Network marketing on social media is a topic that is vastly underestimated and under utilized.
The traditional network marketers don’t think it can duplicate…
And the forward thinking digital marketers think that social media is an outdated tool.
Guess what?
They’re both wrong.
Social media is the most powerful recruiting tool in the world, bar none. And it will continue to be so for a long time to come.
It’s a way for you to build close, personal connections with people all over the world. It allows you to build a network of like minded folks that spans the globe.
An absolute dream for anyone that takes network marketing seriously.
Imagine living in the United States and building a team in Australia that is completely self-sustaining and growing without much or any effort on your part.
This is the power of social media.
What NOT To Do On Social Media
One of the most common things you will see network marketing hopefuls doing on social media is spam.
They plaster their profile with their company logo, pictures of their products, and pictures of people holding wads of cash as they step into their brand new Lambo.
This is not attractive, nor is it effective.
Think about it…
When you visit someone’s profile page who just got into network marketing for the very first time, you immediately know what they’re selling and which company they are working with.
Their status updates are:
I really hope you’re not doing this!
Let’s think about what the folks on your friends list will think about these posts.
Many of them probably know you personally.
If not, they will remember back when you posted about how miserable you were at your job.
They’ll remember seeing you complain about your spouse, or being way too open with your political opinions.
Here’s what it comes down to:
You don’t have credibility!
Why should anyone believe that of all people, YOU can help them make an outrageous amount of money from home and completely change their life?
You haven’t given them any reason to believe it!
And plastering your links with pictures of bags full of cash is NOT going to build trust or credibility.
It’s not realistic and any rational thinker will not believe you.
What It Takes To Succeed
So you know what NOT to do… let’s talk about what you SHOULD do to turn your social media following into an attentive audience that trusts you and sees you as an expert.
There are 5 things you must understand if you want to succeed with network marketing on social media.
I. Conviction
This applies to network marketing in general, whether you are building with social media or offline strategies.
You have to believe in this business model!
So many new network marketers are uncomfortable with promoting their business because they’re terrified of being called a scammer.
Did you hear Mike’s involved in a pyramid scheme?
Listen, you KNOW the difference between a pyramid scheme and legitimate network marketing.
If not, you need to read my article on why network marketing is a great opportunity for the times we live in.
So don’t worry about these potential accusations.
I know it’s easier said than done, but you need to truly decide that MLM is an amazing profession and you’re proud to be a part of it.
If you don’t truly believe this, you will not recruit effectively.
You’ll be meek and lacking confidence in what you’re offering.
People will see right through you, whether you’re communicating online or offline.
You’re part of a wonderful business.
Own it.
II. Commitment
Success in anything requires commitment.
You can not expect to just try something for a month or two and experience life changing results.
If you are trying to get in shape, you don’t go to the gym for a month and then quit because you still don’t have a six-pack.
You understand that it takes dedication. You will need to do the hard work for an extended period of time.
This applies to business as well.
To be honest, it will probably take at least a year before you get significant results.
So before you even start, you must DECIDE that social media will be a central tool that you use in your business.
While you may not make life-changing money within that year, you will have small wins along the way.
Celebrate these wins and realize that the small wins will compound over time to create incredible results…
IF you take the right actions consistently for an extended period of time.
III. Be Professional
Just being on social media is not good enough.
You need to take the correct actions in order to manifest results.
Random, inconsistent actions never amount to anything in business or life.
Remember, you’ve decided that MLM is amazing and you’re proud to represent it.
This is a real business. You are a network marketing professional, so you must behave like one.
Do it right.
As we talked about earlier, many folks are behaving in unprofessional ways online by spamming their social media followers with opportunity links and exaggerated income claims.
This does real damage to the reputation of network marketing.
And frankly, it’s downright embarrassing.
No wonder folks are skeptical about this business model!
But you and I can be a part of the change. By being professional and uplifting the reputation of MLM, we can change the negative perceptions.
One person at a time.
Many of the old school, traditional network marketing greats don’t believe that social media has a place in network marketing.
It’s because they see all the spam online.
They love this profession and they find the behavior online to be extremely distasteful.
These people have pride in their businesses and simply don’t want to be associated with all the spam.
And rightfully so…
But social media isn’t going anywhere and you would be doing yourself a disservice by not learning how to use it the right way.
