Today we are going to talk about 9 powerful network marketing scripts that you could use in your business to make more sales and more importantly, recruit more reps.
I want to preface this article with saying that I am really not a big fan of using scripts for network marketing. They tend to make you sound robotic. And many people put too much focus on trying to say the right words instead of conveying the passion and excitement about what’s being discussed.
I understand the search for network marketing scripts…
You just need to understand that it’s not really about the words you use. It’s about the posture you have when using the words.
As a network marketing professional, you are not a salesperson. You are not a recruiter.
Network marketing is a different beast altogether.
And that’s a good thing.
Why Network Marketing Scripts Are No Good
The recruitment rate in network marketing is actually quite low, even for seasoned professionals who’ve created radical success with this business.
But it can be very frustrating for somebody that’s brand new to the business. You come into the business thinking that you’re going to recruit the vast majority of people you talk to… because surely, they’ll see the power of this business model just like you did, right?
But you get rejected again and again. One “no” after another. And that can start weighing on a new network marketer. You start to feel as though you’re missing something. Like maybe you’re not saying the right words.
But it’s crucial for you to understand that the top earners in network marketing simply faced more rejection than anyone else. But they moved forward in spite of it. They worked through the numbers.
In network marketing, you’re not trying to force anyone to give the business a shot. Instead, you’re actively looking for the people that are open-minded enough to give it a shot.
If you’re speaking with someone who is completely closed to the idea, then just move on to the next person. It’s OK. In fact, it’s normal.
It’s not about the words you use. It’s about the way you say the words.
Fancy network marketing scripts will not help you. In fact, they can often make it worse.
You’ll come across as fake and robotic, even evasive, because you’re concentrating on saying the right words in the correct order. You’ll be stuck in your own head instead of focusing on the present moment and genuinely communicating with the human being in front of you.
Effective communication is way more about your body language than it is the words you use.
This is why network marketing scripts are really not that useful.
You can use them as a rough framework to guide you.
But don’t try to memorise a network marketing script and use it verbatim.
Posture Matters More Than Words
If you want your prospects to feel excited about the business or products that you’re presenting, then you need to demonstrate that it’s something to be excited about.
You should be promoting a business that you firmly believe in, without any doubt. Unwavering confidence.
And you have to deeply understand that the odds of any one individual rejecting your business are high, but that it simply doesn’t matter. When you’re prospecting, you are looking for those people who are open to this business. You are not in the business of convincing anyone.
This way, when someone tells you that they’re not interested, it genuinely doesn’t matter to you. Because you’ll simply continue your search for those who are.
What if you feel self conscious?
This is a valid concern. After all, we’re all human. And we’re concerned with how we’re perceived by our peers. It’s natural.
So here’s what you need to understand:
Your job as a network marketing recruiter is to get prospects in front of a presentation. Use the tools provided by your company to do the selling for you. It’s how any unskilled network marketer can build a huge organisation that duplicates and produces huge sales volume.
Follow the system that your company teaches, using the tools that they provide.
This way, when a prospect says “no” after watching your presentation, it’s not you that they’re rejecting. They’re rejecting the business. They’re saying “no” to the tools that you’ve used. You don’t need to take it personally.
Because you’re not doing the selling anyway!
That’s why you have third party tools. Let the tools do the selling. Your job is simply to get people in front of those tools, like a business presentation for example.
STOP worrying about what anybody thinks of you. They don’t spend nearly as much time thinking about you as you think they do.
As soon as they’re done saying “no” to your opportunity, they’ll be right back on their phone, scrolling mindlessly through TikTok or YouTube and concentrating on the latest internet meme.
Focus On YOU
In order to be a more effective communicator, network marketing marketing scripts will not be a game changer. Instead, you need to become a happier person.
Focus on loving life. Yes, you should hustle in your business… but you should also set aside time on a regular basis to do the things that you love to do.
Focus on physical health. Get involved in your church. Spend time on the hobbles that give you joy. Reduce stress.
This will make you feel more relaxed and comfortable in general. And that will definitely transfer over to your interactions with other people.
You may never become an extrovert, and that’s totally fine. You don’t need to be extroverted. I’m certainly not!
You just need to generally feel more comfortable and relaxed.
Talk To More People
The most important thing you can do to advance your network marketing business is constantly meet new people. Your contact list should be forever expanding.
You do this by learning personal networking, which is a skill that anyone can learn. I recommend going through our personal networking guide here.
Initially, you will be taught to speak to your warm market. The people that you already know. You should absolutely start there.
People are going to perceive your invitation based on the personal experiences they’ve had with you in the past.
