Your mindset in network marketing is the most important asset you have.
If you don’t have the right mindset, you’re going to find it extremely difficult to succeed in this business. And honestly, this applies to anything in life.
I’m sure you know this; I’m not bringing you some breakthrough concept today.
Your mind directs your actions… So obviously, if your mind isn’t right, you’re not going to be able to take the actions that allow you to achieve what you want.
So today we’re going to cover 15 aspects of your mindset that you gotta get right if you want to make it in network marketing.
Table of Contents
1. Be Grateful
2. Direct Your Focus
3. Be Generous
4. Take Personal Responsibility
5. Pay For Coaching
6. Embrace Hard Work
7. Exercise
8. Understand The Economy
9. Understand Your Why
10. Trust In A Higher Power
11. Nurture Relationships
12. Take Care Of Your Mental Health
13. Affirmations
14. Don’t Get Too Abstract
15. Don’t Spend Too Much Time Mindset Training
Wrapping Up
1. Be Grateful
Gratitude is a key thing you must develop for a powerful mindset in network marketing.
If you are constantly focusing on what you don’t have, you’re going to struggle with motivation. It’s important for you to realize that you have many things to be thankful for.
If you’re reading this, you’re probably living in a country that values individual rights and freedoms. You likely have a home, clean drinking water, and a few square meals every single day.
You should know that well over half the world doesn’t have these fundamental things that we in the Western world take for granted so often.
So I encourage you to take some time to take inventory of the things you’re grateful for. It will radically improve your motivation to achieve more and make regular contributions to making the world a better place.
Think about our society today. Why are people so angry? Why is there so much division on every single societal issue?
It’s because we are focusing way too much on the things that we’re not happy about. You might strongly dislike your political leaders. You think your nation is fraught with injustices and that we need major reform.
These things may be true, and it’s OK for you to work for those things.
But putting too much focus on all the negatives creates a scarcity mindset. It leads to nihilism and we’re seeing this manifesting all throughout society.
That doesn’t mean you have to participate.
Focus on what’s amazing and have a mindset of abundance and gratitude.
2. Direct Your Focus
Your mind is much more powerful than you may realize. You have power and sovereignty over your mind.
This means that you have the power to direct your focus. This, in turn, will lead you to take actions depending on where your focus is.
Think about this…
When you buy a new car, you suddenly realize how many people in your area own the same car. It seems like everywhere you look, you see the exact same car that you’ve just purchased.
Why didn’t you ever notice this before?
It’s because the Reticular Activating System in your brain gets triggered every time you see this car because it so closely relates to your own experience.
So what if you were able to direct your mind towards abundance? Towards opportunity?
Suddenly, you will start to notice opportunities everywhere. And you can choose to take advantage of them if they align with what you want.
So how can you direct your focus?
Well instead of allowing mainstream media to program their narratives into you, you can be deliberate in the content you consume.
Turn off the news.
Turn instead to books that will improve your life and contribute to what you value. Follow only those YouTube channels that provide real value and improve your life. Find podcasts that are educational and motivational.
It’s never been easier than it is today to curate your own media intake.
Don’t let the big corporations and governments curate your media intake.
Do it for yourself.
Here’s a concept that you should understand, and it’s crucial for your mindset in network marketing:
Your thoughts drive your words, your words drive your actions, and your actions produce results. And then your thoughts are in turn driven by your results.
It’s a cycle that you can break and make it work in your favor.
Take control of your thoughts. Do not allow the news cycle, your government, or big corporations the privilege of telling what or how to think.
You can take control.
3. Be Generous
Your actions have a direct impact on the people you surround yourself with, and that definitely includes your network marketing team.
So you should be making a conscious effort to ensure the effect you’re having is a positive one.
We humans are reciprocal beings and we strive to return favors. You should not treat people with generosity with the expectation of getting something in return. Instead, do it out of the goodness of your heart.
And the odds are, your generosity will be returned to you as time passes.
Besides that, being generous just feels good.
Think about when you give your tithe to your Church or make a donation to a charity you believe in. While it might be momentarily hard to part with the money, it truly is an amazing feeling you get when you’ve contributed to something worthwhile.
It will put your mind in a state of abundance.
Because why else would you be giving stuff away?
It’s because you have so much in addition to the ability to get more.
