Today we are going to do a deep dive on digital network marketing.
You probably landed on this page looking for a way to transition your network marketing business online.
You’re tired of the old tactics being taught by traditional network marketing companies. I’m sure you know what I’m talking about…
- Make a list of 100 or more family and friends
- Call them up and ask them if they are looking for a side gig
- Invite them to a meeting
Look, the traditional network marketing practices are fine ways to build your business.
But eventually you run out of people to talk to.
Or perhaps you have no desire to invite your friends and family to join your business because you’ve been in so many different MLMs in the past.
And you’ve lost credibility.
“Mike’s at it again, trying to get rich quick. Just leave me out of it, Mike”.
Whether or not your loved ones actually think this way about you and your venture…
You can’t help but be self conscious when you’ve talked to your loved ones about 5 or 10 different network marketing opportunities over the years.
And you’ve been asking yourself…
“If people build traditional businesses exclusively online, then why can’t I?”
The truth is, you can.
Personally, I don’t think that digital network marketing should be how you start building your business.
Especially if you are now in your very first MLM business…
You should follow the plan laid out before you.
The traditional ways do work, and many people have built very large organizations this way.
So before we go any further, I recommend you read this full guide on how to succeed in network marketing using traditional strategies.
I really do recommend that’s where you start.
And it’s important to have a fundamental understanding of the traditional strategies in order to successfully build this type of business online.
But we do live in a digital world.
And we as network marketers should take full advantage of the technology we have available to us.
So in today’s article, we are going to do a deep dive on how to do network marketing online.
Buckle in.
It’s gonna be a long one, packed with information.
What Is Network Marketing?
If you’re reading this, then I’m sure you know what network marketing is.
But let’s do a brief explanation.
Network marketing, also called direct sales or multi level marketing (MLM), is a business model which bypasses traditional marketing and distribution methods.
Instead of spending millions on advertising campaigns and retail fees…
MLM companies use independent distributors, who also use the products, to distribute the goods and services into the economy.
Many network marketing companies sell health and wellness products, but there are many other types of goods and services distributed by these businesses.
For example:
- Personal care
- Nutrition
- Cosmetics
- Jewelry
- Household products
- Technology
- Water treatment devices
- Legal services
- Financial services
- Insurance
- Energy
- Digital products/services
- Training
The network marketing industry generates billions per month worldwide. It allows regular Joe and Janes like me and you to build large businesses without all the overhead and stress.
As network marketing professionals, you can earn money by selling products directly to consumers.
But you can also recruit a team of distributors underneath you that also distributes products.
And you can earn commissions from all those sales as well.
The real financial leverage comes in when your distributors start building their own teams, and those underneath them build their own teams…
If done correctly, you can build a massive organization that generates revenue for you, year after year, without you putting in any more work.
But it takes a LOT of work and dedication to grow an organization to a critical mass where it starts growing itself.
As Randy Gage says:
“You don’t grow your team. You grow your people, and they will grow your team.”
In the beginning of your network marketing career, you will be way overworked and underpaid for what you do.
But if done right, you will eventually be way OVERpaid and UNDERworked for what you do.
If you want to know more about how MLM works, why it’s a good business model for the times we live in, and why people think it’s a pyramid scheme…
You can read this deep dive article about network marketing.
The Key To Succeeding In MLM
Contrary to popular belief, the top earners in network marketing do not actually recruit thousands of people into their business.
Rather, they recruit a relatively small number of people on a consistent basis and teach all those people to follow a simple system that is easy to replicate.
You see…
The rules of the corporate world do not apply to network marketing.
You do not become successful by being ruthless and stepping all over the “little people” in order to stay on top.
Instead, you become successful by following a simple system that everyone can duplicate…
And you teach the system to the people that join your team.
Teaching and simplicity.
Those are the major fundamentals to succeeding in network marketing.
Most new network marketers feel that the top earners are somehow able to recruit every person that they talk to.
That couldn’t be further from the truth.
You would be surprised at how few people the top earners actually recruit.
They become masters through teaching and duplication, not brute force recruiting.
Think about it…
If you go out and take a course on high pressure closing tactics, you might be able to recruit many people into your business.
But what about the people you recruit?
They won’t know how to recruit people the way you recruited them.
But they will try.
Because they will be looking to you for guidance.
When they inevitably fail, they will quit the business.
And you will constantly need to add more people into your team and it will never hit a critical mass where your team members are growing their own teams.
A Few Duplication Truths
I recently finished reading Randy Gage’s latest book, Direct Selling Success.
In chapter 5 of the book, Randy outlines 7 truths about duplication in network marketing.
These are very valuable so I’d like to share a few of them with you here.
MLM Truth #1
“It doesn’t matter what works. A lot of stuff works. What really matters is what duplicates.”