So if your relationship with an individual has always been tense, the odds of your recruiting them will be extremely low. Or if you’ve pitched 17 different MLM opportunities to your friends over the years, why would they trust you to stick to your current one?
Network marketing scripts will absolutely not help you in these situations.
But when you meet new people, you have the opportunity to start fresh. They’re not going to experience your interaction with them through any biased or historical lens. They’ll be able to take you at your word.
With a forever growing contact list, you can simply work through the numbers. Remember, your recruitment rate will be low. And you gotta know that it’s normal and everyone experiences this. Just move on to the next person if they’re unequivocally uninterested.
Tip For Meeting People
When you’re out and about living your life, keep your eyes peeled for interesting people. Look for folks who have something in common with you.
This will make it much easier to break through the ice and start real, genuine conversations.
Shared experiences create immediate bonds.
For example, I was in Mexico on vacation a few years back, and I ran into a few fellow Canadians. We had an instant friendship because we were all in a foreign nation but we had our Canadian citizenship in common. But the odds are, if we ran into each other in our home land, we would’ve completely looked past each other.
Shared experiences are powerful and deep friendships can be built based on shared experiences.
It could be 2 pregnant mamas meeting in a grocery store. Or something as simple as someone wearing the same baseball cap as you. Maybe you’re out walking your dog and you meet someone else walking their dog…
The point is, keep your eyes peeled for people that you think you would get along with well and engage them in conversation if possible.
It’ll feel weird for a while, but you will get better with practice.
Network Marketing Scripts To Use
Again, I wanna be clear…
Use these network marketing scripts as a framework to get a general understanding of what to say. Don’t try to memorise them. It’ll be completely ineffective.
Look, genuine conversations are unpredictable and free flowing. You shouldn’t try to force or manipulate any conversation. It’ll feel unnatural and uncomfortable. And people can tell when they’re being manipulated.
So just don’t.
But you can use these network marketing scripts to get a general understanding of what to say when the right time comes. Use them as a guide, a template that you can use to tweak to your personal style and individual conversations.
Network Marketing Script 1:
Here’s a phone call script to invite someone to a live event…
YOU: Hey, you got a couple minutes?
If they’re in the middle of something, let them know you’ll call back and get off the phone right away.
PROSPECT: I have a few…
YOU: OK, what are you doing Tuesday night?
If they say they’re busy, get off the phone quickly without letting them know why you called. Unless you have another event time. Then you can ask “OK, what about Thursday then?”
PROSPECT: Nothing, why do you ask?
YOU: I’m going to a presentation on creating residual income and I’d like to bring you as my guest.
PROSPECT: What’s the presentation about?
YOU: It’s a presentation on building cash flow. Wanna come?
You give them ONE free answer, that’s it! If they ask more than 3 questions, then they’re likely not interested. Do not get dragged into an interrogation. Answer all the questions with a question, except the one free answer.
PROSPECT: Is this Amway?
YOU: Yes, it is Amway. What do you know about it?
Let them answer. Their answer doesn’t really matter at this point.
YOU: Cool. A bunch has changed about the company over the years and I’d like to show you all about it. You think you can make it?
If they ask a third question…
YOU: It doesn’t really sound like you’re looking for anything right now, so let’s forget it. Lemme know if you change your mind.
Get off the call.
If they want to go, set the where and when, and get off the call right away.
Remember, if they’re not open to looking, then you’re not looking for them. Move on to the next call.
Network Marketing Script 2:
Here’s a phone call script to invite someone to an online presentation…
YOU: Hey, what are ya doing right now?
YOU: I’m gonna text you a link to a video. Can you take 20 minutes right now to watch it and call me back when you’re done?
Again, don’t get dragged into an interrogation. Use the first network marketing script I showed you to see how to handle questions. Make the phone call short and punchy, and get off the line ASAP.
Network Marketing Scripts For Emails:
Here’s a script for an email invite to an online presentation. Customise them to fit your style and the individual you’re interacting with…
SUBJECT: Residual Income Business.
Hey [name], are you interested in looking at a side business that could generate a very serious residual income? I’m launching something huge and I’d love to have you on my team.
I’m working with an emerging direct selling company that meets the criteria to blow up in a big way. Things are starting to take off and I’m looking for leaders in your area. We’re looking for people with good teaching and training skills who wanna capitalize on a chance to get in early.
Here are the factors that make this such an powerful opportunity right now:
1. You can be in from the beginning. The company has recently launched in [country name] so we have a real window of opportunity to get ahead in the race before most people even know the race has started. We’re looking for leaders that we can train in our team system to own their local market and springboard from there.
