You probably landed on this page because you’ve been scouring the internet for the secrets of network marketing success. The secrets that the top earners don’t want you to know about…
Well, that’s what we’re gonna discuss today. And the first thing you should know is this:
The “secrets” of network marketing aren’t really secrets at all.
Seriously. All of the top earners in network marketing followed the exact same path, with slight variations of course.
Every last one of the network marketers who built a 6, 7, or even 8 figure business that sustained itself over the long run have something in common:
They all followed these 5 principles:
- Got a fast start (there are many exceptions to this one)
- Have unlimited prospects
- Focus on sales AND recruiting
- Create duplication
- Keep things simple
After starting out in your network marketing journey, you may be tempted to go online and find solutions that are going to (hopefully) make your business easier.
In fact, I bet that’s why you’re reading this right now…
The danger in looking for solutions online is that you may find recommendations to implement complicated marketing and sales techniques.
While some of the techniques might work, they tend to be self-defeating for network marketing. Because as you likely know, duplication is crucial for long term success in network marketing. And as soon as you over-complicate things, your system becomes more difficult to duplicate.
Your best bet is to plug into the system that you’re taught by your company or business leader.
Additionally, follow the 5 “secrets” of network marketing outlined in this article properly, and you WILL build the business of your dreams.
So let’s talk about the 5 secrets of network marketing.
1. Get A Fast Start
When you join your first network marketing company, you’ll be full of piss and vinegar. You’ll be asking yourself why it took you so long to find an opportunity like this. And you’ll be chomping at the bit to hit the ground running and grow this new opportunity into something real.
And that’s great!
But here’s the kicker…
Your enthusiasm won’t last.
Unless you take full advantage of it in the beginning.
Many network marketers make the mistake of filling their first few months with busy work. They watch all the training webinars they can get their hands on, read every self development book, and plan out their bright future.
But when it actually comes down to doing the hard work of recruiting and dealing with rejection after rejection, they tend to procrastinate.
And their enthusiasm inevitably wanes.
You must understand that this happens to everyone who procrastinates in their business. Understand that you’ll face a lot of rejection, and you’ll need to get used to that.
If you know this before getting started, you’ll be able to mentally prepare yourself.
One of the most powerful secrets of network marketing is simply understanding the reality of the business…
It takes hard work. And it’s not necessarily easy.
But it’s worth it. And you should take full advantage of your initial excitement and enthusiasm so that you can build momentum quickly and start bringing in some cold hard cash, fast.
Invite as many people as possible but expect most of them to turn you down.
2. Attain Unlimited Prospects
The most successful and influential network marketers have become master networkers.
They grew their own personal network of contacts over time so that they now have an ever-expanding list of contacts that they can talk to about their business.
But there’s a difference between growing your personal network and growing your network marketing team…
Growing your network marketing team means you’re actively recruiting new members into your business.
But growing your personal network means you’re simply expanding your list of friends and contacts. And you do it with altruism.
When you’re growing your personal network, you’re not looking for a quick buck out of each person you meet or add to your list. Instead, you’re looking to establish a long term relationship and a reliable channel of communication.
When done correctly, your personal network can grow exponentially, meaning that you literally have an unlimited amount of people to talk to about your products or opportunity… when the time is right.
You never need to force anything. Because you have so many folks to talk to, you only need a small percentage of them to be receptive to what you’re offering.
This is a concept that I learned from Jordan Harbinger, who is a prolific podcaster and networker (although he is a real MLM hater).
You can read this guide to personal networking to learn how to have an unlimited stream of prospects pouring into your funnel.
3. Focus On Product Sales AND Recruiting
There’s a misconception out there that one of the major secrets of network marketing is recruiting, recruiting, recruiting.
This is wrong.
Look, recruiting is an important part of growing your business so that it can sustain itself over time… but it’s just a part of it.
Think about it…
How does a business make money?
They do it by selling products or services.
Full stop.
So customer acquisition needs to be a central focus of your business. The whole point of network marketing is that you are able to grow a network of folks who collectively increase the volume of customers for the company.
And in order to do this at scale, every single individual needs to strike a balance between recruiting builders and acquiring customers.
Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that recruiting needs to be your sole focus… because that’s not the case.