This is especially relevant when it comes to digital network marketing.
There are so many complex tactics and strategies that you can use when building a business online.
The problem is, complexity really doesn’t duplicate.
As Randy Gage states in the book:
“You don’t rise to the levels of your goals. You fall to the level of how duplicable your system is.”
MLM Truth #2
“If you “drive” lines, they won’t duplicate. You have to build them with people and process.”
Many MLM organizations have a “cult-like” atmosphere to try and drive growth.
Or depending on the compensation plan, a distributor will try to recruit a ton of people herself and strategically place them in the organization to get people to rank-advance faster.
But driving growth this way can’t be duplicated.
It’s all about following a simple system so that you can sell products and recruit members as easily as possible…
And then teaching your team the simple system to sell products and recruit members as easily as possible.
Instead of just thinking about how your actions will affect the people in the first generation of your organization…
You need to think about how your actions will affect the 5th, 6th, or 7th generations of your organization.
MLM Truth #3
“The closer you adhere to “the formula”, the stronger your duplication will be.”
This is pretty self explanatory.
The formula is this:
Empower a large group of people to perform specific actions on an ongoing basis.
Always be aware that your team is watching you.
You need to stick to whatever formula you’re using to build your business because that’s the only way your team will do the same.
They are looking to you for leadership.
MLM Truth #4
“Your system should be based on the premise that all team members practice three actions simultaneously. Those actions are study, do, and teach.”
I originally learned these 3 actions from Ray Higdon. He termed them learn, do, teach.
You see, most people want to learn everything there is to know FIRST, before taking action.
This is wrong.
And it will be detrimental to your success.
Remember, you need to take these 3 actions simultaneously.
Because it’s all about duplication.
If you want to learn everything first before doing anything, your team will do the same thing.
And it will kill duplication.
MLM Truth #5
“Make all recruiting interactions dependent on a third party tool.”
As Randy points out in the book:
“If you are in front of a candidate and your lips are moving, you need to be pointing towards a third party tool.”
Even after you become an expert on everything related to your company, you should still always use third party tools.
This will signal to your candidate that they don’t even need to be an expert to build the business. They simply need to follow the process and use the third party tools!
Many network marketing companies will have websites and marketing videos available for use.
This makes it especially easy to use these tools if you’re building on the internet.
Final Thoughts On Duplication
Think about the franchise business model for a second.
Like McDonalds.
Have you ever noticed that the typical McDonalds seems to be completely run by kids, barely out of their teens?
And yet, McDonalds does tens of millions in sales every single month.
It’s run by kids.
This is because McDonalds has figured out how to simplify every step of their business into simple, easy to follow steps.
It’s why some kid who has to get a ride to work from his mom can run a business that generates millions of dollars a month.
With the right systems in place, you would be amazed by what can happen in your network marketing business.
Why Digital Network Marketing Is Powerful
When you learn about an intriguing new product or service, what’s the one thing you do, every single time, before spending a dime?
The thing everybody does…
You Google it.
In the age we live in, it is easier than ever to find information online.
Gone are the days where you had to drive home, connect to your painfully slow dial-up internet connection, and finally get your question answered via a slow, clunky search engine.
That is, if you even remember the question you had.
Now in the 21st century, you can immediately get the answer to any question you have.
You pull out your phone and a quick 30 second Google search will hand you virtually limitless information on a platter.
So let’s think about what happens when you’re talking to a potential candidate for your network marketing business.
One of the first things they will do after learning about your business is of course, Google it.
I’m guessing 99% of people will at least do some online research before joining any type of business opportunity.
So what does this mean for you and your business?
It means you should be easy to find online.
You should be taking advantage of the digital revolution we are living through.
In addition to this, there are several powerful reasons to consider adopting digital network marketing.
Global Reach
With traditional advertising, it’s difficult to reach a global audience.
If you run an ad in a newspaper, you will only reach the people who read that paper in a specific geographical area.
You could run ads in a magazine or TV station with global reach, but it would be astronomically expensive.
Not practical for network marketing.
With digital marketing on the other hand, you can run a simple Facebook or YouTube ad which targets people around the world.
Instant Communication
With traditional advertising, you will need to fit into a slot.
Here’s what I mean…
If you want to run a TV commercial ad, you may only be able to get a slot at 1am on a Wednesday, for example.
Newspapers also have limited advertising slots.
But with digital marketing, you can simply run your ad…
And it will display to people around the world, 24/7, whenever people are on their devices.
Real Time Results
If you run a newspaper or TV ad, it’s impossible to know how many people are actually taking action out of all the people that watched your ad.
Even if they do take action, there will always be a delay.
They will need to physically pull themselves away from what they’re doing to pick up their phone or other device to take action on your advertisement.
