Network marketing success truly comes down to one principle:
You have to have a long term view and be willing to do the hard work that comes with success in any endeavor. No matter what career or personal achievement you’re trying to get, you have to make a commitment to take the actions UNTIL you have the result that you’re after.
There is only one way to fail…
Quitting is the only way you fail in anything.
Understand that you are going to make mistakes. It’s part of the learning process.
And you need to be willing to make those mistakes, learn from them, and keep trudging forward no matter the obstacles that you face along the way.
So let’s get a bit more granular.
Today we’re going to briefly discuss 54 tips to help you crush it in your business and achieve long term network marketing success.
1. Understand The Business
If you are interested in network marketing but you’re unfamiliar with the business model, you should do your research now.
You need to have a solid understanding of the business model so that you know exactly what you’re getting into.
You need to know that it’s not primarily about selling or recruiting…
It’s about teaching.
Of course selling and recruiting is a part of it. But if you understand the business model on a deep level, you’ll know that long term network marketing success depends on your ability to teach your team a simple system that’s easy to duplicate.
Be sure to check out this article where we do a deep dive on the MLM business model. You’ll learn why it’s powerful during current economic times and how exactly this business works.
2. Manage Expectations
Unfortunately, many folks in network marketing have not done a good job of representing our business model.
It’s often framed as a way to get rich quickly or easily…
This is very misleading.
It’s true that network marketing can make you rich because there is no real limit to your income. But it will not be easy and will likely take some time.
You have to understand that you will initially be overworked and underpaid.
But if you stick with it and commit to your network marketing success, you can eventually become way overpaid for the work you do.
Also understand that network marketing isn’t perfect. Nothing is. Read our article on common criticisms of MLM.
3. Don’t Get Scammed
If you understand the MLM business model and do your due diligence before getting started with any particular company, this shouldn’t be a problem for you.
But you have to be careful.
The sad truth is that there are some bad actors in the world. People that operate illegal pyramid schemes that masquerade as legitimate network marketing opportunities.
This is something to look out for and you must understand the difference between MLM and illegal pyramids. We cover that in-depth in this network marketing analysis.
4. Find An Ethical Company
Some companies might be walking a very fine line between being illegal and unethical.
For example, there have recently (in 2022) been some major blowups in the cryptocurrency industry.
There are also some well known companies that call themselves network marketing and use the crypto industry as a major part of their business model.
This should seriously raise some red flags.
But if you’ve done your research well and understand how the MLM business model works, you should be OK.
A good rule of thumb is that if a company is listed on the Direct Selling Association website, it is very likely among the many legitimate companies that have been well vetted by the industry and regulatory bodies alike.
5. Understand Comp Plan
Every company will have a different compensation plan. Almost no pay structures in this profession are the same.
Most companies have very complex and nuanced compensation plans so it can take some time for you to fully grasp the intricate details.
Don’t worry about this… you don’t need to know all of the details.
But you should have a very basic understanding of how you will be getting paid.
6. Sell Products You Believe In
In order to really create lasting network marketing success, you should really have a passion for the products that you represent.
If you are trying to build a long term business in the health and wellness niche but have zero passion for health and wellness, you will have a very difficult time mustering up the passion that it takes to sell your stuff.
It’s true that health and wellness is somewhat over-represented in network marketing…
But there are many niches to choose from in MLM:
- Health supplements
- Cleaning supplies
- Household items
- Exercise
- Energy
- Electronics
- Finance
- Insurance
- Legal services
- Automotive
No matter what you’re passionate about, you should be able to find a company and product that you can truly get behind.
You should also be using the products that you sell.
It probably goes without saying, but you’d be surprised how many people don’t even use the products that they’re trying to convince others to buy.
Look, you wouldn’t start an auto repair shop and take your own personal vehicle to a competitor to get the brakes fixed, right?
The same principle applies in network marketing.
7. Find Your “WHY” For Network Marketing Success
I know this is an overused cliche, but you do need to know what you’re after. What is it that you want to accomplish through this business model? Why did you get involved?
Perhaps you want to pay off your parents’ mortgage. Or pay off your own credit cards. Or contribute more to your Church or other charities that you believe in. Do you have a medical procedure that you need to pay for?