2. Serious residual income available. I’m sure you’re aware of how important it is to have residual income to create true wealth. With this business, the compensation plan offers 7 ways to earn, with most of them being residual.
3. Products people crave. There are many lifestyle factors and trends that make these products in serious demand right now. This ensures you have a stable business and income for many years to come.
So, do you wanna a hear more about this or are you too busy with your other projects to look right now?
Please get back to me right away…
Thanks! [your name]
If they’re not interested, no big deal. You’re looking for people who are looking. If they show interest, here’s message 2:
Hey [name], glad we had a chance to connect and that you’re interested. I think you could do great with this cuz of who you are.
We’ve set up a very simple system that anyone can duplicate. Please go to and have a look at the information. Then we’ll talk as soon as you’re done.
We’re moving quick right now and I’d love to have you on my team.
Thanks, [your name]
These email templates are only for people that you know. Don’t try them with strangers. They will be ineffective and you could get hit with spam regulations.
“One Shot” Network Marketing Scripts:
The following network marketing scripts are for situations where you only have one shot. It’s for when you meet someone impressive that you may never see again. Maybe a helpful store clerk, a courteous taxi drier, or a very friendly flight attendant or waitress.
1. [name], you’re really impressive at what you do. You’d be awesome at my business. If i send a link to your phone, would you be willing to watch a 9 minute video?
2. You know what, you are way too good at doing what you do to be doing what you do. I bet you’d be incredible in my business. If I’d send you a link, would you be OK with reviewing a short video and lemme know what you think?
3. [name] I’m super impressed with the job you do here. I bet you’d be very successful at the business I’m in. If I’d send you a link, would you be willing to take a look at a short video and lemme know what you think?
4. You know what, I’m very impressed at the job you do here. Are you familiar with direct selling? I’m in an expanding company that’s looking for leaders right now. If I’d send you a link, would you be willing to review a short video and lemme know what you think?
5. [name] I’m a big believer in income diversification and I’ve launched a new business to accomplish that. I’m guessing that you’d be very intrigued with the info on this flash drive [CD, tape, etc]. If I give it to you, would you be willing to have a look at the video presentation on there and lemme know what you think?
6. [name] I’m a big believer in come diversification and I’ve launched a new business to accomplish that. My guess is that you’d be more than intrigued with the information in this magazine {flyer, brochure, etc]. If I give it to you, would you be willing to read it and lemme know what you think?
If your prospect agrees to review the information…
YOU: Great! When do you think you’ll be able to see it for sure?
Wait for response. The time doesn’t matter, whether it’s in half an hour or 3 days…
YOU: So if I call you [right after specified time], you’ll have seen it for sure, right?
Wait for confirmation, then ask for the best number to call them at. Then call them exactly when you said you would.
YOU: Hey [name], did you have a chance to review the information I sent ya?
PROSPECT: No, I’m sorry. Not yet.
YOU: It’s really important. When do you think you could see it, for sure for sure?
Wait for answer…
YOU: Awesome. So if I call call you on [specified time], you’ll have seen it for sure?
Just keep repeating this process until they’ve reviewed the presentation or tell you that they’re not interested.
I keep repeating this, but I want to be abundantly clear…
Use these network marketing scripts as a framework, DO NOT try to memorise them and say the exact words to your prospects. You’re missing the point if you do.
How To Use Network Marketing Scripts
Now, let’s talk about 9 principles or rules that you should apply when interacting with prospects. These are way more important than the exact words that you use.
1. Avoid Interrogation
When you extend an invite to a meeting or presentation and the prospect starts grilling you with questions, explain to them that you’re new and that they’ll learn more from the presentation.
If they’re persistent with their questions and refuse to give you an answer, just tell them that they don’t seem to be interested and that you have to go. It’s OK.
Employ the 3 strike rule. After 3 questions, end the call in a polite but firm way.
2. Avoid Inviting In Person
Inviting in person allows for too much opportunity for interrogation. You’re busy, right? You just need to extend the invite and that’s it. You can visit another time.
3. Keep It Short
Keep all of your invitations short and punchy. It’s all about working through the numbers to invite as many people as possible.
If your communication drags on for too long, you’re either begging, being pushy, or being interrogated by your prospect.
4. Normal Means Of Communication
You need to keep the means of communication as normal as possible. If there’s a particular person that you never call and instead communicate through Whatsapp or SMS, then you should remain consistent with that. If you normally make phone calls, then do that.
5. Repeat Meeting Details At The End Of The Call
Do this just to make sure that you’re both on the same page and that you’re expecting them to follow through.