With digital marketing however, your audience is already on their device (obviously!)
Taking action is as simple as clicking on the link in your ad to get more information.
And whatever advertising platform you use will show you reports on how many people took action vs how people saw your ad.
This is really important…
Because you can learn how effective your campaign was and whether or not you need to make changes to make it more profitable.
Cost Effective
Running a newspaper ad or TV commercial can be extremely expensive.
We’re talking thousands of dollars.
And in return, you can’t even measure how effective your campaign was.
With digital marketing, you can run an ad for as little as a few cents per click.
Plus, you can set your budget.
Once your budget has been reached, your ad will automatically stop running.
Then you can measure your results and decide if you should spend more or make some changes before running the ad again.
But even better than that…
You can utilize completely free methods of digital network marketing.
We will talk more about the free methods of digital marketing later.
Reach A Targeted Audience
When you run a TV or newspaper ad, you can’t really target your advertising to a specific type of person.
But with Facebook for example…
You can target a very specific type of person.
For example:
Let’s say you’re selling a workout program.
Using Facebook ads, you can target a person who:
- Is a male between 25 and 45 years old
- “Likes” specific workout pages, groups, or gurus
- Has bought workout equipment in the past
- Lives in North America or the United Kingdom
These targeting examples are just a small fraction of the types of targeting you can do on Facebook.
So when you really get your ad dialed in to the right type of person, you can make your messaging speak directly to that specific type of person.
This makes digital advertising extremely effective.
What Is Digital Marketing?
So let’s define exactly what digital marketing is:
Digital marketing is the act of promoting products or services with the help of digital devices or technology.
So it’s really pretty simple.
The modern world is dominated by digital technology. We spend all of our time on phones or tablets in order to accomplish a variety of things.
- Staying informed on current events
- Reading or listening to books
- Connecting with friends and family
- Shopping
- Formal and informal education
- Earning income (jobs, businesses, etc)
- Paying bills or other expenses
- Entertainment
Every single area of life has been affected by the digital revolution.
So it stands to reason that traditional methods of marketing are very quickly becoming obsolete.
Door to door sales have become less effective than ever before.
Television ads don’t really work since nobody watches TV. And if they do, they certainly don’t pay attention to commercials.
What do we all do on a commercial break?
We pull out our phones!
And newspapers…
Can you tell me when the last time was that you actually read a newspaper?
Like a physical newspaper that you hold in your hands?
The world has changed. And as a small business owner and network marketing professional, we must adapt.
So digital marketing is simply meeting your customers where they are.
Using technology and devices that have their undivided attention day in and day out.
Digital Network Marketing Strategies
There are countless ways to reach a targeted audience using digital network marketing.
And the best part is, you don’t need to hire an agency or marketing team to reach a lot of people.
Not if you have the internet and a few basic skills.
There are people all over the world who have built huge 7 figure businesses from bedrooms in small apartments.
So let’s talk about some of the most common and effective ways to find customers online.
Content Marketing
Think about all of the content you’ve consumed online over the years.
Whenever you want to learn something, you probably do the same thing I do… you turn to Google or YouTube. Or maybe even one of many social media platforms.
What you need to realize is that every single article you’ve read, or YouTube video you’ve watched, was created by another person.
A person just like you.
And why do these people create these pieces of content?
Do they do it just for fun?
Or is there an incentive?
The reality is, most content creators are putting themselves out there in order to get paid in some way.
Either they are selling products or simply earning money from ads attached to their content.
Since all content on the internet is created by people, it stands to reason that you can become a content creator as well.
And sell your products or network marketing opportunity through your content.
The key to being successful with content marketing is this:
You need to become a thought leader and authority figure in your niche.
When one of your potential customers around the globe has a question related to your business, a question that they need answers to…
You want to be the first person that comes to their mind.
Because you’ve provided so much value to them through your content, that your potential customers now trust you.
They look to you for answers and recommendations.
So instead of being exclusively a consumer of online content, you need to start thinking about being a creator of online content.
Content marketing can come in the form of:
- Blogs and websites
- YouTube videos
- Infographics or posts on social media
- Case studies
- eBooks
Obviously my preferred method of content marketing is blogging.
In case you hadn’t figured that out yet.
Search Engine Optimization
Search engine optimization (SEO) is often used in conjunction with content marketing.
It is the practice of optimizing your content in such a way that the search engines will recognize it as relevant when somebody types a question or phrase into a search engine.
When you think of a search engine, you probably think of Google.
While Google is by far the most well known search engine today, it is one of many. Some of these search engines include:
- Yahoo! or Bing
- YouTube
- Facebook or Twitter
- Amazon
Most people don’t think of Amazon as a search engine, but they do indeed have a search function.
