Today we’re going to cover 9 network marketing training resources that you can use to ensure your perpetual success in your business.
It should go without saying that education is a necessity for you to progress in life and business, and it certainly applies to network marketing too.
Network marketing is ultimately a journey of self improvement. And that journey will lead you to freedom. Time freedom, geographical freedom, and financial freedom.
But only if you’re persistent, seek out good training, and actually follow what you learn. It’s not always going to be easy. But if you stick with it, it will be worth it.
You can and should apply what we talk about today to your own network marketing journey… but you should also consider these resources when you’re bringing new members into your team and preparing them to succeed in their own business.
Before we dive into the network marketing training resources, let’s talk about what will keep you and your distributors from quitting the business prematurely.
What Makes MLM Distributors “Sticky”
Most people come into network marketing from a job. They’re used to being told exactly what they need to do. They’re told when to get to work, when they can leave, and what exactly they need to do while they’re on the clock.
But network marketing is entirely different.
In network marketing, YOU are in complete control.
This might sound pretty awesome on the surface… but if you’re not used to it, it can be quite overwhelming.
When you face challenges, you’ll be tempted to go online. And you’ll likely be bombarded with more information than you can handle. You’ll hear many conflicting messages. And you’ll likely be taught complicated systems that will lead to you feel overwhelmed.
On top of that, you’ll be working from home. By yourself. And that can become quite lonely.
So when things get difficult, the temptation to quit the business and settle for the status quo sets in. And unfortunately, most people acquiesce.
So how can you make sure that you’re not going to give up prematurely? And how can you help your team stick with the business long enough so that they can realize the fruits that this business can offer?
3 things…
I. K.I.S.S
Keep it simple, stupid.
Don’t allow yourself or your team to become overwhelmed with complex strategies that require advanced technical or people skills. It will lead to overwhelm.
And it’s truly not necessary for network marketing.
In fact, it can be detrimental.
The premise of network marketing is that you can build a huge network of distributors who will produce sales volume, contributing to your personal income.
But in order for that to happen, you and your team need to be following a simple system that’s easy to duplicate.
As soon as it becomes too complicated, duplication will go down. And people will start dropping like flies.
For example:
Let’s say you’ve decided to learn high pressure sales so that you can bring more people into your business. You start bringing in almost every person you talk to…
You think, “This is great. I’m gonna be rich!”
The problem is, everybody you’re recruiting doesn’t stay with the business long enough to make any money.
Because most people are not willing or able to learn high pressure selling. They will try to duplicate what you’re doing. But since you’ve overcomplicated it, they realize that this is not what they signed up for.
And you’ll be forced to constantly replenish your team.
Instead, just follow the simple system that you’re taught by your team leader and encourage your team to do the same.
II. Build Relationships
Your team should not simply be a means to earn income. They are human beings, with hopes and dreams of their own.
And you should treat them as such.
Just because you recruited them does not mean that you’re their boss… on the contrary. There is no boss in network marketing.
Your team members should become your friends. They should be people that you actually want to spend time with and grow deep, strong relationships.
This will be great for you and your team on a personal level… but it will also foster trust. And your team will be extremely cohesive. Everyone will be on the same page and willing to help each other out.
A strong emotional bond will develop within your team over time.
And that’s really what will keep people in the business for the long term.
We are, after all, emotional beings.
III. Keep Everyone On The Same Page
All of the training that you provide your team should be consistent. Avoid conflicting messages because it will kill duplication.
As we mentioned before, just follow the system that you’re taught, and teach your team to do the same.
Not only should you be teaching your team the simple duplicable system that you were taught, but you should also be following it yourself.
Whether you like it or not, your team will be watching what you’re doing. They will be looking to you for leadership. And they will do as you do, not as you say.
If everybody on your team is on the same page and following the same system, think about what that does to duplication. If one of your team members 3 or 4 generations deep brings in a new distributor and teaches her the same system that the whole team is using to become successful, she’ll be so motivated to follow along. Because she’ll see the power of the system all around her.
And she might go on to build her own team of hundreds or thousands of people over time.
That only needs to happen a few dozen times within your team and you’ve built an organization that can provide you with a lifetime of financial freedom.
9 Network Marketing Training Resources
So let’s talk about 9 network marketing training resources that you should use and share with your team.
1. Live Events
Live events are crucial for new distributors.
Not only are live events fantastic for network marketing training, but your new distributors will have the opportunity to rub shoulders with some of the top earners in your company. And they’ll truly be able to understand what’s possible with this business.
A brand new distributor should get to a live event as soon as possible… before they run into inevitable challenges and become jaded about the business.
Meeting a millionaire network marketer will have a lasting effect and will inspire any brand new network marketer.