Maybe you simply want to get rich.
If you just want to get rich, that’s OK. You just need to know what you’re after. This will help keep you motivated to keep going when the going gets tough.
Your “WHY” will likely change over time.
That’s OK.
Just figure out what it is right now.
8. Take Action Before You’re Ready
Many people never achieve network marketing success because they are paralyzed by their own lack of knowledge or experience.
They feel as though they need to know everything there is to know before taking action.
They’re afraid to make mistakes…
Do not let yourself fall into this trap.
You should certainly be passionate about learning. Educating yourself should be a lifelong commitment.
But a part of that education is taking a step of faith. Move forward despite your lack of knowledge. Make as many mistakes as you can… but learn from them.
If you think that you need to learn everything first, you’ll never take any action. You’ll be paralyzed by your need for perfection.
And you’ll never create the network marketing success of the top earners.
Don’t let yourself make excuses.
Excuses are for the weak and unsuccessful.
9. Get Off To A Running Start
You need to know, right now, the importance of getting off to a running start.
In the beginning, it is crucial that you build momentum FAST. You need some quick wins.
You will be taught a system and given some initial assignments by your business leader. Trust the process and do exactly what you’re taught.
No excuses.
There is a line that exists in network marketing. On one side of the line, it is easier to quit than to continue. On the other side, it’s easier to continue than to quit.
You need to get on the right side of that line as fast as possible so that you can build conviction in your business.
Build the foundation.
It’s important.
10. The Major Blast
When you first get started, you will likely be asked to make a list of 100 people or more, including all of the people you know.
Friends, family, your doctor, mechanic, or any other acquaintances that you may have.
You will then be asked to invite every person on that list to have a look at your business presentation.
You must follow the process as it’s laid out before you.
You’ll be tempted to invite a select few people only. People that you’re comfortable with. Or people that you’re certain would be interested in your business.
Don’t fall for this temptation.
You’ll regret it, just like I did.
In my first MLM company, I was asked to make this list. But I had a pretty good idea as to who I knew that would love the business model and do very well…
So I invited 7 of my top picks. I was so excited because I was sure they would all sign up or at least buy some products…
But nobody did.
Not a single person.
I was devastated… and it set my network marketing success back by years because my conviction was broken.
Network marketing is a numbers game. You never know who will be interested. Just invite everyone. Your top performer will probably be someone that you would never expect.
11. Be Real
When you’re interacting with your prospects, customers, and team mates, it’s very important for you to be radically honest and genuine.
If you are asked how much money you’ve made in the business, do not lie. If you haven’t yet made any money, don’t pretend otherwise.
The truth is, nobody ever gets away with dishonesty in the long run.
Plus, people can tell if you’re being dishonest. They will never take advice from you or follow your lead in any way. How can you possibly expect you build a profitable organization if your people don’t trust you?
Radical honesty will foster trust.
And trust is essential for network marketing success.
12. Take It Seriously
People have a tendency to view network marketing as some cute little side gig…
But you have to understand that network marketing is a serious enterprise. If you take it seriously and put in the time and hard work, this can turn into a huge 6 or 7 figure business.
So you need to treat it as such.
When you’re first getting started, you’re likely not accustomed to entrepreneurship. Because most people have worked a 9-5 job for years before getting involved in network marketing.
So you may not know how to manage your time as a business owner… especially a business owner who works primarily from home.
To solve this problem, simply treat your network marketing business like a job. At least initially. You can’t just suddenly decide to not show up to work, right?
Treat your business the same way.
Schedule a daily time slot which you devote completely to your business. And during this time slot, focus. Don’t get distracted.
You’ve got work to do.
13. Manage Your Time
Within that scheduled time slot that we talked about, you need to manage your time carefully.
You will be tempted to focus too much energy on busy work. Tasks that do not directly create income.
For example:
- Education
- Exploring your back office
- Organizing your home office
While these activities are important, they do not directly bring in the cheddar.
You need to understand and focus on IPA – Income Producing Activities.
Such as:
- Prospecting
- Finding customers
- Following up with business candidates
- Marketing activities
These are the things that will directly tie to your income and growth of your business. If you get bogged down by tasks that do not create income, it stands to reason you’ll never create network marketing success.