You’ve probably used it many times.
Instead of serving content, the Amazon search engine delivers products based on search queries.
For the purposes of this brief overview, we’ll be talking about search engines like Google, Yahoo!, and Bing.
So how does SEO work?
In order for Google to recognize what your content is all about, the search engine will analyze the content on your website.
They will look at things like the quality of your content and what it’s all about.
So for Google to recognize your website as relevant, you will need to figure out what people are searching for.
For example:
If I am trying to figure out what type of home gym I should buy, I might type into Google “what is the best home gym?”
That search phrase is known as a keyword.
So in order for you to figure out what exactly people are searching for in relation to your business, you need to figure out exactly what keywords people are typing into Google.
You can find this information using a tool like the Google Keyword Planner.
This tool tells you exactly the keywords that people are searching, as well as how many people are typing that exact keyword.
Which gives you a very good idea as to what type of content to create and which keywords to embed into it.
This practice is known as On Page Optimization.
On Page Optimization is the most important part of SEO, but Google also looks at other factors of your website.
Such as social media engagement. How many times is your content shared across social media platforms and are people talking about it?
Are other authoritative sites referencing your content and linking to it?
Is your content linking out to other authoritative content to back up any claims made?
Improving these metrics is known as Off Page Optimization.
Pay Per Click Advertising
Pay Per Click advertising (PPC) is exactly what it sounds like.
When you run an ad, you will only pay when somebody clicks on one of your ads.
So if you run an advertising campaign that doesn’t entice one single person to click on your ad, you wouldn’t pay anything at all.
So let’s do some quick math…
If you run an ad that generates 1000 clicks and you pay 10 cents per click, you would pay 100 dollars for the campaign.
If you generate 5 sales worth 50 dollars per sale, you would have $250 in income… $150 in profit.
You could now reinvest the total $250 back into your advertising.
Assuming that the ratios stay roughly the same, your $250 would now generate about 2500 clicks.
Translated to 12 sales, and $600 in income.
Here’s what’s powerful about PPC advertising:
When you run an optimized profitable campaign, it’s easy to scale it up and ratchet up your income very quickly.
You’ve probably seen examples of PPC advertising campaigns without even realizing it:
- Ads that appear at the top of Google search results
- Sponsored posts on Facebook
- Those pesky ads that play before a YouTube video
These are all examples of PPC advertising.
And you can utilize this marketing method for your business if you’re willing and able to learn this valuable skill.
Social Media Marketing
Social media marketing is arguably one of the most powerful methods of building your network marketing business online.
Network marketing is inherently a personal business.
Most people don’t join a particular network marketing business just because they like the company or products…
Rather, they join a leader that they trust.
A leader that can help them be successful.
And social media is the best way to build personal connections online.
It allows your network marketing candidates to get a glimpse of who you are as a person.
It allows them to reach out to you personally to connect or ask questions about what you do and how you can help them.
In my personal opinion, Facebook is the most effective platform for digital network marketing.
It allows you to:
- Share blog posts or videos related to your business
- Share photos or stories from your personal life
- Have personal private conversations with people all over the world
- Share links to products or product explainers
Plus, the majority of Facebook users in North America are between the ages of 25 and 40…
Exactly the age where people start to think about the future and how to get out of the rat race.
You can and should capitalize on that.
I encourage you to read our guide for using social media for network marketing.
Email Marketing
Email marketing is the grand-daddy of digital marketing.
It’s been around longer than any other form of digital marketing… because it works.
Regardless of which type of marketing method you choose to specialize in, you should do email marketing in addition to that.
Let’s say that your main marketing method is Facebook.
But one day, Facebook decides that they don’t approve of some political comment you made on their platform 4 years ago…
And they close down your account.
Since you built your audience and business exclusively on Facebook, your income is completely destroyed overnight.
Thanks a bunch, Zuckerberg.
Look, I’m not saying this is a huge risk to be concerned about.
If you’ve built an email list, you will own that list.
Legally speaking.
Nobody can take that list from you.
And you can say whatever you want to say to the people on that list.
You don’t have to worry about some platform approving of your language, politics, or whatever else Cancel Culture is coming after these days.
The people that chose to opt into your list are your contacts, and yours alone.
So how do you entice people to join your list?
This can be challenging because we all receive way too many emails already, right?
We don’t really have any desire to join yet another email list.
Unless it’s somebody that we really trust.
We discussed earlier about how you need to become a thought leader, somebody that people actually want to hear from.
You do this by creating content that truly provides value to the consumer.
Then you need to have an offer known as a lead magnet.
A lead magnet is a free gift that you give away to people in exchange for their email address.
This free gift could be:
- An eBook or report
- A webinar replay
- A video series
- A digital course
- A physical book or product
This free gift should truly be a value bomb.