6. Invite Spouses
If you’re speaking with someone who’s married, be sure to invite both spouses. You don’t want someone to make a decision that their spouse disagrees with. They’ll go home, get in an argument, and likely drop out in short order.
The recruitment will be much more “sticky” if both spouses are on the same page and they both understand the business opportunity.
7. Do Not Reconfirm
Never call back to reconfirm a meeting or presentation. It will open the opportunity to cancel or reschedule. If they simply don’t show up, which can certainly happen, just be cool. Let it go and deal with it later.
8. Be Real
Be real and natural. Tweak your invitation to fit the context of the prospect’s situation. If they’ve talked about health struggles, perhaps you have a product that could help. If they regularly talk about issues with paying bills, then work that into the conversation.
9. Never End On Negativity
Don’t ever allow yourself to end the day on a negative phone call. The negativity will feed on itself and lead to you procrastinating later.
If you’re experiencing a negative call, get off the call ASAP, dial another number, and try again. Do whatever you can to end your work day on a positive note.
The positive energy will feed on itself over time and greatly improve your consistency.
Dealing With Difficult Questions
There are certain questions that every new network marketer just dreads facing. But the reality is, they are not nearly as scary as you think they are. You just need to know how to handle them.
Here’s some examples:
Is this a pyramid scheme?
No. Pyramid schemes are illegal and I would never be involved with anything illegal. It is MLM though. Have you had any experience with MLM in the past?
Is this MLM?
Yes it is. What do you know about it?
If it’s MLM, I want nothing to do with it.
That’s no problem! It is MLM. I love it, but it’s definitely not for everyone. Anyway, gotta run, take care!
MLM doesn’t work. Why don’t you find something legitimate to do with your time?
Yeah. It’s definitely not a good fit for everyone. Lemme know if you know of anyone who wants to make some extra cash. Anyway, gotta run, good luck!
NEVER Do These Things
There are a few things that you should never do or say when inviting or speaking to anyone about your business.
Don’t Be Evasive
If they ask a straightforward question like, “Is this MLM?” don’t try to avoid the question. Be straightforward. Answer, “yes” and then ask them what they know about it.
If you try to be evasive, it will drastically increase scepticism. And when they find out that it is in fact network marketing, they will most certainly never join.
“This is 100% legal.”
Why would you ever feel the need to say this? It only opens up the question and introduces doubt. Of course it’s legal! There’s no need to even mention this. Ever.
“This is not a pyramid scheme.”
Again, of course it isn’t a pyramid scheme. It’s network marketing. You know this. Why introduce this doubt into anyone’s mind?
While there have been illegal pyramids that have masqueraded as legit MLM companies, you do not need to give the hucksters any credit by even addressing it.
You may be tempted to start rattling off the statistics in order to argue in favour of your beloved business model.
Listen, statistics will never change anyone’s mind. If you find yourself tempted to resort to statistics, then your conversation has likely devolved into an argument or debate. It’s turned into a contest of who can prove their preconceived notion.
This is a waste of your time. Move on to the next prospect.
Nobody cares about your statistics.
Remember, stories sell. Not stats.
While network marketing scripts can be useful to develop a framework of how you will invite prospects to take a look at your business, they will not really solve your problems.
It’s all about confidence and posture. In order to develop this, you simply need practice. Get used to hearing “no” and let it bounce off of you like nothing happened. Develop a thick skin.
Put in the work and learn to become comfortable with rejection. Because let’s remember, they’re not rejecting YOU, they’re rejecting your business. It’s just not personal.
You should never ever become emotionally invested in any one prospect. There’s always more people to talk to. And you should be cool and confident in knowing this.
The reality is, some of your top performers will come from the people that you don’t even know yet. Keep an eye open throughout your daily life for interesting people that you would love to work with.
And understand that follow-up is the key to recruiting in network marketing. In the words of Randy Gage, the most important meeting is the meeting after the meeting. Most people are not going to join after 2 or 3 exposures to your business.
It can take up to 7 presentations for someone to take action. So just take your people through the system taught by your company. The system has been designed with simplicity, effectiveness, and duplication in mind.
So just get out there, grow your personal network, and start putting people through your system.
Hopefully you got a ton of value out of today’s article on network marketing scripts… if so, you might also get something important out of the following articles:
Got any input of your own? Leave ‘em in the comments down below!

Written By:
Johnny Friesen
Just a blue collar guy passionate about finance, network marketing, and writing. When I'm not working on a car, you'll find me working on various side hustles and sharing my musings with the world.
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