It’s the hard work that pushes you outside of your comfort zone that will truly bring in the money.
14. Have A Long Term View
Unfortunately, network marketing is often framed as some type of “get rich quick easy” gig. This causes many folks to come into the business with false expectations.
So before you even get started, you should be mentally preparing yourself that this is going to take time.
Your network marketing business is a long term strategy to take care of your family’s future for the long term.
15. Set Goals
Goal setting in network marketing is important, but it might be different than you initially think.
You will be tempted to set income goals…
But the reality is that an income goal in this business is simply too vague. And not directly in your control. Because with network marketing, a large portion of your long term income will be dependent on the actions of other people.
And you just can’t control other people.
Instead, set tangible goals that are directly in your control.
For example, set a goal of speaking to a certain number of people per week about your business.
If you can grow your network large enough and get the folks plugged into the system, you will earn a good income. It’s just a numbers game.
And the numbers that you can control are the people that you talk to.
16. Go For No
Speaking of goal setting, you may find yourself getting frustrated when most of the folks you talk to about your business are simply not interested.
Listen, it’s normal.
Most people will not be interested.
We talked earlier about setting a goal of speaking to a certain number of people per week.
But an even better goal to set is that you need to get a certain number of no’s per week.
The reality is that you will get a bunch of no’s either way. So you may as well accept it and embrace it. If you expect most people to reject taking a look at your business, you will start to feel less disappointment when this inevitably happens.
You’ll be more confident and any yeses that you get will be icing on the cake.
Learn to accept the rejections. It’s OK. And normal.
The most successful network marketers in the world simply got rejected more than anybody else. But they worked through the numbers.
The “Go For No” concept is something that I learned from Ray Higdon. And it’s extremely powerful.
17. Don’t Be Annoying
When you first get involved in network marketing, you may have a tendency to view every single person you meet as a target.
You’re excited about your new business and you feel like you’re on the hunt. A tiger waiting to pounce on its prey.
Don’t fall into this trap. The last thing you want is to become annoying to your friends and loved ones.
Just don’t be weird. Don’t treat your friends like prospects. In fact, you shouldn’t be treating your friends and family members any different than you have in the past. People aren’t targets for your business.
Look, you should speak to everybody about your business. After all, you believe in it, right? You believe in the opportunity and the products that you’re selling, don’t you?
So you are actually obligated to share what you have to offer.
But don’t be weird or annoying.
If somebody tells you that they’re not interested, then you should drop it.
No means no.
It’s OK.
18. Understand Target Market
As you’re speaking to folks about your business, you should be able to decide whether or not an individual is more likely to be interested in your business opportunity or the products that you sell.
You’ll be tempted to focus only on recruiting…
This is a mistake.
Some people are just not interested in starting a business. Or you may not have the credibility with a particular person to advise on starting a business. And that’s OK.
But they may be interested in becoming a customer.
Listen, customers are valuable to you.
After all, your business ultimately makes money by creating revenue… which means selling products.
Building a loyal base of customers is a great way to build a stream of residual income quickly. So you should understand when to talk about the business vs the products.
Recruiting and building your organization is a long term play.
Network marketing success will not come overnight.
19. Always Build Your Network
It’s good practice to always be building your network.
This doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re immediately talking about your business to every person that you meet.
But it does mean that with every person you meet, you attempt to establish a long term relationship.
Get their information and reach out to them from time to time. Not always with the purpose of recruiting them or selling to them, but rather with genuine altruism.
Over time, you’ll have built a large network of people that you interact with regularly and opportunities will naturally come up for you to speak about your business.
20. Try To Share Your Product Every Day
We touched on this already, but network marketing is not just about recruiting. It’s a business, which means that revenue is generated from product sales.
You need to build a loyal base of customers that places orders every month. This will become the foundation of your income over time.
As your business grows over time, you will build that network marketing team you dream about.
But don’t neglect customer acquisition. It’s important and crucial for your long term network marketing success.
And keep in mind, there is a small percentage of customers that will naturally (over time) gravitate towards becoming a distributor as well… without you putting in that much more effort.
21. Sponsor, Don’t Recruit
The word “recruit” has a negative connotation to it… and for good reason.