Something so amazing and so valuable that the consumer can’t even believe it’s free.
This will build massive trust.
They will likely not regret giving you their email address.
They will be much more inclined to continue to open your emails in the future.
And be extremely receptive to what you’re sharing with them, whether that’s educational content or recommendations for products or services…
To which you would earn commissions.
Customer Phases
Whether you realize it or not, you go through some very specific psychological phases before, during, and after every purchase that you make.
Think about when you buy a car…
You realize at some stage that you need a car to get around and live your life.
You can’t get to work without it. And you can’t bring your kids to hockey practice. You simply can’t get ahead in life without a car.
After realizing this need, you become keenly aware of the different brands of automakers that are within your financial reach.
This could be because of the various dealerships in your area.
Or maybe the ads that you see.
This first stage is the awareness phase.
After the awareness phase, you start to narrow down your focus to a specific brand of car.
You start to visit dealerships, go on a few test drives, discuss it with your spouse or significant other, and balance out the needs you need from a car with the financial sacrifice you’re willing to make.
This is the consideration phase.
Next, you make a decision.
You go to the bank or arrange financing through a local dealership. You sign all the paperwork, hand over a big fat check, and take your new wheels home.
This is the purchase stage.
After taking your new car home, you may feel a variety of emotions.
The dealership likely cleaned your new car thoroughly and made sure it has that new-car smell. They made sure that any mechanical kinks had been repaired before you picked it up.
And hopefully you didn’t ever-extend yourself financially to make this new purchase.
If your car has any problems down the road, the dealership takes care of the repairs and charges you a minimal amount of money, if anything at all.
If everything goes well, you don’t feel any buyer’s remorse after your purchase.
This is the post purchase phase.
If you really think about it, these phases apply to every single purchase you make in your life.
No matter how small and insignificant the purchase might feel.
So the question is…
How do these phases translate to a digital network marketing business?
The Awareness Stage
Before one of your customers or business candidates starts researching or looking into a network marketing business, they will start to become aware of a need they have in their life.
This part is not really in your control.
What is in your control however, is the content that you put out there.
You will need to create content for the specific type of person that is looking for information on what you have to offer.
But how can you possibly know what these people are looking for??
Think back to when you first started thinking about launching your home business.
- What led you to the decision to start a network marketing business?
- What types of questions were you asking?
- Did you search for answers and ideas online?
- What are the things that you wished you were told when you were first getting started?
These are the things that you should be covering in your content.
If you had specific concerns or questions, you can bet that many other other people out there have those same questions right now.
And you can learn the answers and put them out there in order to help others.
By providing the answers to these questions, you will build trust and authority in the eyes of the people who are consuming your content.
So when you recommend your product or business opportunity, these people will be very receptive to what you have to offer.
You start to build awareness of what you have to offer and how it can help your target audience.
The Consideration Stage
So now you have someone aware of what you have to offer.
But there are so many other options out there.
Why should anybody buy your product?
Or join your business?
You will need to guide people through the consideration phase by standing out from the crowd.
Help them see what you have to offer.
Help them understand why joining your business is better for their future versus one of your competitors.
What kind of value will you and your business opportunity add to your potential customer or candidate’s life?
The Purchase Stage
After your potential customer or candidate has been convinced of the value you have to offer, they will move towards the purchase phase.
It’s important for you to make the purchase process as simple as possible.
The purchase process will vary depending on the systems that your specific network marketing company has set up.
Some companies have sales systems set up that automatically guide people through the signup process.
Other companies will have you guide your people through the process on the phone or in person.
Neither is good or bad…
It just depends on the company.
The Post Purchase Stage
For example sake, let’s say that a “purchase” represents a candidate signing up to join your network marketing business.
After getting someone to sign up, your work has only just begun.
In order to build a network marketing business that will stand the test of time, you will need to provide adequate support for the people who sign up.
Because if your people experience buyers-remorse, they won’t stick around.
And you will constantly need to add more people to your team.
So after someone joins your team, you will need to continue to provide value. This can come in form of:
- Free training courses
- One on one support
- Create a friendly team atmosphere
So now you know the psychological phases that a customer goes through before and after taking action…
But how the heck do you build a system that will guide folks through this process using only the internet?
Let’s talk about it.
Internet Sales Funnels
Before we get into all the details of what an online sales funnel contains, you need to understand the basics of internet marketing.
So let’s really break it down…
Let’s take a look at what the most basic internet marketing business would look like.
In the example above, you are using a blog to generate traffic.
You will funnel the traffic from your blog to your Lead Magnet.
The Lead Magnet is used to collect leads. When you collect a lead, they will be added to your email list.
Once you’ve successfully generated a lead and added them to your email list, you can keep in touch with them on a regular basis.
