances weighing you down. This book will teach you to get it under control so you can focus on the future. Once and for all.
32. Tony Robbins – Money: Master The Game

This book is not about MLM at all. However, I still think it’s a valuable addition to this list of network marketing books.
It’s going to teach you what to do with the money you make so that you can preserve it and even grow it over time. It’s all about making your money work for you so that you don’t need to work for money for the rest of your life.
The book is a result of Tony interviewing the most successful wealth managers in the world, including Ray Dalio, Warren Buffet, and Paul Tudor Jones.
33. Tony Robbins – Unshakeable

Unshakeable is the sequel to Tony’s previous finance book, Money Master The Game.
He wrote Unshakeable after learning about some of the shenanigans of the financial system, which he learned about after publishing his previous book.
He talks about how to overcome the corruption of the investment world as well as a simple method of managing your money that anyone can do, regardless of your level of formal education.
It’s all about being resilient, even during market downturns.
34. Thomas Sowell – Basic Economics

Basic Economics is not at all about network marketing, but I believe it’s extremely valuable for all entrepreneurs to read.
The book is quite dense and may take readers a while to get through. But when you do, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of economics, how complex a dynamic system like the economy really is, and the power of human action.
You’ll gain a thorough understanding of capitalism and how participating in it contributes to the best possible outcome.
35. G Edward Griffin – The Creature From Jekyll Island

This book has nothing to do with network marketing whatsoever. But it’s an important rad nonetheless. Written by G. Edward Griffin, the book covers how the banking system works, the origins of central banking, and why monetary inflation is an inevitability of the world we live in.
It helped me understand how flawed our money system is. And why the way we’re taught to succeed in school is simply not going to work.
The book leans quite heavily on conspiracy theories. But it’s still packed with a ton of useful information.
36. Saifedean Ammous – The Bitcoin Standard

Not only will The Bitcoin Standard give you a thorough understanding of the history of money and how the system currently works, but it will also make a solid case for why Bitcoin could be a long term solution.
Personally, the book convinced me that a sizable chunk of my portfolio should be in Bitcoin in order to prepare for the inevitable depracation of the financial system.
But I needed cashflow. Though this book doesn’t mention network marketing at all, it helped to convince me that the status quo hasn’t been working and will continue to not work going forward.
Best Network Marketing Books Wrap Up,…
There’s a pretty wide variety of subjects covered in all the books listed here today, all of which will help you understand how to do better in your business and life.
As they say, success is only 20% action and 80% mindset.
I don’t totally agree.
I believe success is 100% dependant on your actions, but your actions are 100% dependant on your mindset.
So you gotta get your head right.
And books allow you to learn from the experiences of others. Including their successes and failures.
It’s really not optional.
Whether you want to read a physical book or listen to audiobook doesn’t matter.
Just soak up that knowledge!
So are there any network marketing books that I missed?
If there’s a book that you think belongs on this list, leave it down in the comments section below. I’m always looking for more reading material, so I’d love to hear from you!

Written By:
Johnny Friesen
Just a blue collar guy passionate about finance, network marketing, and writing. When I'm not working on a car, you'll find me working on various side hustles and sharing my musings with the world.
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