It makes you think of simply “getting” people. Just collecting people and inserting them into your organization with the hopes of making more money with each person you “get”.
And sadly, many network marketers do operate this way.
But instead of simply collecting people with the intention of growing your organization, you should look at it as sponsoring.
When you bring someone new into your organization, you should do everything in your power to help them succeed.
Become a mentor. A leader.
Remember, each one of these people is a human being, just like you. They all have dreams, aspirations, pain, and love.
So don’t just treat them like some number.
To be fair, you will not have the knowledge or experience when you’re first getting started to lead people in the way that they expect and deserve…
But a good network marketing organization will have a system that you can plug them into. And that system will include access to another leader in your upline who will help them take full advantage of the opportunity before them.
22. Be Different From Other Distributors
One complaint that many folks have about network marketing is the cult-like attitudes that many distributors have.
They make overzealous claims about their products. They make unrealistic income claims. And they become downright annoying.
Many people have had this experience with network marketing.
If you want to be effective, you will need to be different.
Be nice. Be human. Have empathy.
And don’t be weird.
23. Be A Good Listener
You will never force anybody to do anything that they don’t want to do. Certainly not in the long run.
The best chance you have is to become a good listener.
If you simply give people a chance to speak without interrupting and forcing your own views on them, you’ll be amazed at how they will open up to you.
People love to be heard, and they will be attracted to people who love to listen.
24. Be Empathetic
We’ve touched on empathy already, but it’s an important point to understand and learn if you really want to achieve network marketing success.
Unfortunately, our business has been very poorly represented by many folks. You will encounter people who view network marketing in a very negative light. And when they realize what you do, they may not want to give you the time of day. You might even be ridiculed.
But you must understand why people are skeptical. They have had a very bad experience in the past, and you should not negate those experiences.
Understand where they’re coming from, and never try to force or manipulate anybody.
If they say they’re not interested at all, then leave it alone.
No means no.
And that’s OK.
It’s not your job to convince anybody… it’s your job to sift through people in order to find the ones that actually are open minded to this business.
25. Never Get Into An Argument Or Debate
Every new network marketer will inevitably face the dreaded question, “Is this a pyramid?”
When you get this question, do not try to argue, debate, or convince them to change their mind. If you get into an argument, the other person will be psychologically compelled to “win” the argument… it’s just human nature.
It’s a completely non-productive use of your time.
If somebody truly believes that network marketing is a pyramid scheme, you will not win them over in debate.
At all.
Instead, say something like, “No, it’s not a pyramid scheme. That’s illegal and I would never be involved in anything illegal. It’s called network marketing. Do you know anything about it?”
If you are unable to keep the conversation from degenerating into an argument, simply say, “It’s OK. This obviously isn’t for you and that’s OK. But I gotta run, have a great day!”
26. Learn Marketing
Learning how to use digital tools properly is a necessity. We are, after all, living in the digital age.
Social media can be a very powerful tool to leverage in network marketing.
But you have to use it correctly. If you’re going to use social media for your business, then I recommend you make a decision to use it exclusively for business.
Don’t let yourself get distracted by it. Unfollow accounts that tend to pull you into unproductive cycles. (I’m sure you know what I’m talking about!)
And most importantly, DO NOT advertise your politics or other divisive issues on social media. You will be alienating huge swathes of people that could have turned into productive, meaningful, and profitable relationships.
You could also consider learning proper internet marketing to expand your business.
27. Dial In Follow Up System
It takes the average person 7 exposures to a product or opportunity before they actually take action and pull out their wallet.
Very rarely will you have somebody sign up or buy a product the first time you tell them about it.
This is why the followup process is so crucial to your network marketing success.
You’ll do it poorly at first. But over time, you’ll get better and more effective as you dial in the process and learn each step.
Plug into the system that you’re taught by your business leader. They’ll teach you how to do it properly.
Remember, they are financially incentivized to help you succeed.
An effective follow up process is outlined in detail in our guide to MLM recruiting.
28. Find Accountability
One of the issues with network marketing is that it can be a lonely business at first. Few people in your life understand what you‘re working on, and many are downright cynical.
This is why you need to connect with people in your organization, even before you’ve personally recruited anyone.
Find the people who understand what you’re doing, are just as passionate about it as you are, and establish relationships.