Build a relationship with them. Provide incredible value initially so that they will be inclined to open up every email you send.
After you’ve built up that initial trust and credibility, you can recommend your network marketing business.
Or whatever product you’re selling.
Let’s dig a bit deeper.
Driving Traffic
Most of the work you end up doing in your digital network marketing business will be generating traffic.
As we discussed already, there are many different marketing methods that you can choose to specialize in.
If you are just starting out and don’t really have a marketing budget, you will probably want to start out with some form of content marketing rather than paid advertising.
Some forms of content marketing include:
- Blogging
- YouTube marketing
- Social media
As you’re creating your content, always keep in mind that you are creating this content for an end consumer.
The folks consuming your content are real people.
These people have pains, dreams, hopes, and aspirations.
Just like you.
And they’re people who are looking for answers to questions.
Which is why they’re consuming your content.
When you’re creating your content, it will be crucial for you to really develop a desire to provide value and truly help people.
If you truly create your content with the desire to provide value and help people, the money will come over time.
But if you’re simply trying to extract money from people…
And you care more about the money than providing value to these people…
You will make nothing.
People will see right through it.
OK, so I’m sure you get the point.
Value, value, value.
Your content creation efforts will not only serve to guide people through the “Awareness Stage” of your business…
But it will also be the main way in which you drive traffic into the first stage of your sales funnel.
The Lead Magnet
So what exactly is a lead magnet and how does it work?
Well as we alluded to already, a lead magnet is what you will be using to add people’s contact information to your email list.
Here’s how it works:
You will need to have some kind of free gift to offer your leads.
Something of extreme value that your leads will get in return for giving you their email address.
The free gift is just an incentive.
Think about it…
Nobody wants to be on yet another email list. We all receive too many daily emails already.
So if you expect somebody to voluntarily give you their email address and get onto your list, you really need to make it worth it.
We already discussed some examples of a free gift that you could offer.
- An eBook or report
- A webinar replay
- A video series
- A physical book or product
But let me share with you one of the most powerful Lead Magnets that I’ve ever seen.
In fact, it was so powerful that I completely fell for it.
I got onto this person’s list and ended up buying a $1000 course from him.
I’m a marketer; I understand how this stuff works. And still, his sales funnel worked on me.
It’s because this person was offering an incredible amount of value.
Here’s what he was giving away:
A free 10 day bootcamp training video series.
I was trying to learn how to get my feet wet in real estate investing.
And I came across a YouTube video that described a very detailed process of wholesaling real estate.
The video I watched outlined how to get started buying and selling properties without using any money or debt.
I know it sounds crazy…
That’s what I thought, too.
But at the end of his video, he spoke about his free 10 day bootcamp video series that would explain exactly how to implement his strategy.
So I clicked his link, which brought me to his squeeze page.
What Is A Squeeze Page?
A squeeze page is a web page or one-page website that is specifically designed for one thing…
To collect an email address.
Here’s an example of one:
You can see that it’s a very simple page. It simply tells you what you will get in exchange for an email address.
In order to get the free gift, you simply need to enter your email address.
You will then be added to the email list and be redirected to a “Welcome Page” or perhaps straight to the free gift.
A squeeze page is very easy to create if you’re using the right tools.
You will need an email list management program like Aweber (about $20 per month) and a program like LeadPages or ClickFunnels.
Personally, I think that MLSP (My Lead System Pro) is the best option for network marketers.
The whole program is specifically designed for digital network marketing.
They provide all the coaching and training you could possibly need as well as an email list manager so that you can avoid additional programs like Aweber.
Or you can collect leads straight from your blog.
I’m sure you’ve noticed these types of forms on many of the various blogs and websites you’ve visited over time:
It’s a way for you to collect email addresses directly from your blog.
This way, your leads don’t even need to leave the page they’re already on.
It’s just one less hoop to jump through.
So, what do you do after you’ve collected the lead?
Email Marketing
After your lead has entered their email address into the opt-in form on your web page, they will be added to your list and be redirected to your free gift.
The gift you’re giving away in exchange for their email address should be so packed with value that your lead will not be able to understand why it’s free.
They should be asking themselves:
“How the heck did I get this for completely free??”
But not only should your free gift be this valuable…
Your email follow-up sequence should be as well.
In your email list management program (eg Aweber), you will be able to set up a sequence of emails that will be automatically mailed out to your new email subscribers.
This is why a bootcamp training series is so powerful.
Over the first 7-10 days after your new subscribers are on your list, you should automatically mail out a sequence of value packed training.
Day after day, your new subscriber will be blown away that they’re getting this type of quality content for free.
They will start to open every single email that you send.
If you’ve delivered even more value than you promised, they will even start to look forward to your daily emails.