Your team leaders may also tell you that social media isn’t duplicable.
They see all the bad behavior and just can’t imagine anyone joining an MLM business after seeing all that.
But if you use social media correctly and teach your team to do the same, it WILL duplicate.
IV. Don’t Focus On YOU
Most of society is not using social media in a healthy way.
I think we can all agree that social cohesion has taken a real hit since the onset of platforms like Facebook and Twitter.
People use these platforms to broadcast their own feelings about contentious issues.
Or to brag about personal achievements.
They try to make their life appear much better than it is…
Most social media content is all about ME, ME, ME.
Look how amazing I am.
Listen to all MY political opinions.
But every now and then, you see someone online that is focused on OTHER people.
They talk about how YOU can succeed in life or business, rather than their own success or opinions.
This is a real breath of fresh air!
It’s important for you to remember that there are real people on the other end of your posts and messages.
People just like you…
With dreams, hopes, anxieties, frustrations.
And what’s the entire point of using social media for your business?
It’s to attract people to YOU.
And you do this by taking the focus off of YOU and putting it onto your followers.
You want to make connections online and build trust with your followers. They need to truly feel that you want what’s best for them.
Maybe you’re scared of what others will think about you?
This is a real fear for aspiring network marketing professionals.
Whether you are building online or offline, you might be terrified that one of your friends or family members might see what you’re up to.
Remember what we said about conviction?
You are proud to be in this business!
Besides, you’re focusing on YOU again, rather than giving your social media following content that they are looking for.
V. Attract People To You
You will never recruit someone into your business by being pushy, especially on the internet.
You need to attract people to you like a magnet.
Folks should be looking forward to your posts.
Give them what they want.
Provide value to your following on a consistent basis for an extended period of time.
Your following will learn that you are a reliable source of good information, education, inspiration, and maybe even entertainment.
Here’s the goal:
You want to be viewed as an authority figure in your niche.
When a prospective customer or builder is asking themselves a question, YOU need to be the first person that comes to mind as someone who would have an answer.
Create content that solves problems for your viewers or readers.
If you can achieve this, you will recruit and sell more effectively than 99% of folks building MLM on social media.
Another thing to keep in mind is that people need to know what you stand for.
Don’t create content about many different topics.
Niche down.
If your network marketing company sells cleaning products, makeup, and financial services, you will need to decide where your focus lies.
Pick one topic.
If you choose to focus on financial literacy, then you want to be known as the person who is an expert on finance.
But if you mix in content that talks about how to make your home clean and green, it will simply confuse your audience.
Be focused.
Which Platform Is Best?
There are so many social media platforms to choose from these days.
- Snapchat
I could go on…
But you get the point.
Which one should you use?
The truth is, the platforms all have their pros and cons.
Just pick one.
Pick the one you are most comfortable with; one that you already know how to use.
They are all effective tools for network marketing as long as you use them correctly for an extended period of time.
There may be a temptation however, to use more than one.
Don’t do it!
Just go all in on ONE platform.
Don’t spread yourself out too thin. Stay lean and focused so that you can be as effective as possible.
You could always expand in the future after you’ve mastered one platform, but you can not conquer every platform simultaneously.
Besides, each individual platform has more than enough people for you to build a massive 6 figure organization.
How Much Time To Spend On Socials?
This depends.
Every network marketing company will teach you slightly different ways of building your business.
Some may teach you to build exclusively on social media.
If that’s the case, simply follow what you’re being taught so that you can teach your team to do the same.
Others may teach you to stay off of the internet completely.
If this is the case, simply follow what you’re being taught…
For now.
You need to follow the system that’s laid out before you so that your own team will do the same.
Duplication is key.
But as your team starts to grow and you’re experiencing some duplication in your business, you can start to branch out and learn more methods of building.
The truth is, both online and offline methods are effective. And I would argue that both are necessary.
Figure out a schedule that works well for you.
The most important part of your business time management is consistency over the long run.
Marketing vs Prospecting
This is crucial for you to understand, especially if you’re building online.
Marketing is passive.
You put out a piece of marketing, hoping that an unnamed individual responds to it in some way.
Prospecting is active.
This is when you are actively reaching out to people and extending invitations to check out your product or opportunity.