So treating people with generosity doesn’t just have a positive effect on them… it directly improves your own mindset in network marketing or any business/career you’re pursuing.
4. Take Personal Responsibility
A powerful mindset in network marketing ultimately rests on you taking personal responsibility for your life.
Yes, life can be hard. Often, things are unfair and many people truly are dealt a really bad hand in life.
But is it really useful to dwell on how difficult your life is? Even if it’s true, focusing all of your mental resources on how unfair and unjust the world can be simply does not empower you to take control and do the best with what you have.
Look, when something difficult happens to you, it’s OK to allow yourself to grieve and work through whatever happened…
But don’t get stuck in rut of victim-hood.
When we look around at our society, it is dominated by victim-hood. And it’s simply undeniable that things seem to be getting worse.
It’s because people are putting too much focus on the negative things in life. And instead of taking the reins and taking action to change their situation, many are looking to corrupt governments for handouts.
They are abdicating personal responsibility. And it’s perpetuated by power hungry politicians, amplified by sold-out media giants.
Take personal responsibility.
Don’t be a victim.
You are a powerful, free thinking person. And you can learn to be resourceful enough to take control of your life.
5. Pay For Coaching Or Courses
When I was first getting started in network marketing, I spent a lot of time scouring the internet for advice on how to become a better marketer.
The problem was, I refused to pay for courses or coaching.
I was constantly searching for free stuff. And if I couldn’t find the answers on free YouTube videos or blogs, I would try to find pirated premium courses.
This was detrimental to my mindset in network marketing.
First of all, it put me in a mindset of scarcity. Subconsciously, I believed that I would never be able to afford any premium courses because I would never earn the money back.
And second, I simply didn’t put enough value on free content. Since I got it for free, I didn’t have the motivation to put the content into action in my life and business.
It wasn’t until I invested over $3000 into a coaching program in 2016 that I finally got it.
Because I had forked over thousands of dollars for this training, I felt as though I seriously needed to make this work. I didn’t want the money to go to waste.
So I gave it my absolute best effort and went on to have my first $1000 day using the skills I learned from this program.
I’m not saying that you need to spend thousands of dollars on a coaching program. But the point I’m making is that you will value a product more if you pay for it with your hard-earned money.
6. Embrace Hard Work
Stop looking for the shortcut to success in network marketing. Network marketing is the shortcut.
That doesn’t mean it’s going to be easy.
It’s not easy.
It’s going to take hard work. And you should embrace that.
We have a tendency to look at the richest people in our society and think that they got to where they are by cheating.
This may be true at the margins…
But by and large, the richest people in society got that way because they put in the hard work. They provided more value to the economy than most other people, and that’s how they got to a position of power, wealth, and authority.
If you want to succeed in network marketing or indeed any career, you’re gonna need to put in the sweat equity. The hard work. The stuff that few other people are willing to do.
If you work harder and smarter than your peers, you will achieve more. It’s as simple as that.
Hard work is way more efficient than corruption or cheating, especially in the long run. So embrace it. Learn to love it.
Not only will you achieve more, but you’ll also become mentally stronger.
It will do wonders for your mindset in network marketing.
7. Exercise
Exercising regularly is probably the number one most important thing you can do for your mindset in network marketing.
Many people think of exercise as something that they can do to make themselves look better and live longer. Those things are true, but there are also powerful near term mental benefits.
As outlined in a Harvard Health blog post, regular exercise helps to control your appetite, boost your mood, and improve your sleep quality.
The blog post talks about a study that revealed exercise alone can help for depression just as much as antidepressants, with no negative side effects.
It appears to be due to the release of brain chemicals such as serotonin and dopamine, which help to lift your mood and combat stress.
Just think about how much more effective you could be in your network marketing business if you were able to sleep a bit better and be in a better mood as you’re doing business.
Your success in this business is ultimately determined by your mindset in network marketing, and science has shown that exercise is one of the best ways to take care of your mental health.
8. Understand How The Economy Works
In order to succeed in business, you need to understand how the economy works.
I’m not talking about the plumbing of the banking system, monetary policy, the stock market, geopolitics, or macroeconomics.
I’m talking about how money is fundamentally earned in the economy.
Business owners (and that includes network marketers) succeed through a value for value exchange.