The accountability will be priceless.
If you try to do this alone, in a vacuum, it’ll be too easy to quit when things get tough.
And they WILL get tough.
29. Get Connected
You’ll need to take the initiative to get plugged into your upline’s team as soon as you’re “recruited” into the business.
Learn the culture of the team and the systems they use to work the business.
Find out where the training happens, how you can participate, and what contribution you can make to the team.
This will go a long way to make you feel as though you truly belong to something important and exciting.
30. Get To Events
You must get connected with other people in your company. Not just for accountability, but for support.
Get to your company events. You’ll be amazed at the excitement, education, and networking you’ll be able to do there.
Try to establish friendships with others in your company.
The “positive peer pressure” will push you to keep moving forward as you and your fellow networkers encourage each other. You’ll feed off of each other’s passion and enthusiasm, which will drive you forward and push you through the tough times.
31. Find A Mentor
Whether you are coming into network marketing as a former employee or business owner, MLM is a business model that will require a paradigm shift in your mind.
You will need to start thinking about making money in a completely different way than you’re used to.
A job requires you to outcompete your co-workers so that you can get the next promotion…
And a typical business model will have you delegating tasks to other employees who are essentially doing your bidding. (Just to be clear, this is neither good or bad; it just is.)
But in network marketing, you will need to train your team to do the exact same thing that you do. It’s a completely different way of thinking.
So you need to find a mentor. Somebody who has gone through the same journey you’re going through, and persevered. A mentor will drastically increase the speed of your network marketing success. And when you get lost or frustrated, you can get wisdom and input from someone who’s gone through exactly what you’re going through.
I know you want to do it alone…
But it’s unnecessary and unwise.
32. Consistency
Succeeding at anything in life requires consistency.
Decide on a realistic schedule that you can handle long term, and stick to it. Don’t just work on your business when you feel like it.
Because there will be many days when you don’t feel like it.
Before you know it, a month has gone by and you’ve hardly done anything to move your business forward.
Your momentum is gone and along with it, your passion.
Make a decision right now that you are going to do what it takes to succeed UNTIL you have the results that you want.
33. Be Patient
If you want quick and lasting network marketing success, you’re gonna need to hustle. Work hard. Consistently.
But you also need to understand that it is going to take some time. In fact, you should not expect to make significant money during your first year.
Think of year 1 as a trial run. A learning experience; school for network marketing.
If you put in the hard work, consistently, for enough time, you really can get rich in this business. You really could be making 6 or 7 figures in 5 years time… but you need to be patient with yourself and do not expect it to happen in a year or less.
Look, network marketing is often framed as “get rich quick”… and depending on your time frame, it’s true.
Getting to 6 or 7 figures in 5 years is indeed “get rich quick” in my books.
But you have to be patient and realistic.
34. Be Realistic
As we talked about already, you need to be realistic.
Understand that not everybody you recruit is going to be a rockstar for your business. In fact, most people will quit before ever making any money.
It’s going to take hard work. If it were easy, everyone would be doing this, right?
And it’s going to take some time. Anything worth doing takes time and hard work. So don’t try to find some cheap, gimmicky shortcut.
Network marketing IS the shortcut.
35. Use Tools To Automate
We live in the digital age. There are so many tools available to us which we can take advantage of to automate certain monotonous tasks. If done right, automation tools can drastically increase your efficiency.
You could automate certain elements of your follow-up process.
You could create a centralized area online where every member of your team can go and get business training.
You can and should take full advantage of the tools available to you.
Just don’t do it prematurely.
In the beginning, just follow the system you’re taught, exactly as it’s taught.
After you’ve mastered your system, then you can look for ways to simplify and improve your efficiency.
36. Focus On Duplication
Duplication is truly the “secret” sauce of network marketing success.
It’s what you need to create in your team if you want that long term residual income you’ve heard top MLM leaders talk about.
It’s what’s going to allow your team to eventually grow itself without you putting in more effort.
Every action you take in your business should be done with duplication in mind. Keep things as simple as possible so that your actions are easy for your team to duplicate.
They will be watching you carefully. They want to be successful too, and they are going to look at what you’re doing so they can duplicate your actions and results. And hopefully, each of your team members will build their own teams to duplicate them.