Both are necessary in network marketing.
Your online marketing efforts will go a long way in building your credibility and reputation so that when you reach out to folks, they will be receptive.
Over time, you will need to strike a balance between the two.
Social media marketing alone will not be enough for you to grow your business fast…
If you want fast growth, you will need to put yourself out there and personally reach out to credible candidates.
Setting Up Your Profile
Your profile page is one of the first places that people will visit to figure out whether or not you’re a credible person to listen to.
It’s your online first impression.
It’s important that you set it up correctly because people will make assumptions based on your profile.
There are five things you should consider when setting up your profile.
I. Don’t Jeopardize Your Job
I know you might think that you don’t care about your job. You’re building this business so that you can fire your boss, right?
But you’re not there yet.
So don’t do anything on social media that could put your job in jeopardy.
For now, it’s paying your bills.
Look at it this way:
Your job is a tool that you’re using to fund your business.
II. Make It Visually Appealing
Your profile needs to instill positive emotion in anyone that views it.
If it’s a chaotic mess, filled with MLM logos, cartoons, or pictures of cash, folks will not take you seriously.
They will not be emotionally inclined to follow you.
You should also avoid pictures of you drinking alcohol.
Obviously there’s nothing wrong with some booze here or there…
I myself enjoy a cold one on a hot summer afternoon.
Just don’t make it front and center on your profile. Few people won’t care, but many will be turned off.
III. Answer The Unasked Questions
There are a few questions that your profile should answer in the viewer’s mind.
Use the banner, profile picture, headline, and description sections to answer the following:
- Who are you?
- Why should they stick around and follow you?
- How will they benefit from listening to you?
Be specific in answering these unasked questions.
While your profile visitors may never consciously ask these questions, the answers could convince them to click that “follow” button and pay attention to you in the future.
IV. Don’t Be A Perfectionist
Your profile is important, but you can always make changes in the future.
Don’t get too bent out of shape or stressed about your profile.
As long as you follow what you’re learning here today, you’ll be just fine.
V. No Company Name Or Logo
Your company name or logo has NO place on your profile.
Think about it…
If someone sees your company name, they will simply Google the company and come to a conclusion that’s completely out of your control.
They will not feel as though they need to reach out to you for more information.
This is way more important than many people think.
Remember, you want to attract people to you. You want people to reach out to you so that you can make a personal connection.
Identify Your Target Audience
One of the mistakes that many aspiring network marketers make is that they try to recruit absolutely anyone into their business.
If you take your business seriously, you won’t accept just anyone.
But I get it.
When you’re first getting started, you just want a quick win.
So that you can prove to yourself that the opportunity is real.
You don’t want just anyone to be on your team, especially if you’ve lured them in under false pretenses.
Because they will not last and when they quit, you’ll feel discouraged.
So what type of person do you want?
You want someone who is already interested in what you’re offering.
This is where defining your target audience comes in.
Think about the specific type of person you’re targeting. Assemble a persona, an imaginary friend if you will.
- Age
- Single or married?
- Upper or middle class?
- What type of career?
- What questions are they asking?
- Do they face challenges in life and what are they?
When I defined my own target audience, I started with myself.
- What questions did I have when I was first getting started in business?
- What were my personal struggles?
- Did I have personal goals in life and business and what were they?
- What type of questions was I typing into Google and YouTube?
- What type of social media content compelled me to listen to business leaders?
Once you’ve assembled your imaginary friend, craft all your content for that exact type of person.
You may think that your own struggles are completely unique. Like nobody else feels the way you do or did. Like the questions you used to ask were silly.
You’re not as unique as you think when it comes to your struggles or ambitions.
And the wonderful thing about the internet is that if you create content for a specific type of person, you will naturally start to craft a specific and unique audience.
You will purge people who don’t resonate with your message…
And you will attract those who do.
That is the power of using social media for network marketing.
You should commit to a very specific number of value oriented posts on a regular basis without expecting any type of tangible result.
Here’s what you need to understand about online marketing…
Many people will be watching you from afar without engaging at all.
I call them the silent majority.
Over time, as you remain focused on providing consistent value, they may start to engage with some of your posts…
Or perhaps even reach out to you personally.
