Some days, an inspiring network marketing quote is just what you need to give you that swift kick in the butt to get back to work.
So in this article, I wanna share with you some of the most powerful and inspiring MLM quotes that I like to read every now and then to get me motivated.
You can download the images, save them as your desktop background, use them to motivate your team, or just use them to lift your conviction in your business when you’re having a down day.
Some of these network marketing quotes come from network marketing professionals. Some are from powerful personalities that recommend the business model, and some are just quotes from famous people that offer powerful advice and motivation for general success.
You may also be interested in checking our list of Inspiring Network Marketing Stories or Women Who Made It Big In MLM.
Ready for some inspiration porn? Read on!
1. Eric Worre
It’s what you do when no one is looking that will make the difference in your business. – Eric Worre
Eric Worre is one of the most successful network marketers to date. He built a 7 figure network marketing team and has spent the entirety of his adult life in network marketing. He is now of the most sought-after network marketing trainers in the world and is the founder of Network Marketing Pro. The network marketing quote above illustrates the fact that “show-boating” is not good enough. You need to do the hard work. It’s often boring, tedious, and even lonely. But it’s worth it.
2. Randy Gage
In network marketing, you don’t grow your group. You grow your people, and they grow your group for you. – Randy Gage
Randy Gage is one of the top trainers in the network marketing profession. He has built several 7 figure income streams and has written multiple books about how to succeed in MLM. The network marketing quote above illustrates the importance of duplication in your business.
3. Mike Dillard
Success in this industry is not in finding the right person, but becoming the right person. – Mike Dillard
Mike is a pioneer when it comes to using the internet to build a network marketing business. While he is no longer involved in network marketing, he still has a ton of advice to offer and has a truly inspiring story. Mike’s network marketing quote reminds us that if you want radical success, you may need to grow into the type of person that is capable of creating success.
4. Ray Higdon
Let your pain push you until your vision pulls you. – Ray Higdon
Ray Higdon is a true network marketing professional who really exploded his business using YouTube and blogging. He is a sought-after network marketing trainer and has a very succinct way of teaching these business skills. The truth is, you probably entered the network marketing profession because of your frustration in your current career. Don’t allow that pain and frustration to hold you back in your business. Instead, use it as a driving force.
5. Darren Hardy
Commitment is doing the thing you said you were going to do, long after the mood you said it in has left you. – Darren Hardy
Darren Hardy is an American author, speaker, and former publisher of SUCCESS Magazine. Darren has been radically successful and is somebody that you should be learning from. He has spoken in favor of network marketing many times.
6. Jim Rohn
Network marketing is the big wave of the future. It’s taking the place of franchising, which now requires too much capital for the average person. – Jim Rohn
Jim Rohn was an American author, entrepreneur, and motivational speaker. Jim was an incredibly powerful personality in the self-development space and was even Tony Robbins’ personal mentor. Jim is well known in the MLM world for his motivational books and talks. Many network marketing quotes that you’ll find online can be traced back to Jim Rohn’s teachings.
7. Zig Ziglar
Network marketing isn’t expensive. Unlike most other business opportunities, the start-up costs are low, almost always less than $500 and often under $100. – Zig Ziglar
Hilary Hinton “Zig” Ziglar, who passed away in 2012, was an American author, salesman, and motivational speaker. He had a ton of wisdom to offer and was a big proponent of the MLM business model.
8. Robert Kyosaki
The network marketing industry offers a ready-made business system to anyone wanting to take control of their financial future. – Robert Kyosaki
Robert Kyosaki is an American entrepreneur, real estate mogul, and author of several financial education books. He is a big proponent of network marketing and has outright endorsed it in several of his books.
9. Russell Brunson
As leaders we need a vision on where we want to go, guiding our team and ourselves to get there. – Russell Brunson
Russell Brunson is an internet marketer and founder of ClickFunnels. He has spoken positively about network marketing, though he has put a lot more personal focus on affiliate marketing using the internet.