Look, the key to duplication is simplicity.
No high pressure closing tactics or complicated internet sales funnels. You just need to follow the simple system that you’re taught.
Simplicity duplicates.
You may be tempted to learn how to do high pressure closing so that you can become a recruiting machine and recruit everyone you talk to.
And it might even work.
The problem is, your team will try to succeed the same way that you’re succeeding. And high pressure closing is NOT duplicable.
And when your team members inevitably fail, they will become frustrated and quit the business. You will be forced to constantly replace your members. As a result, you’re effectively working a low income sales job.
That is not the promise of network marketing.
The reality is, it doesn’t matter what works. A lot of things work. What matters is what duplicates.
Read our duplication guide here.
37. Plug Into And Follow The System
We’ve talked about this quite a bit already, but it’s so important.
When you join your network marketing company, you will be taught a system by your business leader that has been specifically designed with duplication in mind. It’s been designed to achieve a balance between simplicity and effectiveness.
The fastest way for you to secure your long term network marketing success is to just plug into and trust the system.
When you recruit members, you simply plug them into that same system, and encourage them to plug their recruits into the system as well.
Don’t deviate what has worked for many MLM leaders that have come before you.
Remember, everyone in network marketing is financially incentivized to help you succeed.
The incentives in this business model are perfectly aligned. This is one of the many reasons that we highly recommend network marketing as a career.
38. Lead By Example
Whether you like it or not, the folks that you recruit into your organization are going to be looking to you for leadership.
They will be watching you very closely to see what you’re doing in order to become successful. So do not say one thing but do another.
You want your team to take certain actions in their business?
Well, it starts with you.
It is the most important thing to keep in mind for duplication.
39. Use Third Party Tools
Your network marketing company will have third party marketing tools for you to use when you’re sharing your products or business opportunity. These tools could be in the form of:
- Brochures
- Flyers
- Pamphlets
- CDs or USB drives
- Websites
- Online videos
And these tools are way more important than you think.
In the beginning, you’re not going to have all the answers to the questions that potential customers or business candidates will ask you…
And that’s OK.
Because you can simply refer to the tools that your company provides.
If a potential customer asks you a question about your product, always use a tool to answer that question. You don’t need to know the answers… you just need to know where to find the answers.
Eventually, after you’ve been in the business for a while, you will start to know all the answers to any question that you get. But you should still continue to use the third party tools.
Because your customer/business candidate will see that they don’t need to be an expert to do the business. Using the third party tools, whether or not you know the answers, is duplicable.
As Randy Gage said in his latest book:
If your lips are moving, you should be referring to a third party tool.
40. Do It Again And Again
Network marketing is actually quite simple.
It may not be easy, but it IS simple.
You just need to get plugged into the system that your team leader will teach you. It might take you a few months to truly master that system.
Once you’ve got it figured out, you just need to take the actions again and again. The results will start to compound over time and you’ll see exponential growth in your team.
It might even become somewhat boring over time, but it will be so worth it.
41. Don’t Overcomplicate It
As we’ve talked about already, the road to network marketing success is actually quite simple.
And it’s necessarily simple. Because as soon your network marketing strategy gets complicated, duplication gets hurt… which kills long term success in this business.
If you want to improve upon whatever system you’re taught, the only way to do it is to simplify it further.
Any complicated system in network marketing is self defeating.
So whatever system you’re taught, don’t try to add complexities in the attempt to make the system more effective. It will not work.
Follow the KISS principle: Keep It Simple, Stupid.
42. Go After Successful People
Many MLM distributors, especially ones that are new to the business, will tend to try to recruit folks who have not achieved much success in life and business.
And this is fine… everybody deserves the opportunity!
The problem is, many distributors ONLY go after these types of people. While ignoring folks who have been extraordinarily successful.
It’s understandable because ultra successful people can be quite intimidating.
But not trying to attract successful people into your business is a big mistake.
The truth is, folks who have a very successful background tend to be open minded about various opportunities, so they’re probably easier to recruit than you think.
And they could do wonders for your business.
43. Don’t Use Hype
A mistake that many new network marketers tend to make is using too much hype.