2. Leaders In Your Team
When you first get recruited into your company, you’ll likely be paired with a leader in your upline. This leader will teach you the system and keep you accountable when you’re just learning the ropes and figuring out your priorities.
But when you’re brand new and start recruiting people, you may not have the experience necessary to provide network marketing training to your new team.
In this case, just connect your new builders with another leader in your upline. They will be more than willing to help.
Remember, the incentives in the MLM business model are perfectly aligned.
If your new distributor makes more money, so will you and your upline.
Getting network marketing training from within your own organization is probably the best source. The training will be consistent with what the team is doing as opposed to getting your education on YouTube.
3. Books
There are many amazing books to be found that provide all sorts of network marketing training.
Some of the top earners in this industry write training books and manuals for their own teams. And often, they publish them so that the broader public has access, too.
This allows you to get deep insights and strategies from some of the legends in network marketing.
Here are a few books that I personally recommend:
- Eric Worre: Go Pro
- Mark Yarnell: Your First Year In Network Marketing
- Randy Gage: Direct Selling Success – From Amway To Zombies
- Brian Carruthers: Building An Empire
Check out our full list of book recommendations for network marketers.
Just keep in mind that some books may provide messages that conflict with the network marketing training being provided from within your team.
If you personally recommend any books to your team, be sure to vet them carefully.
4. Podcasts
Podcasts can be a great way for you to take in good information while you’re doing mundane day-to-day tasks. Such as driving, cleaning, or mowing the lawn.
Unfortunately there aren’t currently a lot of amazing podcasts that specifically provide network marketing training.
But there are a ton that provide self development, financial, or general business education.
Podcasts can be an excellent source of inspiration, motivation, and training.
5. YouTube Channels
The internet has given rise to a nearly unlimited amount of free education that anybody can access. This does come with some challenges when trying to keep everyone within your team on the same page.
The internet is rife with scams, savvy marketers, and bad information that could lead your team astray.
But within the chaos, there are also some gems. A few YouTube channels I can recommend are:
YouTube can be a good source of network marketing training… you just need to be careful.
6. Online Courses
If you want to take your business to the next level, you could consider finding network marketing training courses online. There are a nearly unlimited number of courses available to buy online, and Udemy is one of the best places to find them.
Most of the courses on Udemy are quite affordable, too. The vast majority of them are available for less than $30.
But again, you should seek training from within your organization if you’re new to the business.
But as time goes on and your business becomes more sustainable, you could consider taking some of these courses to help you take your MLM business to the next level.
7. MyLeadSystemPro
MyLeadSystemPro (MLSP for short) is an online training platform designed for network marketers who want to take their business online and build their own personal brand.
All of the tools you will need are available on the platform including:
- Sales Funnel Builder
- Blogging Platform
- CRM (Customer Relationship Manager)
- Training
- Community
If you are brand new to network marketing, I do not necessarily recommend MLSP for you.
There are a ton of network marketing training resources and tools available on the platform and it’s very easy to become overwhelmed and sidetracked.
As we’ve said repeatedly, just stick to the system you’re taught…
But as time goes on and your business becomes more successful, you may want to expand. And taking your business and/or personal brand online is a great way to do that.
And it’s specifically what MLSP is designed for.
8. Hire A Coach
There are many coaching products and personal mentorship programs available in the marketplace. This is specifically for those of you that have already built your business to a 5 or 6 figure income.
A personal coach who specializes in network marketing training can help you take your business from relatively successful to extraordinary…
We’re talkin’ 7 figures and beyond…
But you should not consider this if you’re new to the business.
Many personal coaches charge tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars for their services. So if you’re just starting out, keep it simple and learn from within your organisation.
9. School Of Hard Knocks
Experience is simply the best teacher.
No matter how many network marketing training courses you go through, nothing will happen in your business unless you take action.
Don’t get caught in the trap of trying to find the magic bullet for success.
Keeping things simple IS the magic bullet for network marketing.
But it’s going to be a grind.
You’er gonna need to put in the hours.
Learn to deal with the inevitable rejection.
Look, network marketing is a numbers game. You’re not looking to force anyone to join your business. You are speaking to as many people as possible in order to find those that are already open to taking a look at it.
But it’s going to take some time and experience to understand and accept that reality on an emotional level.
You need to take massive action BEFORE you feel like you’re ready.
Because head knowledge is only 20% of what it takes to succeed.
80% of it comes down to YOU.
Your mindset.
And what you’re willing to do to make it happen.

Written By:
Johnny Friesen
Just a blue collar guy passionate about finance, network marketing, and writing. When I'm not working on a car, you'll find me working on various side hustles and sharing my musings with the world.
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