10. Brendon Burchard
You have a chance every single morning to make that change and be the person you want to be. – Brendon Burchard
Brendon Burchard is an American best selling author. His writing focuses on high performance success principles, all of which are transferrable to network marketing.
11. Simon Sinek
People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it. And what you do simply proves what you believe. – Simon Sinek
Simon Sinek is an author and speaker. His best known book is likely Start With Why, released in 2009. While he never talks about network marketing, his advice certainly carries over to our business.
12. Lewis Howes
There’s no way to become great overnight. But in the marathon of success, it takes a lot of intention to see you through each day of the journey. – Lewis Howes
Lewis Howes is a former pro football player turned internet entrepreneur and author. He has some very salient advice for anyone who wants to be a high performer in business, especially network marketing. He was even recognized by President Obama as one of the top 100 entrepreneurs in the country under 30.
13. Oprah Winfrey
Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another stepping stone to greatness. – Oprah
Oprah is an American talk show host and an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, especially women. There are many things that Oprah and I would disagree on, but her success is undeniable and she certainly has a ton of wisdom to offer.
14. Gary Vaynerchuk
I put zero weight into anyone’s opinion about me because I know exactly who I am. Can you say the same? – Gary V
Gary is a Belarusian-American entrepreneur and internet personality. He has a cynical view on network marketing and has publicly poo-pooed the business model more than once. Still, he is a marketing genius, a hustler, and his advice is solid as it relates to the MLM business model.
15. Tom Bilyeu
You’re standing in a room with a thousand doors, your job is to choose one and ignore the 999 other doors, and walk through that. – Tom Bilyeu
Tom Bilyeu is an American entrepreneur and podcaster. As far as I know, he has never spoken about network marketing. But his podcast, Impact Theory, is extremely valuable. As a network marketer, Impact Theory should be on your podcast feed as it offers advice for life, money, and business.
16. Tim Ferris
Focus on being productive instead of busy. – Tim Ferris
Tim Ferris is an entrepreneur and author. He has spent a significant part of his life researching and learning about “hacks” and/or shortcuts to life. As a network marketing professional, Tim’s book The Four Hour Workweek is certainly a must-read.
17. Brian Tracy
Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful people are always asking, “what’s in it for me?” – Brian Tracy
Brian is a Canadian-American author and public speaker. He has written over 80 books that focus mostly on success and personal growth principles. There’s no doubt that every network marketing professional should be reading Brian Tracy books.
18. Tai Lopez
Success is a word often used by the lazy, in order to describe the dedicated. – Tai Lopez
Tai Lopez is an American entrepreneur, author, and internet personality. Tai is certainly not for everyone but if you’re looking for someone who teaches hard work and discipline to succeed in business, Tai’s your guy.
19. Benjamin Hardy
It’s not confidence that leads to success, it’s successful behavior that creates success. – Benjamin Hardy
Benjamin Hardy is an author and organizational psychologist. He has a lot to offer in the way of productivity advice for network marketers and entrepreneurs in general.
20. John D Rockefeller
I would rather earn 1% off 100 people’s efforts than 100% of my own efforts. – John D Rockefeller
John D Rockefeller was an American businessman and philanthropist. He founded Standard Oil Company in 1870 and is widely considered to be one of the richest men in American history.
21. James Dillehay
People are not interested in your product or your business; they are interested in solving their own problems. – James Dillehay
James Dillehay is an American author and marketing expert. He has turned many small projects into 6 figure enterprises… he’s definitely somebody you should be listening to.
22. Albert Einstein
Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value. – Albert Einstein
While network marketing as we know it didn’t exist in Albert Einstein’s time, he has a lot of wisdom to offer for those of us that want to succeed in life. The pursuit of money first and foremost is not a good long term strategy… Instead, you need to offer value to other people.
23. Jack Canfield
There’s a four letter world you must use when you get rejected… next. – Jack Canfield
Jack Canfield is an American author, entrepreneur, and motivational trainer. He is the author of the Chicken Soup For The Soul series which has more than 250 titles. He has spoken favorably about network marketing on several occasions and has a lot of wisdom to offer.
