Today we are going to talk about 5 powerful network marketing prospecting techniques that you can use in your business. Whether you are looking to grow your customer base or recruit builders into your organization, it all comes down to prospecting.
Before we dig into the good stuff, let’s talk about what prospecting is.
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What Is Prospecting?
Here’s how defines prospecting:
The activity of searching for something, especially prospective or likely customers, clients, etc.
Building an MLM business all comes down to making people aware of what you’re offering. That includes sharing the products you sell and the business opportunity that’s attached to it.
A prospect is any individual who you would like to introduce to your business or products.
So as the definition above says, prospecting is simply the act of searching for customers or people that you would like to work with in your business.
So let’s talk about the main network marketing prospecting techniques that you should know about and implement in your business.
To manifest prosperity, you have to redefine yourself from a recipient to a co-creator. You have to stop looking for opportunities to present themselves and start creating them. – Randy Gage
1. Warm Market Prospecting
Your warm market is anyone that knows who you are. This includes family, friends, coworkers, etc.
This is where you should be starting if you’re brand new to the business because it’s the most likely avenue to fast results.
And you need to earn some cold hard cash quickly in order to build your conviction in your new business.
Your business leader will likely tell you to make a list of 100 people or more. All your friends, coworkers, your mechanic, doctor, and family. Even your Great Uncle Bob.
This list is your warm market.
2. Cold Market Prospecting
Your cold market is anyone that has no idea who you are. Perhaps you meet someone on the street, strike up a conversation, and find out that they may have an interest in your products or business model.
This is one of the most difficult ways to build a business. Especially if you’re brand new to network marketing and haven’t really developed strong people skills.
Some network marketers may teach you to buy lists of phone numbers and call them out of the blue to pitch your business. This is known as cold calling. It’s really not a very effective way to bring folks into a network marketing business, though some people have used it successfully.
If you choose to go ahead with this strategy, consider using text messaging instead of phone calls. We live in the digital age and the way society likes to communicate has shifted. Most people are way more likely to respond to a text message than to a phone call from an unfamiliar number.
Have a look at our article on where to find MLM prospects.
3. Online Prospecting
Prospecting online consists mainly of finding customers or builders on social media. Using social media, you can find people that are very likely to be interested in what you’re offering.
You can then start interacting with them online. Build a relationship by interacting with their posts. And when the time is right, you can Direct Message them and establish some rapport.
Many network marketers have built massive organizations using entirely social media strategies, so you should certainly not overlook it.
4. Internet Marketing
Building your business with internet marketing consists of building automated sales funnels and sending prospects through the funnels.
You can attract prospects by providing valuable content into the ether. This content can be in the form of blogs, YouTube videos, social media content, etc.
Your content should never be about pitching your business or products… it should always provide value to the end consumer. You do this by providing education or entertainment with your content. This will build trust with your readers and viewers, turning them into prospects.
Instead of actively reaching out to prospects, you can direct them to your sales funnel and let them go through the automated process.
There is a pretty steep learning curve with this strategy. But luckily, you will not need any advanced technical skills. You can use a platform like MLSP, which provides all the tools, training, and resources that you will need to make this work.
Be sure to check out our detailed guide on how to use digital marketing to build your MLM.
5. Build Your Personal Network
Personal networking is the most powerful skill you can learn to build your MLM business. It is the activity of expanding the number of people that you consistently interact with in your day to day life.
If done correctly, you can have an ever-expanding list of potential prospects to talk to about your business.
Not only does personal networking increase the size of your list, but it also allows you to convert any cold market prospect into a warm market prospect.
This is extremely powerful because it will make everyone you talk to way more receptive to what you have to say and offer. It will also give you the ability to follow up with prospects forever.
Read our full guide to personal networking here.
Let’s talk about a few personal networking tips.
The success of your network marketing prospecting techniques will completely rely on your behavior. The way you treat the people you interact with.
Your face-to-face human interactions should never prioritize you or your business. If your main goal when speaking to another person is pitching your business, it will be a huge turn-off for them.
People can sense this stuff.
Don’t be selfish.
Don’t Pitch. Serve.
Help others and give something back. I guarantee you will discover that while public service improves the lives and the world around you, its greatest reward is the enrichment and new meaning it will bring your own life. – Arnold Schwarzenegger
As you’re growing and interacting with your personal network, your priority should always be that of a servant.
You are looking to help people, even if that means that it has nothing to do with your business or products. If you see that somebody has a need, do your best to have that need fulfilled.
You may not have the ability to fulfill every need. But as your network grows larger and larger, you will be more likely to know somebody else that can help.
And you will have the ability to put those people in touch.
This builds long term social capital for you, and creates long term trust. And if you do this consistently, your social capital will grow exponentially over time.
Be Picky
You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. – Jim Rohn
When you first get started in network marketing, you will tend to view every single person as a target. If the person has a pulse, you will want them in your business.
This is a mistake. And you will probably regret it over time.
If you meet somebody that is extremely negative, why would you want to work with that person on a daily basis?
One of the biggest perks of the network marketing business model is that you get to choose who you work with.
Take a long term view of your business. If a prospect is extremely needy, negative, or lacks all motivation, you do not want them in your business.
This doesn’t necessarily mean you cut them out of your friend circle or personal network… just don’t pursue them as a business partner.
Follow Up Forever
Successful network marketers rarely retire, but it’s not because they need the money. It’s because they’re having so much fun, and they would miss the personal and social rewards that network marketing provides. – Zig Ziglar
One of the benefits of having a thriving personal network is that you get to follow up with potential prospects… forever.
Just because they say they’re not interested on any given day does not mean that they won’t be in the future. People’s lives and personal situations are fluid, and their opinions are constantly shifting.
So if you have an individual in your network that you would love to have in your business, don’t write them off. Continue interacting with them on a regular basis.
Eventually, the opportunity may come where you can re-introduce your business opportunity. And their life circumstances will likely have changed over time… and perhaps with it, their opinion on network marketing.
Following up forever does not mean pitching your business every time you interact with someone. It simply means staying in constant contact, providing value whenever you can, and being ready when the opportunity presents itself.
You’re Not Looking To Convince
One of the most common mistakes people make when network marketing prospecting is that they try to convince people to join an opportunity.
This simply does not work. It will often lead to arguments and potentially tension in the relationship moving forward.
Don’t try to convince anyone.
Look, network marketing is just a numbers game. The reality is, most people will not be that interested in starting a business. And that’s OK.
Only a small percentage of the folks you talk to will be open to having a look at your opportunity. And the more people you speak to, the more folks you will find that are open to having a look at your business.
It’s just a numbers game, and you need to work through the numbers.
No matter which of the network marketing prospecting techniques you decide to run with, your job is never to convince anyone…
Your job is to find those people who are already open to your business model.

Written By:
Johnny Friesen
Just a blue collar guy passionate about finance, network marketing, and writing. When I'm not working on a car, you'll find me working on various side hustles and sharing my musings with the world.
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