Today we’re going to discuss the importance of network marketing team names and what they can do for the morale and motivation of your organisation.
I believe belonging to a specific team within network marketing can be a very powerful way to pull an organisation together and keep everyone on the same page.
So let’s get into it!
Are Network Marketing Team Names Necessary?
I want you to think back to a few of the most impactful memories that you have.
Chances are, they happened in a community environment. It may have been with your spouse, your siblings, a childhood sports team, a church group, or any number of group settings.
The reality is, we human beings are not wired to live and operate in complete independence. We thrive in communities and most of us long to belong to some type of team or group.
It’s really what gives us meaning.
And this doesn’t just apply to our personal life.
It applies to business too.
And for network marketing, it’s crucial.
One of the downsides of the network marketing business model is that we work mostly from home. And depending on how you build your business, you may even work exclusively from home, utilising the internet to sell your stuff and grow your team.
And it sounds awesome…
In theory.
But it can get quite lonely at times, especially when you don’t belong to some type of team or community within your business.
This is why officially creating a team can be a great way to boost morale. It can give your whole organisation a sense of community. It’ll feel like you’re a part of a group of people that are all pulling in the same direction, striving for similar outcomes.
It helps to give the business meaning.
It Helps Keep New People In
When a brand new person gets started in network marketing, they’re likely getting started with some pretty lofty expectations. They might expect that they’re going to be making lots of money quickly and easily.
But reality tends to settle in quickly.
When they realize that the business isn’t actually that easy and that their family and friends just don’t understand, many people quickly throw in the towel.
And it’s because they feel alone.
Like nobody understands what they’re working toward.
But if you can give that brand new member a sense of community and meaning, it can do a lot to keep them motivated. It’ll help to keep their eyes on the prize because they’re a part of a team, a community that understands how they feel and what they’re working for.
So as you’re recruiting members and building your organisation, you should seriously consider creating an official team to give all of your members that sense of belonging.
Don’t be afraid to get creative with it. You could have your own team logo. Host proprietary events just for your team. Provide exclusive training and resources. You could even set up a team website with password protection that only your team members can access. I’ve even seen some groups with their own branded hats and hoodies, with their network marketing team names on display for the world to see.
There’s a lot you can do with this to build a community atmosphere and provide value to your team.
Before we talk about specific network marketing team names, let’s discuss how soon you should name your team.
How Soon Should You Name Your Team?
When you get recruited into network marketing, you are likely joining an existing team. And hopefully, that team is cohesive and functions like a community, providing help and support to each other.
You will probably get connected with a “business leader” who is going to show you the ropes. They will train you how to use the system that the team is implementing to build and create duplication.
You will be provided team resources and training materials, as well as a community on a platform like Facebook or Discord.
If this is the case, you should not worry about starting your own branded MLM team.
No need to worry about network marketing team names or building any of the resources necessary to lead a team.
Just plug into the team that you’re joining, learn the system, and put the resources to good use. Your priority as a brand new network marketer is to learn how to implement an existing system and bring in some cold hard cash as fast as possible.
As your business becomes more successful, you may decide to branch off, make changes to the system you’re using, and create your own team.
But it should not be a priority as someone who is brand new to the business.
That is if you’re fortunate enough to be joining a functional network marketing team.
You may be unlucky and get recruited by someone who will basically leave you alone, not providing any help, training, resources, or community.
If this is the case, I recommend you reach out to somebody in your upline that is willing to show you around and let you plug into their system.
Remember, anybody in your upline will be happy to help.
Because when you make more money, so does your upline.
My Own MLM Team Experience
The first successful experience I had in network marketing was with a company that was completely internet based. All of their training was based on internet marketing and most of the products offered were digital.
This meant that I was learning how to build a business exclusively from home, on my computer.
I had a passion for this business, so I enjoyed learning and implementing the strategies. But it was honestly quite lonely.
Luckily for me, I joined a team that was extremely cohesive and supportive.
The team had a clever name… Team Psychologically Unemployable.
The main hub of the team was a Facebook group in which some of the leaders would post training videos, motivational content, and even in depth training webinars and live Q&As.
There was also an exclusive members only website, which featured in depth video courses on various business topics. All of the webinar recordings were posted on the website in addition to various resources and tools that we were free to use.
All of these training resources were great. But the most valuable part for me was the community. Even though it was an online community, strong friendships were formed within this group. Results were posted and highlighted in the group, which was a great source of motivation for me when I was first getting started.
And everyone was more than willing to help each other out.
It was by far the most engaged online community I’ve ever been involved in. And it literally changed my life forever.
And most people who joined the business stuck around for a long time and really put in a good effort. Because all of the training and support was readily available.
And nobody ever needed to feel alone.
How To Pick A Team Name
When you’re putting together your organisation and brainstorming network marketing team names, don’t get stuck overthinking it.
It truly isn’t the most important part of your business.
And honestly, there’s no need for you to be in a rush when deciding on a team name. You can give it some thought over the course of a few weeks.
Use an online Team Name Generator Tool, many of which can be found on Google…
You could also use to help you come up with unique ideas…
Then just go about your life for a few weeks. You never know when inspiration will hit, and it usually hits when you least expect it.
You might think of something awesome as you’re listening to a podcast or reading a book. Or it might happen as you’re falling asleep at night. While you’re running or taking a shower. Or during your general interactions with friends and coworkers as you’re just living your life.
The point is, you don’t need to feel rushed when deciding on an MLM team name.
Just relax and give it a few weeks after having brainstormed some ideas using or a name generator tool.
Network Marketing Team Names Ideas
Here are some network marketing marketing team names ideas to get your creative juices flowing:
- Team Independence
- The Boss Squad
- Victory Group
- The Recruitables
- Warrior Alliance
- The Old Schoolers
- Team Supersonic
- The Underdogs
- Team Kingmaker
- The Hustler Tribe
Wrapping Up…
Whatever you do, don’t get stuck on this. Building a team atmosphere is much more important than deciding on what you will name the team.
You can always change it later on if you decide to do so.
So it’s not worth obsessing over.
It might take you a few weeks or months to decide on a name that you’re excited about, and that’s perfectly fine.
At the end of the day, it’s not really about the name.
It’s about the community you’re building and the lives that will be forever changed in the process.
PS – If you have any random questions about the network marketing business model, you may find it answered in our MLM FAQ page.

Written By:
Johnny Friesen
Just a blue collar guy passionate about finance, network marketing, and writing. When I'm not working on a car, you'll find me working on various side hustles and sharing my musings with the world.
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Nice post.
Glad you got something out of it. Thanks for stopping by!