24. Warren Buffet
If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die. – Warren Buffet
Warren Buffet is one of the most successful value investors in American history. He holds numerous network marketing companies in his investment portfolio and has been able to “make money in his sleep” using his investor savvy. But you don’t need to be a professional investor to “make money in your sleep”… you can do it through network marketing.
25. Dr. Oz
Whatever you choose, do it fully, with a passion, and child-like enthusiasm. – Dr. Oz
There are many thing that I disagree with Dr Oz on… but nobody can say that he hasn’t been radically successful. And I want to learn from those that are more successful than me.
26. George Gammon
If you think politicians care about you, you’re lying to yourself more than they lied to you to get your vote in the first place. – George Gammon
George Gammon is an entrepreneur and YouTuber. He talks about freedom, liberty, and macro-economics. George is extremely cynical about our central planners and is a big proponent of personal responsibility and not relying on anyone else, especially government, for your success and resiliency.
27. Elon Musk
When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds aren’t in your favor. – Elon Musk
Elon Musk is an American businessman and colorful personality. He is the founder of Tesla, SpaceX, The Boring Company, Neuralink and OpenAI. He plays a relatively active role in all these companies, proving that he’s a genius when it comes to time management. We could all learn something from Elon Musk.
28. Jordan B Peterson
You’re going to pay a price for every bloody thing you do and everything you don’t do. You don’t get to choose to not pay a price. You get to choose which poison you’re going to take. That’s it. – Jordan B Peterson
Jordan Peterson is an evolutionary psychologist, formerly from the University of Toronto. He is a world renowned author and podcaster who has taken a particular interest in motivating young men who are increasingly marginalized in the modern “progressive” world. The quote above talks about how you will need to make sacrifices in order to achieve anything worthwhile.
29. Lex Fridman
Everything worth having requires sacrifice. – Lex Fridman
Lex Fridman is an American scientist and podcaster. He has a lot of long form conversations with some of the smartest people in the world and has therefore accumulated a ton of knowledge and wisdom.
30. Joe Rogan
One of the most fascinating lessons I’ve absorbed about life is that the struggle is good. – Joe Rogan
Joe Rogan is a UFC commentator, comedian, entrepreneur, and podcaster. He has publicly had long form conversations with many of the smartest people in the world. His podcast, while sometimes a bit raunchy, also has a lot of wisdom to offer.
31. Megyn Kelly
Somebody saying something offensive to you or insulting to you is not pleasant, but it’s a part of life. – Megyn Kelly
Megyn Kelly is an American political commentator who spent years at Fox News, and a brief period at NBC. Megyn is not afraid to call things as she sees them and has taken a lot of heat for that over the years. She has grown a thick skin… which is something you will need to succeed in network marketing. It’s very important for you to understand that you’ll need to build a thick skin before you get started… which is why I included this network marketing quote.
32. Alex Jones
Damn it, if just 5% of people got motivated in some direction, and it doesn’t necessarily have to be what I believe in, but if they just got motivated and stopped getting their political ideologies from the mainstream media, they would go out and figure out what they want. – Alex Jones
Alex Jones is an extremely divisive American political commentator. If you can get through the craziness, he tends to have frequent moments of wisdom and insight… like the quote above.
33. Donald Trump
If I lost everything, I would find a good network marketing company and get to work. – Donald Trump
I’m pretty sure Donald Trump is a man who doesn’t need any introduction. Whether you like the guy or not, there’s no doubt that he was able to move up in the world… and he does like network marketing.
34. Bill Clinton
Network marketing is all about marketing through people, for people, and by people. – Bill Clinton
In the interest of political balance, I thought I’d better include former President Clinton’s quote where he talked about network marketing.
35. Bill Gates
If I were forced to start all over again, I would choose network marketing. – Bill Gates
Bill Gates is an American entrepreneur and philanthropist. He is the founder of Microsoft and the Gates Foundation. You don’t have to agree with Mr Gates’ politics to see that he has been unbelievably successful. I was actually surprised to learn that he has outright endorsed network marketing on several occasions.
