Network marketing affirmations can be a great way to improve and strengthen your mindset for success.
Success in life is very dependent on your state of mind. The things that you tell yourself in the privacy of your own mind will ultimately determine your actions.
And your actions will determine the tangible results you get in life.
In network marketing, your mindset is particularly important.
You see, many people who struggle with mental health tend to withdraw from other people. They feel the most comfortable being alone, not interacting with others.
Some people are just more introverted and feel that they mentally “recharge” best when they are alone.
And that’s perfectly fine. (I happen to be one of those people).
But in order to succeed with the network marketing business model, you will need to step out of your comfort zone and interact with people quite a lot.
Network marketing is inherently a people business.
So if you are not willing or able to interact with other people on a regular basis, you will not be able to build an MLM business effectively.
So changing the things you tell yourself can be a crucial part of your business success. And for our business model, network marketing affirmations are an excellent way to do that.
Table of Contents
What Are Affirmations?
How Affirmations Improve Mindset
Do Affirmations Really Work?
Using Affirmations Effectively
How Affirmations Can Help
1. Reinforce A Belief
2. Change A Belief
3. Motivate Yourself
How To Use Affirmations
1. Focus On WHO You Want To Be
2. Don’t JUST Say The Words
3. Say Them Out Loud
4. Progressive Phrasing
5. Use Them Repeatedly
6. Record Yourself
Morning Affirmations
Night Time Affirmations
How To Formulate Affirmations
1. Be Realistic
2. Be Decisive
3. Keep It Short
4. Make Positive Statements
5. “Release” Bad Traits
List Of MLM Affirmations
My Personal Affirmations
What Are Affirmations?
Using affirmations to strengthen your mindset is really a fairly simple concept.
An affirmation is simply a phrase that you repeat to yourself over and over again with the intention of making that phrase a habitual thing you tell yourself.
Neurologists have shown in scientific studies, as discussed in this Washington Post article, that using positive affirmations can actually rewire your brain to take the attitudes embedded in your affirmations as fact.
The reality is, you’re already using affirmations. Whether you realize it or not.
The problem is, many people use them, albeit unknowingly, in a very destructive way.
For example, if you’re at work, unhappily slogging away at your 9-5 job, you’re likely telling yourself statements such as:
“I’m stuck in this dead end job and I can’t do anything about it.”
And if you repeat this to yourself over and over again, you will start to believe it. Which means that you will literally stop looking for an exit. You’ve resigned yourself to the status quo. You’ve doomed yourself.
This is where doing affirmations intentionally can drastically improve the way you think, hence improving the way you act.
And the way you act determines your outcomes.
Have you ever told a joke in public that fell completely flat?
You thought it was funny and you expected to get a positive reaction. That people would laugh and see you as a fun person with a good sense of humor.
Instead, your joke was followed by an uncomfortable silence that seemed to go on for hours.
And subconsciously, you tell yourself:
“I’m not funny at all. I’m such a fool and I’m never telling jokes again because nobody thinks I’m funny.”
Think about how self-destructive that is!
What you tell yourself WILL determine the way you act.
So be intentional with how you communicate with yourself.
How Affirmations Can Improve Mindset
Using network marketing affirmations correctly can drastically improve your mindset by altering your thought patterns in a way that will make you a more productive person.
The image below shows the mindset cycle:
Your thoughts drive the words you speak, your words drive your actions, and your actions ultimately create your results. And as you start producing tangible results and your life improves, positive thoughts will be reinforced.
And the cycle continues.
So using affirmations effectively can have an exponential effect on your life as things compound over time.
Do Affirmations Really Work?
There is a large body of scientific literature supporting the effectiveness of using affirmations.
As outlined in this National Library Of Medicine article, the success of affirmations can be attributed to broadening your overall perspective and reducing the effect of negative emotions.
Look, as humans, we tend to be hyper aware of threats to our well being. In our caveman days, this may have applied more to us keeping our eyes open for saber toothed tigers or poisonous snakes.
But in our modern world, it’s more about being aware of our social standing. You probably subconsciously think that if you make a fool of yourself in public, you’ll be less likely to attract a mate. Or you’ll be less likely to advance in your career, negatively affecting your ability to put food on the table.