And when you finally make a recommendation to buy a product or join your team, they will understand that you only want what’s best for them…
And they’ll take action on whatever you recommend.
Making The Sale
So how do you go about pitching the product or service that you’re selling?
Well, you don’t need to blatantly tell them that they should be buying a specific product.
Instead, take your lead through a process of learning and education.
Teach them what they need to do in order to achieve their goals.
Don’t be afraid to completely give away the farm.
Many marketers are afraid to give away all their knowledge before they’ve received any money.
This is the wrong way to go about it.
Because if you’ve taught your lead absolutely everything they need to know in order to succeed, you’ll stand out from the crowd.
Think about it…
Almost nobody selling things online is doing it this way.
Most marketers simply give away just enough to create curiosity.
And in order for the lead to get the full process, they need to pull out their credit card.
But if you teach them everything they need to know, front to back, they will understand the complete process.
So then how do you make money?
You make money by showing them what tool or program they need in order to implement the process that you’ve taught them.
This will make it much easier for your future customer to part with their hard earned money.
Because they will understand exactly how to use the program or system that you’re selling in order to achieve their goals.
Tying It All Together
So let’s summarize what we’ve learned so far.
The first step of the digital marketing process is driving traffic.
The best way to do this on a budget is to start creating value-packed content.
You can do this by video marketing, social media, or blogging.
Let’s talk about blogging for the purpose of this example.
You will attract people to your blog by delivering immense value without asking for anything in return.
The process you will be following in order to create the content is:
- Learn
- Do
- Teach
Chances are, you’ve invested in courses and programs in the past in order to learn how to make money in digital network marketing.
So you likely have a lot more knowledge than you think you do.
Don’t assume that the knowledge you have is common sense.
It’s not.
There are people out there right now who are looking to learn what you know.
I promise.
The second step of this process is to create your lead magnet.
Create an eBook or bootcamp training course that is as densely packed with value as you can possibly manage.
Remember, you can always change your lead magnet later on down the road.
It doesn’t need to be perfect.
Just take action and get something out there.
The third step is collecting those leads.
Whether you are using an opt-in form on your blog…
Or sending people to a squeeze page from a YouTube channel…
You must collect those leads.
It’s how you will stay in touch with your future customers and build that trust and credibility.
The fourth step is continuing to deliver incredible value via your email follow ups.
Remember, you want your initial emails to your new leads to be so packed with value that they can hardly believe they’re getting all this for free.
It’s what is going to build deep trust.
The fifth step is making the sale.
As you’re taking your leads through a process of education via your followup emails…
You can recommend tools and programs that you’ve used in order to accomplish exactly what you’re teaching your leads to do.
As you make recommendations and your leads take action, you will earn commissions.
Adjusting The Marketing Process For MLM
Adding people to your network marketing team is usually not as easy as simply sending them a link to sign up.
I’m sure you know this by now.
There is a process that you have to take your people through in order to add them to your team.
And that process usually needs to be more personal.
Often, it involves you getting on the phone with leads and sometimes even meeting in person.
Fortunately, we have technology available to us now that allows us to add people to our MLM teams all over the world.
There are video chat programs like Zoom or WhatsApp that allow us to meet with people virtually instead of in person.
But how can you transition somebody from an email list to being willing to talk to you on the phone?
The Funded Proposal
The “funded proposal” is a concept that I originally learned from a book called Magnetic Sponsoring by Mike Dillard.
Long story short, the funded proposal is a way to make money from people who may or may not ever join your network marketing business.
So we talked earlier about selling products or programs through your email followup sequence…
But you will not be sending people directly to your network marketing opportunity.
Because adding people to a network marketing team is a personal, one-on-one process, right?
So what do you sell in your email follow ups?
You will sell products or programs that folks need in order to build their network marketing business using internet marketing strategies.
Think about it…
Most people that will be looking for information about network marketing online are likely already in an MLM business.
They’re not necessarily looking for a new business.
They’re simply trying to learn how to build their own business.
So the programs that you recommend initially should help them achieve the goal that they are working towards.
To build their MLM business successfully using digital marketing strategies.
So you will be able to make money by helping other people build their network marketing business…
Without them even joining your team!
After making that initial sale, you can start building a more personal relationship with them.
Moving Leads To Social Media
As we briefly talked about earlier, recruiting people into your network marketing business is typically a personal one-on-one process.
It’s not something you can do effectively right from your email list.
You will need to move your leads to a platform that enables you to build more of a personal relationship.
A platform that allows your leads to get to know you on a personal level.
A platform that allows them to have a glimpse into your life and see that you’re a human being.
Just like they are.
So not only will you be using your email follow-up sequence to sell your funded proposal…
But you will also be using it to funnel your leads into your preferred social media platform.