36. Dave Ramsey
I actually know more than 5 people in network marketing that have made a million dollars a year at one time or another. But they didn’t do that part time for 3 years and then full time for 2 years… they became professional motivators, sales trainers, and they have rhino-thick skin because people come and go every 20 minutes. And that’s the business. – Dave Ramsey
Dave Ramsey is an author and radio personality who teaches folks how to manage their money responsibly. While he has never outright endorsed network marketing, it’s clear that he understands the business and even admits he knows people that make 7 figures per year. Pretty powerful statement coming from somebody who millions of people listen to every day.
37. Les Brown
Network marketing has produced more millionaires than any other industry in the history of the world. – Les Brown
Les Brown is an American politician and motivational speaker. He served in the Ohio House Of Representatives from 1977-1981… and he’s a big fan of network marketing.
38. Patrick Bet David
If you do network marketing, it’s a 10-year commitment. Do you know why? Because any business you do is a 10-year commitment. – Patrick Bet David
Patrick is an Iranian-American entrepreneur. He is well known for his podcast Valuetainment where he discusses a wide range of topics including finance, economics, business, politics, and conspiracy theories. While Patrick cautions that MLM is often over-sold to people, he does like the business model and has a ton of sound advice for an MLMer.
39. Paul Zane Pilzer
Of all the entrepreneurial opportunities available today, one of the most important is direct selling, also called network marketing. – Paul Zane Pilzer
Mr Pilzer is an author, entrepreneur and economist. He has written 11 books, most notably Unlimited Wealth which is based on his theory called Economic Alchemy. The theory says that if we factor in human ingenuity and technology, the earth has an unlimited amount of resources to enable human flourishing… a theory which I personally like quite a lot!
40. Tony Robbins
What’s beautiful about network marketing is that you get all the benefits of being an owner, but you don’t have to worry about supply chains, accounting — especially the world we’re living in today with technology… Some products and services can’t just be thrown up on Amazon, they need the story to be told. – Tony Robbins
This network marketing quote is from an interview Tony did with Eric Worre of Network Marketing Pro. Tony makes the case for why network marketing can be an option for a normal middle class person to start a massively profitable business without taking the risk that most businesses require.
41. Sir Richard Branson
So I’m a tremendous believer in network marketing. I’m a great believer in entrepreneurs, I think all the future jobs in the next 20 or 30 years will be created by network marketing entrepreneurs around the world. Starting off from scratch or starting off very small and making a real difference in the world. – Sir Richard Branson
Richard Branson is a British billionaire who has spoken at Network Marketing Pro. While he is not actively involved in MLM, he is a big proponent of the business model and recognizes that it’s an opportunity for the regular Joe or Jane to build extraordinary wealth.
42. Harry Dent
The advantage of network marketing is the ease of entry, the low risk, and the low start-up costs. Almost everything else has a very high risk. – Harry Dent
Harry Dent is a successful macroeconomist who successfully predicted the Dot Com Crash, the 08-09 financial crisis, and the COVID crash of 2020. He is very cynical about the global financial system, Wall Street, government, and other financial planners. He doesn’t believe that they have the interests of the working man or woman in mind. Harry believes that network marketing is an opportunity for us to take personal responsibility and succeed in spite of the incompetence of central planners.
Let’s End This Thing…
If ever you need a network marketing quote to lift your spirits when you’re feeling down, just come back to this page. In fact, why don’t you bookmark it so that you always have it at your fingertips?
But let me ask you…
Did I miss any important network marketing quotes that you feel should be added to this page?
Let me know in the comments down below.
If you’re not that familiar with network marketing and you wanna learn what it is, why it’s valuable, and how to build wealth with it, you may be interested in the following articles:
- What Is Network Marketing?
- How To Succeed In MLM
- Building MLM Online
- Network Marketing FAQ
- Top MLM Companies
Hope you enjoyed this… comment below!

Written By:
Johnny Friesen
Just a blue collar guy passionate about finance, network marketing, and writing. When I'm not working on a car, you'll find me working on various side hustles and sharing my musings with the world.
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