Because they’re so excited about their new opportunity, they’ll share the outlier stories of people who became wealthy very quickly with this business.
And they frame it as though everybody gets rich very quickly. Which is not the case.
What you need to understand is that using too much hype will have the opposite effect of what you think. It will not encourage people to join your business and give it a fair shot…
Quite the opposite.
They’ll think it’s too good to be true. If you cause them to feel suspicious about your business, the likelihood of them joining is very slim.
44. Commit To Forever Learning
A common mark of the most successful people in the world is that they have a commitment to a lifetime of learning.
The world is a complicated place, filled with complicated humans. And our world is constantly changing.
This means that if you want long term success in your relationships, business, or finances, you should develop a love of learning.
You’ll never know everything, but you can always know more.
The more you know and the more experience you have, the better you will be at navigating your life and become a blessing to the world and those in it.
45. Don’t Get Overwhelmed
We’ve talked about how network marketing is actually quite simple… but we also said that you should not confuse simple with easy.
This business is not easy. It takes time, dedication, and hard work.
And you should prepare yourself for the hard times. Don’t get overwhelmed when the difficult times inevitably come.
You’ll be tempted to go online and look for advice or shortcuts that can make the business easier.
The internet is an incredible source of education. And a commitment to learning is absolutely necessary. But you should also be very careful about falling into internet marketing rabbit holes.
Internet marketers are very good at tapping into your frustrations. And while many of them have good intentions, they are also likely trying to sell you a course or recruit you into a different business.
Just be careful. Especially when you’re brand new to the business.
In the beginning, I recommend you seek out business advice from within your company only so that you don’t sidetracked and kill duplication in your team.
46. Grow A Thick Skin
You might need to prepare for difficult times.
Many people in your life will not understand the business you’re in.
They may have heard misinformation about network marketing in the past and be worried about you. They might think you’ve fallen for some type of scam.
Others may just ridicule you for the sake of it.
Either way, you will need to prepare yourself now. Try to emotionally detach from any one outcome. You need to have a strong posture when working on your business.
Look, you understand the power of this business model, right?
You understand the merits of network marketing, so do not let anybody’s opinion get in your way.
Your network marketing success is not dependent on any individual’s opinion.
47. Learn From Mistakes
The difference between average folks and the ultra successful is simple:
The successful folks simply made more mistakes.
You will make mistakes. That’s a guarantee. But every mistake you make is a learning opportunity. Every mistake teaches you what not to do in the future.
The road to network marketing success is paved with mistakes.
Be willing to make many of them… but also be willing to learn from them.
48. Commit To Never Quit
One of my all time favorite quotes is from Darren Hardy:
Commitment is doing the thing you said you were going to do long after the mood you said it in has left you.
It’s very easy to tell yourself that you’re committed to succeeding no matter what obstacles stand in your way.
But it’s a whole other thing to actually persevere when your mood changes and things actually get tough.
The tough times are when your commitment is really tested. Commit now, and prepare to go through temporary periods of discouragement.
49. Provide Value
The only way to really succeed in the economy is by providing value to others. If you are only in it for your personal gain, you’re going to have a hard time succeeding.
So when you’re speaking to folks about your products, don’t give them a blatant sales pitch. Instead, find out what they want and share with them how you can help.
This is especially relevant when you’re using the internet to promote your products.
Instead of asking people to buy what you’re selling, share educational and entertaining information.
This will attract people to you, which opens the door for you to share how you can help.
50. Focus On Helping Others
Your ultimate goal needs to be helping others. Always. Your customers or business candidates will sense your genuine desire to help.
And you will be handsomely rewarded.
As Dale Carnegie pointed out in his book How To Win Friends And Influence People, people are always implicitly interested in what’s in it for themselves.
So if you can learn to focus on the person you’re interacting with rather than yourself, you will seriously stand out from the crowd.
51. Understand That Most Will Quit
We’ve mentioned this several times, but it’s worth talking about again. Because you need to prepare yourself.
Network marketing is often simplistically framed as though you simply need to recruit 3 people, who will each recruit 3, who will each recruit 3… and voila! Exponential growth overnight.
But in reality, it just doesn’t work this way.
A small percentage of people you talk to will be interested in your business. And an even smaller percentage will stick with it long term and truly give it a fair shot.