While some of these fears may be somewhat justified, they tend to overshadow the positive potential effects of at least attempting to take some social risks.
And it prevents many people from being socially successful.
As we mentioned, using affirmations effectively can broaden your perspective and by reducing negative emotion, can provide you with more confidence to take some risks and advance your life goals.
Using network marketing affirmations is not some magical voodoo.
Attributing the idea of using affirmations to some kind of new age voodoo completely misses the point. The problem is the way that affirmations have been framed in the public.
Many people talk about “manifestation” or “the law of attraction” where they claim that putting positive energy into the universe will make the universe return positivity to your life.
Give me a break!
Affirmations simply change your perspective. Instead of your default thought being “I’m such a screw up” you can choose to think “I’m crushing it and getting better every day!”
And when your default thoughts start being more positive and uplifting, you’ll literally be motivated to put in the hard work that’s absolutely necessary to succeed at anything in life.
It’s not that you’re magnetically attracting anything…
It’s that you’re doing the damn work instead of sitting on the couch, feeling depressed, watching the latest episode of some cheesy and depressing soap opera.
You are a seriously capable human being… you just need to realize it and believe it so that you’re motivated to learn the right skills and put them to work.
And network marketing affirmations can be a great way to do this.
Using Affirmations Effectively
The key to using affirmations in a way that will actually change your life is repetitiveness.
The more you repeat a statement to yourself over and over again over a prolonged period of time, the more you will start to believe it.
If, like most people, you tell yourself negative things about yourself on a regular basis, these thoughts will get ingrained in your mind. As you start to back those negative thoughts up with feelings, your insecurities will pile up, resulting in more problems in your life.
So you gotta take control of how you think.
But it’s going to take time. And you’re going to need to be diligent and repeat your affirmations to yourself over and over again, possibly for a very long time.
The thing is, your mind has a BS meter.
If you tell yourself an affirmation that just isn’t true yet such as “I’m an extroverted person”, your brain will know that that is simply a false statement.
And it will be rejected.
You’ve spent years telling yourself that you’re a shy, introverted person. So of course your brain will block this radically new idea.
But after a few weeks of relentlessly repeating this affirmation to yourself, you find yourself in the grocery store one day. You’re standing in the checkout line, which is moving very slowly. So you automatically decide to have a light conversation with the person ahead of you.
It suddenly strikes you that you never would have done this a few short weeks ago…
But you did it without even really thinking about it. Because this is becoming a part of your personality as your new thought patterns are taking hold.
So it’s important for you to recognize that affirmations work very gradually. It’s almost impossible to notice them working in the short term because the effect is so slow.
Just stick with it.
Before long, you’ll start to notice yourself behaving in new ways as your new and improved thought patterns take hold.
How Network Marketing Affirmations Can Help
Before we dive into exactly how to use network marketing affirmations to make you a more effective networker, let’s talk about the 3 things that affirmations can do for you.
1. Reinforce An Existing Belief
No matter how little confidence you may or may not have at this time, I can guarantee there is something about yourself that you like.
Maybe you have good hair. A nice face. A sharp mind. Or an attractive body.
Whatever it is, you can use affirmations to reinforce those positive attributes in your own mind so that they overpower any negativity that you feel. This can help you to become an optimist, with the inner confidence to see the glass as half full.
2. Change A Belief
You can also use affirmations to change a belief that you have about yourself, which can have a profound effect on your personality.
As an example, you can use the phrase, “I am becoming a positive thinker.”
Over time, you’ll start to notice your personality shift. You’ll start to think, by default, “that wasn’t so bad” or “let’s look on the bright side”.
3. Motivate Yourself
On most days, you probably need a bit of a kick in the pants in order to get the motivation to engage with the world and put in the necessary work.
For example, when I’m out and about running errands, I’m usually not in the mood to have conversations with anyone. I just want to go into the stores I need to go to, grab my stuff, and get out.
But there’s real, long term value in networking with everyone and having meaningful conversations wherever you go.
So one of the affirmations you might use on a regular basis is, “I love having real conversations with anyone that I find interesting”.
Eventually, you’ll start making conversation with people wherever you go, without even second guessing it. It’s just what you do. Because it’s who you are now.