Even when you feel as though you’re just putting content out to an empty void, you must understand that people are watching you.
Look, people are skeptical online…
So it can take quite a while for someone to trust you enough to start engaging.
But as long as you’re committed, providing value, and moving the focus away from YOU and onto your following, those barriers will start to fall over time.
It’s an example of passive marketing.
Building Trust And Credibility
Now let’s talk about your etiquette and behavior on social media.
There are certain topics and behaviors you should completely avoid online, and others that you should be focusing on.
Many people don’t like to admit that they are vulnerable and experience difficulties in life.
But we all do.
So whether or not some of your followers are prepared to admit their own vulnerabilities, they will relate to you on a personal level if you do.
Be authentically you, and do not be afraid to let your vulnerabilities show.
Don’t milk it.
There’s a balance that you will need to strike.
While it’s a good thing to show your vulnerability, you NEVER want to appear overly negative. You do not want to appear as though you need or are looking for pity.
If you are posting about a problem or challenge that you’re facing, you need to put a positive spin on it.
For example:
This shows that you’re human, that you struggle just like everyone else.
But simultaneously it inspires others who may be facing similar challenges to keep going. And they may look up to you in the future when they are in need of advice or inspiration.
Don’t be afraid to share how you’re feeling. Just be self-aware and careful with how you spin it. Keep things positive and motivating.
Be Relatable
Many new online marketers have a tendency to try to represent themselves as a guru.
This is a big mistake, especially if you’re promoting a network marketing business.
Remember, duplication is the key to success in MLM, so you need to be presenting yourself as doing something that anybody could do.
Don’t try to put yourself up on some type of pedestal.
You do NOT want to try and appear special or impressive. It’s not duplicable and will prevent many people from getting involved with your business.
Put Yourself In Their Shoes
Before you hit the publish button, ask yourself this:
If one of my “heroes” posted this, would it attract me? Would I be inspired and compelled to learn more about what she has to offer?
You need to understand that one misstep online could ruin your reputation with certain individuals for life.
There are certain posts you should avoid at all costs:
- Complaining about your job
- Complaining about your spouse or friends
- Calling out or hating on a competitor
- Being too religious (there may be exceptions here)
- Being too political
- Talking about contentious societal issues
- Too much swearing
- Posting a video of you getting “sloppy” drunk
Before you publish a post, think about the person who might be silently watching you from afar, trying to judge whether or not you’re a credible person that they would want to work with.
Many folks will silently watch you for six months or more before engaging and/or reaching out to you.
Be Consistent
My mentor, who taught me everything I know, was incredibly prolific and consistent with his posts.
I watched him for years before reaching out to him. In fact, I eventually joined his network marketing business and made my first real income outside of my 9-5 job.
When your followers see that you’re consistent over time, they will subconsciously associate you with reliability and trust.
You will, over time, start to be seen as a credible person to learn from and work with.
But you should not JUST consider what works when deciding what topic your social media marketing will focus on.
It needs to be something that you love, something that you’re passionate about.
Without passion, you will be unable to remain consistent over time.
So you need to ask yourself:
What do I want to post about that keeps me motivated but will also attract folks to me?
This will make it much easier for you to stay consistent over time. You will need less discipline because your passion will fuel your actions.
Come up with a posting schedule that works for you. Maybe it’s 1-2 times per day, or maybe 3-4 times per week… whatever you decide, stick with it!
You should also ask yourself:
What do I wanna be known for?
Be congruent.
Post about roughly the same topic at roughly the same time of day consistently over time, and your audience will come to expect your daily posts.
You will start to be known as reliable and unshakeable.
Like a rock.
Growing Your Social Media Audience
So without an audience to read and watch the content you put out there, there’s really no point, right?
So let’s talk about how to grow your following.
For the purposes of this article, we will be focusing mainly on Facebook. More specifically, your personal Facebook profile.
In the future, I’ll be writing guides for how to grow your following on other major social networks.
So here are seven ways to help you boost your Facebook friends list.
I. Enable Profile Follows
Back in the old days, you needed to be a “verified” Facebook user to get followers on your Facebook profile.
But now, anyone can.
It allows folks to follow you and see what you’re posting without having to get too personal and officially ask to become friends.
It’s a lower barrier to entry for someone who just wants to observe what you’re doing from afar.