You earn value (money) by providing value to your customers (goods and services). And in network marketing, you can also provide value by building a network of people who will perpetuate this value for value exchange. This allows you to leverage the efforts of other people in an ethical way.
Even when you work a job, you earn value (money) by providing a service to your employer. And your employer earns value (money) by selling the goods and services that you help to produce.
Ultimately, our living standards are increased through a collective division of labor. As a society, we all trade value for value in order to innovate and live our lives in a prosperous way.
We do it by serving each other.
And that needs to be your mindset in network marketing…
Serving others.
It’s the only way to get ahead in network marketing or any business in an ethical way. It’s how you build a business that will stand the test of time.
You don’t buy stuff in order to do somebody a favor… you buy stuff because it’s going to improve your life in some way.
In the same way, you sell goods and services to others because what you’re offering will provide value to them and improve their lives.
9. Understand Why You Want Money
Too many people don’t spend enough time thinking about why they want to make more money. They have a surface level idea of how having a big fat bank account will make them happy…
But when you think about $10,000, how much of an emotional reaction do you get?
Then compare that reaction to thinking about taking your family on an all-inclusive vacation to Hawaii.
I’m willing to bet that you get more excited thinking about the vacation.
The point is, it’s not really the money that you want.
You want the things or experiences that you think the money will get you.
And the freedom.
Look, money is simply a medium of exchange.
It’s a technology that we humans invented to make commerce more efficient.
There isn’t really anything special about money specifically.
The thought of just making money will not keep you motivated enough to work hard, especially when challenging times come.
So you need to think specifically about why you’re looking to make more money. What exactly will that money do for you and your family?
Spend some time thinking deeply about this and keep it at the forefront of your mind. Your “why” should create some type of emotional reaction in you, because emotion will motivate you into action.
It will give you a much more resilient mindset in network marketing and will result in you being able to persevere when difficulties arise.
10. Trust In A Higher Power
In today’s society, faith and religion is often looked at as some kooky ideology for the weak minded.
In my opinion, this couldn’t be further from the truth.
Trusting in a higher power results in you being able to take a leap of faith when it seems that all odds are against you.
It may require you to humble yourself in front of an all-powerful sovereign God.
And it can help keep you accountable when you’re tempted to do things that go against your conscience, even if you know that nobody will ever find out.
Full disclosure, I am a Christian. This particular article is not about being an apologist for my faith…
But I will say that being able to have a personal relationship with a God that created everything we know about is a very humbling experience.
And when I screw up in life (which I do more times than I would like to admit), I know that I’m forgiven because of the sacrifice Jesus made for me over 2000 years ago.
That is incredibly humbling and gives me an internal desire to please Him. To show appreciation for the gift of eternal life that He gave me on the cross.
Whatever faith or higher power that you believe in, I think it can be a real asset in your life if you give it the time it deserves.
Knowing that a benevolent being that is so much bigger than you is in complete control of the universe is a very comforting thought to me and allows me to rest easy when it seems that the world around me is going nuts.
And it helps me with my mindset in network marketing and life in general because I don’t need to spend all of my focus trying to fix the world. Instead, I can focus on improving my life and the life of my family.
11. Nurture Your Relationships
Whatever you do, do not sacrifice your relationships for business success.
There is no sense in making a lot of money and having time freedom if you don’t have anybody to enjoy it with.
Humans were not made to be solitary creatures.
We thrive in community environments.
We gain strength and motivation from our loved ones. They help us to refine our thoughts and keep us in check when we go astray in life.
Your relationships are the most important thing in your life, bar none.
You will find that when your relationships are healthy, you’ll be more motivated to work hard in general.
So in an indirect way, deep, strong, loving relationships are a necessity for a strong mindset in network marketing.
12. Take Care Of Your Mental Health
Mental health struggles are probably one of the most difficult pains to deal with. Because it’s not visible, many people who deal with mental health challenges tend to struggle in silence.
You don’t necessarily want to seek out help because you fear that you’ll be seen as weak.
This tendency tends to prolong mental health challenges. Many people struggle for years, feeling depressed and unmotivated.
One of the main ways that mental illness presents itself is social anxiety. You might want to withdraw. You might want to lose yourself in the latest Netflix series or, God forbid, drugs or alcohol.