How To Use Network Marketing Affirmations
So let’s talk about how you can practically use network marketing affirmations to become a better networker and be a more effective actor in life and business.
1. Focus On WHO You Want To Be
You might be tempted to use an affirmation like, “I love prospecting every single person I talk to”.
This is a mistake. Because think about what this does…
It will encourage you to focus all of your conversations on your business. It’s all about you and your business, and how many people you can sell to or recruit.
The problem is, people catch on to this. And they get annoyed.
Instead, focus on the type of person that you need to become in order to be an effective network marketer. You want to become a great conversationalist. A master networker. Somebody that everyone loves to be around.
So when you’re figuring out what affirmations to use, consider what type of person you need to become in order to be a good network marketer instead of the actions of selling or prospecting.
2. Don’t JUST Say The Words
Instead of just monotonously saying the words to yourself, you should put some real effort into this.
Really feel the words you’re saying and visualize the new reality you want to create.
For example: If you tell yourself that you’re “a confident alpha human” and you’re really feeling that statement, you’ll start to relax. You’ll start to stand up straight. Your shoulders will move back and your walk will probably even change.
3. Say Them Out Loud
When you’re alone at home or in your car, don’t hesitate to say the words out loud.
It’s useful to engage some of your 5 senses to make these affirmations your new reality.
If you say the words out loud, you’ll fully engage your hearing. If you visualize in your mind’s eye, one could argue that you’re engaging your vision. Even your feelings, as you feel the surge of emotion running through your body as you imagine your affirmations to be your reality.
4. Phrase Them Using Progressive Verbs
When you’re trying to rewire your mind to something completely new, your mind is going to put up strong barriers.
For example, you may tell yourself, “I feel completely happy with my life”.
But your mind may be quick to respond with, “No way! Things are super rough right now!”
You can overcome this barrier by instead saying, “I am feeling happier with my life every single day”.
This can overcome a lot of the natural resistance that your mind will have. And as time goes on and you truly do start to feel happier about your life, you could switch to, “I feel completely happy!”
5. Use Them Repeatedly
Using affirmations is not a one-time fix. As we talked about already, it’s not some magic voodoo trick.
The reality is, you will need to come back to your affirmations again and again throughout your life in order to freshen them up. As you move through the world, life will probably beat you up from time to time… that’s just normal.
But using affirmations can help keep you from allowing life to bring you down.
Look, your mind is like a muscle. And affirmations are like a workout for your mindset.
If you want to maintain a muscular body, you’ll need to keep lifting those weights. In the same way, you’ll need to review and repeat those old affirmations in order to keep from sliding back into your old ways.
6. Consider Recording Yourself
This might feel a bit weird at first… but honestly, what’s wrong with being a bit weird?
Some people are more auditory than others, meaning that you may retain information better by hearing it than reading, visualizing, or feeling.
So consider recording an audio of you saying your affirmations and playing it back on a regular basis. Perhaps you can listen to it in your car or as you’re falling asleep at night.
Even if it feels weird, do it anyway.
It just might be worth it.
Morning Affirmations
Every morning I wake up and go through my affirmations. I read them out loud, in an animated way, often in front of a mirror.
They are geared towards motivating myself and stimulating my mind and emotions.
It’s a great way to start the day because when I get to work, my mind is primed to be the best person I can be. I’ve pre-framed my mind to have the confidence that I need in order to accomplish the big goals I’ve set for myself.
This is especially important for network marketing, because you need to be moving through your life with confidence.
You need to be in the right frame of mind to be a good and confident communicator, ready to have meaningful conversations with many people and being an extremely attentive listener.
This doesn’t come naturally to many people… luckily for you, you can basically program your mind to become anyone you want to be!
Night Time Affirmations
Sleep is a very important part of maintaining your mental health, emotional well being, and personal confidence.
So I have a different set of affirmations to go through before my head hits the pillow.
I don’t want to stimulate my mind to become excited… I want the exact opposite.
So my evening affirmations are geared towards slowing down my mind and relaxing my body. Once I’m done with my evening affirmations, I may calmly think about my dreams; the things I plan to accomplish in the coming years.
But I don’t think about strategy… that will only serve to stimulate my mind for action.
Instead, I just visualize what life will be like when I accomplish the things that I plan to accomplish.