II. Find Groups And Engage
This is one of the best ways to get more friends and followers on Facebook.
Find groups that are directly related to your niche and filled with active users.
And engage in the groups, consistently over time.
Think about it…
If somebody goes out of their way to ask a question in a Facebook group, they are actively involved in the subject.
So you can go in there and provide detailed guides and answers to questions, as well as add to answers that other people have given.
Like and comment on other valuable posts in the group.
Provoke conversation.
People will be attracted to your positivity and knowledge.
III. Engage With Influencers
Find other influencers in your niche.
Just like with the groups, value should always be your focus.
Engage with the influencers’ posts. Add insight, value and answer questions in detail.
Again, provoke conversation.
You likely won’t attract the influencer directly, but you may attract their audience.
IV. Post Engaging Content
People share content that they love.
You should be posting content consistently. Encourage people to comment and share the content around.
It’s also worth noting that Facebook will push your content more if it contains multimedia. For example:
- Pictures
- Memes
- Videos
Even links can be better than just pure text.
Facebook will also show your posts more frequently to people who have previously engaged with your content.
So encouraging folks to comment on your stuff will have long term impacts on your social media success.
V. Use Your Fan Page
This probably doesn’t apply to you, but IF you have a Facebook business fan page, you can use it to run ads to your personal profile page.
It’s not something I would do personally, but it’s an option.
VI. Use Other Social Platforms
If you have a large following on other platforms like Instagram or Twitter, you can encourage those folks to come to Facebook and add you as a friend or follow your page.
I built my own Facebook following by using Twitter, so I know for a fact that it works!
VII. Use Your Email List
If you have an email list, you should definitely be inviting them to add you as a friend on Facebook.
Not only will this grow your Facebook following, but it will also increase the open rate for your emails.
The folks on your list will have a personal connection with you through Facebook, meaning you aren’t just another random email that shows up in their inbox.
You may want to check out this full guide to growing your network marketing business online so that you can learn how to build your own email list.
4 Types Of Posts
There are 4 main types of posts that you should focus on as you’re pumping value out to your following.
I. Value Post
This should be the most common type of post you put out there.
The whole goal of your social media marketing is to attract folks to you and get them to know, like, and trust you.
Before publishing a post, put yourself into your target audience’s shoes and ask yourself, WIIFM? What’s in it for me?
Value posts should be focused on addressing questions or struggles that your audience faces.
It will build trust, make folks pay attention to you, and increase the likelihood of them returning to your page in the future.
II. Story Post
Use this type of post to tell some kind of story.
How is your product or opportunity changing your life?
How is it changing someone else’s life?
Stories are extremely engaging and many people can relate strongly with a good story.
And since the story doesn’t even have to be about yourself, you can find an unlimited number of stories to tell. Find success stories within your company that you can write about and use in your marketing.
Start the Story Post with a powerful statement that gets right to the point. For example:
Forex trading has completely changed my life.
Then share exactly how it changed your life. Be very specific and don’t be afraid of being vulnerable.
People relate with vulnerability on a deep level. After all, we’re all vulnerable. We just don’t always like to admit it!
As you’re putting these stories out there, be sure to keep them realistic and relatable.
Even if they are true, they should not look or “feel” like spam.
You may have some people in your company earning ridiculous amounts of money. For example, a million dollars a month or more…
These may not be the best stories to share because they are so incredible.
Nobody will believe you and many people will be turned off by outrageous claims, whether or not they’re actually true.
At the end of these types of posts, you should add a call to action.
Invite them to reach out to you via direct message, or leave a comment below a post, like or share.
DO NOT invite them to click a link!
Remember, the point of social media is to build close, personal connections with your audience.
Keep in mind however, that you should use these types of posts sparingly. If you overuse them, folks will get tired of seeing them and start to ignore them over time.
III. Engagement Post
This could be a funny short story that may or may not be related to your business.
It could also be a funny meme, picture or video you found online.
Or it could be a random question that’s completely unrelated to business. For example:
These posts are just for fun.
They remind people that you like having fun, you can be a bit silly sometimes, and aren’t just always about making money.
IV. Call To Action Post
These posts are very simple and to the point…
You are simply asking your following to take some type of action. It’s very obvious that you’re pitching something, and you’re not ashamed of it.