At least it shouldn’t be.
This is how many of the “pyramid scheme” rumors get started. Because people see other network marketers only trying to “get” people into their business while never talking about the value-adding products or services that their business sells.
All businesses, including network marketing, make money by selling stuff.
Besides, you will find that getting customers will be much easier than recruiting business builders, especially in the beginning when you may have little credibility as an entrepreneur.
Don’t make things harder than they need to be.
4. Duplication
Out of all the “secrets” of network marketing, duplication is the most important one to understand and embrace.
The whole value proposition of building a network marketing business is that you can build a team that will eventually grow on its own, without you putting in more effort. This is truly the power of network marketing.
But you need to understand that building a team that duplicates and expands on its own is completely up to you.
It all starts with you.
Every action that you take in your business needs to be done with the concept of duplication in mind.
Understand that your team members are going to be watching you closely. You are after all, the one that brought them into the business. So they are going to be looking to you for leadership whether you like it or not.
So you have to build your business in a way that can be duplicated by as many people as possible.
It’s not enough to tell your team to do so…
You have to do it too.
Look, your team is not going to follow what you say. They are going to follow what you do.
You’ll be tempted to go online and learn how to build complex sales funnels to bring people into your business. Or maybe you’ll go out and learn high pressure selling in order to bring more builders into your team.
While some of these things may work for you, they are not going to work for the majority of people.
And that’s really the key.
Your team members will not be able to duplicate your advanced tactics.
They’ll try, but when they inevitably fail, they’ll quit the business. And you’ll be forced to constantly replace the people in your team that you’re losing on a regular basis, completely missing the whole point of the network marketing business model.
As Randy Gage said in his latest book:
It doesn’t matter what works. A lot of things work. What matters is what duplicates.
5. Simplify Everything
Network marketing is really not that complicated. In fact, it’s pretty simple.
- Share your products
- Share your opportunity
- Plug people into the system
- Repeat
The business is certainly not easy, but it truly is simple.
So don’t make it more complicated than it needs to be.
When you first join your company, you will be plugged into a system that will provide you with the resources and training that you’ll need to grow the business.
All you need to do is follow that system, and plug your people into the same system.
The system that you’ll be taught has been specifically designed to strike a balance between effectiveness and duplication. You have to trust and follow that system so that your team members will trust it too.
Remember, your team leaders are not going to steer you wrong. At least not intentionally. Because if you make more money, they make more money too.
Everybody is financially incentivized to help you succeed in MLM.
So don’t overthink it.
Don’t make it harder than it needs to be.
Follow the system, consistently, and you will succeed in this business given enough time and hard work.
Secrets Of Network Marketing Summarised
So let’s wrap this up.
The secrets of network marketing are really not that secret.
As we talked about today, it simply comes down to selling valuable products and services into the economy and building a network of people under you who will also sell those products and services. And you get a commission from all of the product volume sold within your own organisation.
Don’t expect it to be easy.
When things get tough, don’t fall for the temptation of deviating from the system that you’re taught. You have to know that the system you’re taught within your company has allowed many people before you to build a huge and successful network marketing business.
And you can do it too.
I encourage you to commit to a journey of constant learning. No matter how successful you become, you can always get better. And the journey of constant improvement is really what life and business is all about.
And learn to enjoy the process. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself.
If you’ve been working on your business for a few years but still aren’t making the money you thought you would, please understand that you’re not alone. It takes time. Most network marketers don’t become super successful overnight.
So it’s never too late for a second wind.
The following articles should help you get a fundamental understanding of what it takes to succeed in this business and I encourage you to have a look.
The MLM Business Model:
MLM Guides:
Online Marketing:
At the end of the day, I firmly believe that network marketing can help people get freedom. And no matter what anyone says, or which way the political winds are blowing, we all want freedom.
Personal freedom.
Time freedom.
Geographical freedom.
And most of all, financial freedom.
But freedom comes at the cost of hard work. You just gotta be willing to do what it takes.
And I hope that this article can play a small part in helping you get there.

Written By:
Johnny Friesen
Just a blue collar guy passionate about finance, network marketing, and writing. When I'm not working on a car, you'll find me working on various side hustles and sharing my musings with the world.
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