It’s a numbers game, and you need to work through the numbers over time.
If you understand this reality before getting started, you will be less likely to feel devastated when members of your team quit.
Because you know it’s normal.
52. Learn Money Management
Unfortunately, money management is not something that’s taught in our schools. And as a result, we live in a society where most people are utterly clueless when it comes to managing their money.
Most people are living paycheck to paycheck with no real desire to ever improve their financial situation.
But living paycheck to paycheck in network marketing can be dangerous.
Your income can fluctuate a lot over time. So if you overextend yourself and then your income takes a temporary dip, you could find yourself in a very difficult situation.
You should also understand that unlike your job, you need to set money aside for taxes. Because the commission check that your network marketing company sends you does not have any government reductions.
You’ll just get a big tax bill at the end of the fiscal year… and you should be prepared. I recommend putting at least 35% of your income aside so that when the tax man comes, you won’t get caught flat footed.
I also have 3 book recommendations for you:
- Dave Ramsey: The Total Money Makeover
- Tony Robbins: Money: Master The Game
- Robert Kyosaki: Rich Dad, Poor Dad
These books will do a good job of setting you up mentally to handle your money in a responsible way that will lead to long term prosperity.
53. Get Healthy
This is something that is too often overlooked. Your personal health is something that needs to be taken care of.
Because if you’re not physically healthy, you’re very likely not mentally healthy either. And if you’re mentally unhealthy, it’ll be nearly impossible for you to do difficult things in your business. You’ll be emotional and impulsive, 2 things that do not belong in business.
There are several aspects of your health to look after:
- Relationships
- Spiritual
- Physical
- Mental
- Financial
All of these things work together in sync and there is a healthy balance to strike.
54. Enjoy The Process
If you don’t enjoy what you do, you’ll likely not stick with it long term. Especially when things get hard.
So learn to love it!
Figure out a process that works for you. Find creative ways to have fun growing your business and try not to take yourself too seriously.
If you are working a job or business that you don’t enjoy, then is it really worth it?
Like the great Gary V said:
Stop doing shit you hate!
Wise words.
Network Marketing Success Conclusion
We covered a ton of stuff today. Over 50 tips to help you move your business forward and achieve network marketing success.
But as we talked about in the outset, all of this comes down to commitment. If you make a real, strong commitment to stick with it and do what needs to be done until you win, you are going to become resourceful enough to learn the skills you need.
The amazing thing about network marketing is that there are no gatekeepers holding you down.
If you are willing to do whatever it takes and push through difficult times, you can build a 6 or 7 figure income.
It doesn’t matter where you come from, what beliefs you have, or where you got educated.
Anybody can do this.
Another thing I’d like to highlight is that the most successful people in the world (in any career) actually live pretty normal lives. Their day to day routines aren’t anything special or extraordinary. In fact, their schedules tend to be rather boring and mundane.
We often think of millionaires or billionaires as people who live extremely fast paced lives with jam-packed and complicated schedules.
But in fact, they usually follow very rigorous, systemized, yet downright boring schedules. They just choose to put in the work.
Let’s take Chamath Palihapitiya for example.
Chamath is a billionaire venture capitalist. You might think that because he’s worth over a billion dollars, he would follow some schedule that’s completely unattainable for a mere mortal like you or me.
Well, I recently heard him share his routine on the Lex Fridman podcast and I was struck by how normal it was…
- 6:45 – Wake up, have breakfast
- 8-9 – Workout
- 9-12:30 – Work
- 12:30 – Lunch with family
- 1:30-6 – Work
It’s really pretty normal. The key is you must figure out what you need to do, and then be disciplined in taking the actions you know you need to take.
If you get bored, push through it.
If you get frustrated, keep going.
If you run into obstacles, learn to become resourceful enough so that you can figure out how to go around or smash through those obstacles.
Again, it all comes down to commitment. It’s the repetitive day to day actions that will determine your future.
Many normal everyday folks have achieved extraordinary network marketing success.
You just need to decide. Get out of your own way.

Written By:
Johnny Friesen
Just a blue collar guy passionate about finance, network marketing, and writing. When I'm not working on a car, you'll find me working on various side hustles and sharing my musings with the world.
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