If you feel yourself going down this road, seek help.
Find a friend to talk to.
Find a good counsellor that you resonate with. There’s no shame in this; I see one on a regular basis!
If you can’t afford to see a professional, find out if your local Church can help you. Or perhaps the country you live in offers some type of social support for mental illness.
The point is, if you are struggling with mental illness, you need to deal with it.
If you don’t, everything in your life will be negatively affected over time. Your relationships, physical health, hobbies, and definitely your business.
So let’s bring this back to your mindset in network marketing…
Network marketing is inherently a social business. The point of the business is selling, teaching, and recruiting. It’s a people business.
And if you’re struggling with depression, you are going to have a very difficult time making this business work for you.
Mental health problems, just like any other health problem, should not be ignored.
13. Affirmations
Affirmations can be a powerful tool that you can use to improve your mindset in network marketing.
Affirmations are phrases that you tell yourself over and over again in order to “trick” your mind into changing its thought patterns.
For example, you might tell yourself “I work hard on my business every day, and every day I’m getting better and better.”
If you tell yourself that phrase 50 times per day for 6 months straight, you will eventually carve a new thought pattern into your mind. It’ll start to become the default.
But it’s important to understand that this isn’t some voodoo incantation idea.
Your life isn’t going to magically improve just by repeatedly chanting some words… you’re going to have to back it up with action.
But as your thought patterns start to change, you’ll start to be more motivated over time as your mind directs you to get to work. And as the results start trickling in, those thought patterns will be reinforced, encouraging you to double down on the hard work.
You should also be careful of the words you use in your affirmations. You can’t tell yourself a lie such as “I am successful, I am successful!”
Because if you’re trying to convince yourself of a lie, a negative emotion will be triggered and your mind will not motivate you to action.
This isn’t some magical parlor trick.
14. Don’t Get Too Abstract
One of the problems many people face when they’re learning to improve their mindset in network marketing is that they get too abstract.
Look, you’re aiming for specific things in life, right?
You want to build a business so that you can enjoy more time freedom and provide for your loved ones.
So when you’re working on improving your mindset, you need to be specific.
The Law Of Attraction as outlined in The Secret is, in my opinion, a load of bunk.
You are not going to magically attract more money and a beautiful spouse into your life just by willing it into existence. You’re not going to “manifest” these very specific results by strengthening your mindset alone.
Folks that fall into these Law Of Attraction rabbit holes have been done a disservice by fake gurus taking advantage of real struggles that people face.
If you want to produce specific results, then you are going to need to take specific actions and build specific skills that are going to create those results.
So working on your mindset in network marketing is more about getting yourself to take action than it is “attracting” things into your life.
If you really wanna eat, you’re gonna need to go out there, kill your food, and drag it back to the cave.
This is the real world.
Let’s not pretend that it’s anything else.
15. Don’t Spend Too Much Time Mindset Training
Don’t think that mindset training alone will be enough to improve your life.
It’s a big part of it and having a strong mindset in network marketing will certainly motivate you to get to work…
And that’s really the point.
The work.
Spending all day every day reading mindset books and meditating on your amazing potential future might feel good in the moment. But that alone is not enough to tangibly improve your life.
It can be an important part of it, but the reality is that it is much more powerful to get out there, get busy, face challenges, and take action.
It’s the only way to get tangible results. And as those results start coming in, your “action oriented” attitude will improve.
And it will be sustainable.
Mindset In Network Marketing Wrap-up
At the end of the day, you are only going to succeed in network marketing by taking the actions that get you there.
By acquiring customers, recruiting builders, and teaching them to duplicate your results.
That’s it.
Don’t spend the majority of your time analyzing your mindset.
The majority of your time needs to be spent doing the work. Taking the actions.
As the results start coming in, your mindset will naturally be strengthened as you start to understand what you’re truly capable of.
And don’t forget about what really matters in your life.
Take care of your health, mentally and physically, get involved in your Church if that’s your thing, and nurture your relationships.
Having your house in order will go a long way in making you more confident and motivated to get out there and work hard for what you want.
Because you deserve it.

Written By:
Johnny Friesen
Just a blue collar guy passionate about finance, network marketing, and writing. When I'm not working on a car, you'll find me working on various side hustles and sharing my musings with the world.
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