For example:
If you want to learn how I quit my job trading the Forex markets, comment below. [Or direct message me. Or click the link.]
Use this type of post veeeeery sparingly, no more than 10% of the time.
Call to action posts are bold and there’s nothing wrong with them.
But people are used to being bombarded on social media with all types of sales pitches. So be careful with these and do not overuse them.
Using Video On Social Media
I know that getting in front of the camera for all the world to see can be nerve racking…
It certainly was for me!
In fact, I downed a six pack of Bud Light before doing my first video.
Needless to say, it didn’t turn out well and I didn’t end up posting that one!
Look, doing videos is not a necessity for succeeding on social media, but it certainly can help in a big way if you’re willing to step out of your comfort zone and learn it.
People will connect with you on a deeper, more personal level. They will feel like they know, like, and trust you much faster than if you’re just using text.
IF you decide that moving forward with videos is something that you’re willing to do, here’s rough four step outline that you can use:
1. Intro
Simply introduce yourself. Just your name, that’s it.
No need to list your achievements, rank, or anything else.
2. Question
Tell the viewers what question or concern you are going to address in the video.
They can quickly decide if this is a video that applies to them.
3. Content
This is the meat and potatoes of the video.
Answer the question you just posed, and do not be afraid to share with the viewers how you learned the answer. It could be from:
- A book
- A course or live event
- Personal experience
- Google or YouTube
No matter what it is, you must understand that there is somebody out there who does not know the answer to the question you’re answering.
New people are coming into the network marketing space every single day, and they are looking to learn what YOU know.
4. Call To Action
What action do you want the viewer to take?
- Comment
- Share
- Subscribe
- Click a link
- Join your email list
- Send you a direct message
Always end your video with some type of call to action.
Finding Topics To Talk About
Many new network marketers don’t feel as though they are qualified to offer any type of advice or content online.
But you must understand that no matter how little you think you know, there is always somebody out there who knows less than you, and they desperately want to know what you know.
Give yourself some credit!
But you should be constantly expanding your knowledge.
This should be easily done if you are truly passionate about your niche and business.
You should become fully immersed in your topic.
The most powerful concept I ever learned in network marketing was from a dude named Ray Higdon.
Learn, do, teach.
You should be learning about your business, applying it, and then teaching it to your audience.
The irony is that if you are actively teaching others about the things you’ve learned, it actually engrains the knowledge deeper into your own mind.
It’s a win-win.
So how can you find things to learn and teach about?
- Books
- Courses
- Videos
- Live events
- Blogs
- Podcasts
- YouTube
Between all those sources, you literally have an unlimited amount of knowledge that you can tap into and teach about.
If you’ve chosen a topic that you’re absolutely in love with, you will be immersed in it anyway.
It won’t feel like work because it’s a deep passion of yours.
One-on-one Communication Online
So we’ve talked a whole lot about passive marketing, which is posting something that you hope an unnamed individual reacts or responds to.
Now we have to talk about active prospecting, which is a necessity if you want to experience fast growth in network marketing.
Reaching Out and Making Connections
You should be connecting with people every day.
Figure out a number that works for you, and run with it.
Whether you make 10 personal connections daily, or 2… just pick a number and stay consistent over time.
You want to reach out to make friends and build your network with no ulterior motive.
This is a long term play.
Over time, you want folks to engage with your content, which means you should also interact and engage with their content.
And if you’ve personally connected with them and built a relationship, they will naturally interact with your content.
Prospecting and Recruiting
Prospecting is when you start a conversation, online or offline, with an individual person.
Be authentically you when you’re doing this. Just act natural so it doesn’t feel weird or spammy.
If you feel weird, so will the folks you interact with. Yes, they can feel it online too!
Over time, with practice, you will come up with a method and formula that works well for you. Just like with anything else, it takes practice.
Try to find some common ground. If you find something that you might have in common, you could use that as a very effective ice breaker.
You should be interacting with people’s content for a while BEFORE reaching out to them personally. It will make the interaction “warmer” and they will be much more receptive to your message.
If you’re in a Facebook group, interact with the group and provide tons of value before personally reaching out to anyone.
Making First Contact
Do not use scripts!
Do not use scripts!
Again, do not use scripts!