Then I drift off to sleep.
How To Formulate Your Affirmations
I have a list of affirmations that I tell myself every single morning. It’s a list that has slowly grown over the years as I’ve added more affirmations to my list.
As I’m going through life, I’m constantly adding new affirmations that fit my current goals. And often, especially if a particular affirmation proved to be very effective, I add it to my list of morning affirmations.
As you’re putting together your own affirmations, there are 5 things you should consider.
1. Be Realistic
It’s very effective to affirm traits about yourself that you’re already proud of.
If you want to motivate yourself to achieve new goals, you should be realistic. If you tell yourself that you’ll be a millionaire by next month, you’re simply setting yourself up for disappointment.
Besides, your mind will reject an obviously unrealistic statement.
2. Be Decisive
Make your affirmations strong and decisive. For example, instead of telling yourself, “I’m satisfied with my life”, try instead “I am completely satisfied with my life.”
3. Keep It Short
An affirmation shouldn’t be more than a dozen or so words.
Remember, affirmations aren’t supposed to sound fancy or sophisticated. They’re meant to form your new thought patterns, so they need to be easily absorbed by your mind without the need for high concentration.
They should be simple and to the point.
4. Make Positive Statements
Your mind will respond much better to positive statements rather than negative ones.
For example, it’s better to tell yourself, “I absolutely love meeting new people and learning all about them” than it is to say “I’m not nervous to meet new people at all.”
5. “Release” Bad Traits
If there is an attribute that you need to change about your life or personality, use the phrase “I release the need” instead of “I am not” or “I will not”.
For example: “I release the need to drink alcohol every weekend.”
List Of Network Marketing Affirmations
Below is a list of network marketing affirmations that you can have a look at to get inspiration for your own list.
Don’t just copy them verbatim… your affirmations need to be personalized to you and who you want to become.
Your list doesn’t need to be incredibly long, though it can certainly grow over time.
- I am naturally a strong and determined person.
- I inspire others to live their best life because I have shared my opportunity with them.
- I am a person of worth and value. Success comes easily to me.
- I am committed to my goals and I love working hard to achieve them.
- I naturally think outside the box and find solutions that others might not see.
- I easily see things from my team’s point of view and relate easily to them.
- Opportunities are all around me and I am open to seeing them.
- Today I will be willing to fail in order to find what works best.
- I am a very outgoing person.
- I am completely happy and getting happier every day.
- I never give up. Today is the promise of a new beginning and I will make the most of it.
- I am the owner and CEO of my own company and I add value every day.
- All of my past failures have made me into the powerful person I am today.
- An opportunity is nothing but a possibility until I take action on it.
- People like and trust me because I am a good listener.
- I naturally get along well with other people.
- People are curious about my opportunity so I bless them by sharing it.
- I am having a blast teaching others what I know so they can be successful in their businesses.
- I find it very easy to save money. There is always more than enough.
- I look forward to overcoming any obstacles I will face today.
My Personal Network Marketing Affirmations
As we talked about earlier, affirmations are not some magic trick. You can’t say the magic words one or two times and hope to achieve radically different results in your life…
Instead, you need to use them repeatedly.
For a long period of time.
Maybe forever.
Personally, I’ve integrated them into my daily routine.
Every morning, I read my affirmations out loud, sometimes in front of a mirror. It’s a great way to kickstart my motivation every morning so that I can hit the ground running.
I also have a process that I use every night as I’m falling asleep, which also includes affirmations.
But instead of reading my night time affirmations, I’ve recorded them.
Every night I listen to that recording and it helps to remind myself of who I am and what I’m working towards. But it also helps to slow down my mind so that I can easily drift off to sleep.
You can feel free to download my affirmations in PDF form below. (Right click the button below and click “Save As” to save it to your device.)
The PDF includes the affirmations I use every morning, as well as the script you can use to record your own night time affirmations.
You may find that my process doesn’t exactly fit with your own life, so feel free to change them to make them a good fit fro you.
When you’re putting together your own network marketing affirmations, consider where you’re at in life as well as where you want to go.

Written By:
Johnny Friesen
Just a blue collar guy passionate about finance, network marketing, and writing. When I'm not working on a car, you'll find me working on various side hustles and sharing my musings with the world.
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