So periodically throughout your emails, you should encourage your leads to add you as a friend on Facebook.
Using your personal Facebook page, you should be sharing your business experiences.
Share things like:
- Tips and tricks that help you in your business
- Successes in your business
- Failures in your business
- Things that inspire you
- Whatever else you’re passionate about
If done correctly, people will start to reach out to you via Facebook Messenger to learn more about you, get to know you better, and ask for advice in life and business.
Some people will even ask you if they can join your network marketing team.
Think about that for a second…
They will ask YOU if they can join your team.
This is the true power of digital network marketing.
Usually, you will never actually ask anybody point-blank if they are open to your MLM opportunity.
Not if you do things correctly.
Again, feel free to read through our guide to building network marketing on social media.
The Full Process Summarized
Hopefully you’re still with me!
So let’s go over the full process again, start to finish.
You have a blog to which you drive traffic via basic SEO practices and incredible value delivery.
From your blog, people will enter their email address into your opt-in form in order to get your free gift.
Now they will be added to your email list.
You will bombard them with so much value over the next week or two, they won’t be able to believe that they’re receiving all this education for free.
Sprinkled in among all that value, you will recommend products or programs that can help them build whatever network marketing business they’re building.
(The program that I would recommend is MLSP).
You will also periodically ask them to add you as a friend on Facebook.
From Facebook, you will be the best YOU that you can be.
And start building relationships with all your Facebook friends.
As people start reaching out to you with questions, simply do your best to help them in a selfless way.
Eventually, a portion of your followers will ask you how they can join your business.
Not everybody will…
But some will.
And remember, you’ve likely already made commissions from your funded proposal (MLSP)…
So people joining your network marketing business is basically icing on the cake.
You’re not building your MLM business to get rich quickly anyway, right?
It’s a long term plan to build a passive income stream.
It just doesn’t happen overnight.
But if done correctly, it can happen over time and it can be a lot of fun, too.
Simplifying The Process For Duplication
Now that was a lot of information.
Teaching somebody the process of digital network marketing is not really that easy.
And remember what we said about what it takes to succeed long term in network marketing?
It’s all about duplication.
You might be able to become a master at adding people to your team by using these digital strategies…
But if you’re not able to make your system duplicate, you will never build the passive income that network marketing promises.
Because people will constantly be dropping out of your team and you will need to replenish them on an ongoing basis.
So keep in mind the steps we talked about in this article:
- Content creation
- Create your lead magnet
- Build your list
- Sell your funded proposal
- Add people to your social media
- Get to know your social media followers
- Add them to your team when the time arises
The process is really pretty simple.
Let me be clear…
It’s NOT easy.
But it IS simple.
Build Training Systems
If you want your team to duplicate the exact system that you use successfully, you will need to build a training system.
Such as a membership site where your team members will get access to the training and support that they need…
So they can build their own businesses (and by extension yours) without you having to literally hold their hands all along the way.
This might sound really intimidating to you.
But fear not!
If you’re just starting out with digital network marketing and you do not yet have the time or expertise to create these training systems and membership sites…
You can simply plug your business into a system like MLSP.
This way, you can start plugging people into MLSP and earn commissions while you learn how to set all of these systems up yourself.
Or you may just decide to keep using MLSP indefinitely just because it simplifies everything.
Remember, simplicity is the key to duplication.
And duplication is the key to long term success in digital network marketing.
In Conclusion
I know that was a ton of information.
Feel free to bookmark this page and come back to it for future reference.
The truth is, this process can be a bit daunting when you’re first learning about it.
But once you have all the pieces set up, there are only a few actions you will need to take on a regular basis.
- Create content regularly
- Email your list regularly
- Interact with your social media followers regularly
- Selflessly help people when they reach out to you for help
- Answer questions about your business when they come up
- Add people to your team
These are the minimum daily or weekly actions that you will take to sustain and grow your business over time.
Of course, this will be a never ending learning and personal growth journey for you as well…
So don’t forget to add “learning” to the list above.
The final conclusion of this is…
You can do this.
Many others have done it before you.
And you are just a smart as all of the 6- and 7-figure earners out there.
The only difference is that they got started before you.
It’s not too late.
So if you wanna do it, start taking action today!
If there’s anything unclear in this article, you are more than welcome to leave a comment down below and I’ll be sure to answer it as soon as possible.
You can also go through our MLM FAQ page if you have more general questions about this business model.
You may also be interested in reading our article where we discuss how to become financially free regardless of whether or not you’re in network marketing or any type of home business.

Written By:
Johnny Friesen
Just a blue collar guy passionate about finance, network marketing, and writing. When I'm not working on a car, you'll find me working on various side hustles and sharing my musings with the world.
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