Alright, we’ve got that out of the way.
When you’re making first contact with someone, always use their first name. Keep it simple and human so that they know it’s not some type of mass cut and paste message.
Use an enticing first sentence so that if somebody is just scrolling through their inbox, your message will be more likely to catch their eyes.
Also, don’t be afraid to address the elephant in the room.
If they ask you, is this network marketing?
You respond with:
Yes, absolutely. I love it. It’s not for everyone, and it may or may not be a fit for you. If not, no big deal.
Always be precise in your speech. Nothing vague, like you’re trying to hide something.
We’re not politicians, after all!
Another thing to keep in mind, don’t ever use emojis or exclamation marks. Regardless of what you think, that cute stuff does NOT work.
It just makes you look less serious and takes away your personal power.
The 4 Question Formula
Whatever you do, you do not want your interaction to feel like an interrogation. No rapid fire questions, ever.
It should simply be a natural conversation. Be human.
Depending on how the conversation goes, you can gently steer it towards the following 4 Question Formula:
- What do you do?
- How long have you been doing it for?
- You must really love it, huh?
- Have you ever considered doing anything else?
When you’re inviting somebody to take a look at your opportunity presentation, always give them an “out” in order to take the pressure off.
You might be interested in ______, but if not, no big deal. It’s definitely not for everyone. It may or may not be a good fit for you.
Before we wrap it up, we need to talk about one more thing that’s absolutely crucial for network marketing.
This is something that so many new network marketers struggle with.
You might be completely terrified of getting that dreaded “pyramid scheme” question.
But you shouldn’t be.
If you have a deep-seated belief in this business model, then you know the difference between a pyramid scheme and network marketing.
You should not crumble like a cracker every time somebody accuses you of being in a pyramid scheme.
Because I promise you, it will happen.
So if someone accuses you of being in some type of scam, you simply move on without giving it another thought.
For example:
MLM doesn’t work. Why don’t you find something legitimate to do with your time? Yeah. It’s definitely not a good fit for everyone. Lemme know if you know of anyone who wants to make some extra cash. Anyway, gotta run, good luck!
If it’s MLM, I want nothing to do with it. That’s no problem! It is MLM. I love it, but it’s definitely not for everyone. Anyway, gotta run, take care!
Don’t be afraid to ask whether someone is open to the business model.
After all, nobody can ever say “yes” if you don’t ask the question.
Here’s what you need to understand:
MOST people will say no. Get used to it!
Don’t be afraid of the “no”.
Just be sure that you’ve already made a good connection with the person before asking the question.
If you have posture, and a true rock-solid belief in what you’re doing, you will get much better results.
You are not desperate. Most will say no. MLM is a numbers game. You just gotta work through the numbers.
Not every day is the right day for everybody, but every day is the right day for somebody. – Ray Higdon
Dealing With Online Haters
You’re gonna start getting some haters as your audience grows…
Don’t entertain them.
You don’t want them in your business and you do not need to tolerate them.
Simply block them.
Healthy debate is fine, but when it devolves into nasty negativity, it’s just not worth it.
We’ve covered a ton of information.
You may want to bookmark this page for future reference.
Using social media for network marketing is not something you will get perfectly right immediately.
It’s a craft, and you will hone it over time.
As long as you’ve made the commitment to stick with it long term.
The whole point of using social media for network marketing is to build connections with people at a larger scale than would be possible in the physical world.
It’s really not that complicated…
But it will take practice.
And even if you’re doing everything right, it will take time to see real tangible results.
So rather than focusing on results or income, you should be focusing on the actions.
Results and income are INDIRECTLY in your control so it’s unhealthy for you to put too much focus there.
But you are directly in control of your actions, so that’s where you should keep your focus.
So to summarize this whole thing:
- Provide value
- Interact with other people’s content
- Make personal connections
That’s really all it comes down to.
I hope this helps, and if there are any questions that I didn’t address in this extremely short article, feel free to leave them in the comments section down below!
And by the way, if you have any questions about network marketing more broadly, you may want to check out our MLM frequently asked questions page.

Written By:
Johnny Friesen
Just a blue collar guy passionate about finance, network marketing, and writing. When I'm not working on a car, you'll find me working on various side hustles and sharing my musings with the world.
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